Rude and Hateful

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"LAND!" I yelled once I was finally off that plane. I hate flying, so much. I got a lot of weird looks, in which I did little bows while saying 'sorry' in Korean. Wait, I'm in America. Change brain patterns. Rude and hateful. I'm not sorry for what I just did at all. There we go, back in the American mind set. I speak English here too, not Korean. I get funny looks. But then again, I am a funny looking person. Anyway, luggage, then to the hotel. Then I get to sleep. Wait, what time is it here anyway? Wow, it's almost 8 here, and it's still Sunday. Hm, that time change is sure a big one, ain't it?

Ok, now I got my luggage, now I need to find my ride. My father said that he has a ride lined up for me, he should have a little sign with my name on it and everything. Looking around I couldn't see my name on any of the little name cards, so being who I am, I started getting nervous. What if they forgot? What if they took the wrong person? What if my dad lied and no one was going to come and get me? What if- Oh wait, theres my name! He's just not as brightly dressed as Key had been.

"Olivea?" The younger looking man asked once I pushed my way towards him. I nodded then he asked for ID and all that to prove who I am. Then once I proved I am Olivea, he helped me with my things and lead me to a nice black car with tinted windows and everything. And as if to prove to me that I will be having a harder time with this case, reporters and all that were waiting outside the airport, then once they saw me, all hell broke loose. I didn't know my parents were so famous! The man who was driving me seemed a bit surprised about it as I was, but kept his cool and put my things in the trunk quickly and then helped me inside the car.

"Wow, I guess your parents are a bit more famous then when you left. Sorry about that." He said once he climbed into the car and started driving.

"I would say so. I guess I should say I'm used to that, but the hypes normally not about me, but the guys I'm with." I said with a chuckle. I'm used to the cameras and people yelling when we come from airports and places like that, but it's never at me, more towards SHINee.

"Oh yea. Your brother is in one of the Chinese bands isn't he." He said making me roll my eyes. So clueless.

"Korean. Yes, he is in one of the most famous bands in Korea." I said accenting the Korea part. Another think I have to remember about America, Asian is Chinese or Japanese. The rest of the ride was spent by him informing me where I'm staying, where the court room will be, when I need to be ready in the morning, and things like that. It was a bit of a drive from the airport to my hotel, but at least I was staying at a really nice hotel. The man kindly offered to take my bags up to my room for me, which I allowed him to.

"There you go, I'll be in the lobby at 11 in the morning, sharp. Have a good night." He said as the bellboy placed my things on a cart while I was checking in. Once I had my key card I started up the stairs, avoiding the mass of people waiting for the elevator. Since I still looked pretty beat up and had a hard time blending in with a all the cuts and that good stuff, I figured my nerve level would only jump up with all those people. So I'll take my chances in the stair well. And being the wimp I am and seeing a few too many scary movies, I darted up those stairs to the 15th floor faster then most characters in horror movies that are being chased by their killers. Then once I was at my floor I stopped for a bit in the hall to catch my breath, and it didn't help that people were giving me weird looks as they passed.

After I could breathe normally I searched down the hall for my room and found it by the cart of bags placed next to the door. It took a couple tires to figure out how in the world to get the card to work, but I got it. So I ventured in with my bags and set them down next to the huge bed and looked around the room. Might I say, for hating me as much as he does, he sure knows how to spend his money. This place is crazy. So what do I do? Take a picture and Tweet about it. Well, it's not that late over there, so I could call Key. I bet that would help calm me down a bit. 

Once I turned my phone back on loud, I noticed how many messages I had. A couple from Key, couple from the rest of SHINee, but the bulk of them were alerts that I had people messaging me on Facebook, tumblr, Twitter, and all those good places. That can only mean one thing, SM released the report of Taemin and I's break up. Yippy! First I figured a call to Key would be the best. Kill 5 birds with one stone. Then I can look at what fans are saying about the break up.

It took about 3 rings before Key picked up his phone.

"OLIVEA! Did you make it safe?" He yelled into the phone, but then quieting down.

"KIM KIBUM! Yes, I did make it fine. Sorry I stopped texting you, I got into a conversation with the lady in the seat next to me. OH my goodness! I have something huge that I just found out!" I replied laying down on my bed and examining the ceiling.

"What?! Is it bad? Tellllllll meeeeee!" He wined like I expected him to.

"This case is waaaaaay bigger then we both thought. The lady on the plane was talking to me about it and after the plane landed I was almost attacked by reporters. I think this means I need to change my hair color again and tan while I'm here. I will confuse them!" I said with a bit of a chuckle. A tan does sound like fun, I mean I've never done it before. I wonder what I look like with color on my skin. The last time I had anything like a tan was during vacation and I didn't get to see what my skin looked like after the sunburn had faded.

"Aw, honey. I'm sorry. I was hoping it would be smaller then we both thought. Just be careful, you know how reports can be. Just make sure you lock the doors behind you. Hm, this could be bad. Watch what you say, they are going to find ways to tear you apart. And if American reports are attacking you, I just hope Korean ones stay here. This could get worse with time. You have my support!" He said making me more nervous for tomorrow. I'm already having trouble relaxing because of what's going to come tomorrow. So many people, my parents fighting, the fact that I'm so far from my family. Laying here in America, I feel like I've been left behind almost. I wonder what Becca's doing. She's most likely teaching her class and worrying about me.

"I will, I will. Promise. But it's so quiet and lonely over here. I have this huge room all to myself. It's just so quiet." I mumbled noticing how quite this room was. So I quickly found the remote and flipped the TV on. I heard him chuckle the sigh. I was about to ask when I heard other people talking in the background. 

"Who are you talking to?" "Why do you look depressed?" "Oh, is it Olivea!?" "Put it on speaker! I need to give her a piece of my mind!" A melody of voices sounded into the phone.

"Hold on one second Olivea, you have some people who want to talk to you. I'm sorry in advance." I heard Key say then random voices start talking all at once.

"Hold on! One at a time! Oldest first!" I said loud enough for them hear over their whining.

Meanwhile in Koreaaaaa!

"Hold on! One at a time! Oldest first!" Olivea's voice called over each of the guys that were all talking at once ranting about how mad they were at her for leaving like she did. I swear, they are so over-dramatic. She'll be back in a week. One very, very, long, boring week. Aw, I want her back too now!

"Olivea! Leaving like that was not cool at all. I- I mean- We love you too much to be able to deal with this without so much as a goodbye. Explain yourself." Onew started getting nods of agreement from the rest of them. They have been asking about her all day, and it's not even noon yet, but over there it should be about 9 at night. I bet shes getting tired. Hm, maybe if she just keeps talking with them, they will help her fall asleep. She sounded stressed beyond control. I hope she's okay.

"I'm sorry you guys! Please forgive me." I heard Olivea saying once I came back to Earth. They looked like they were having troubles decided weather or not to actually forgive her or not.

"It's ok, we forgive you. But you better never do anything like this ever again. Promise?" Minho said with a bit of a chuckle getting mumbles of agreement from the others. I just rolled my eyes and went back to fixing my hair. Of course they would forgive her, even if they said they wouldn't, I don't think any of them could live with themselves. They love her too much. Thinking about loving her, I have seen some pretty nasty break downs, but I think the break down Taemin had after SM released the official news of their breakup and the new living arrangements, gets second place. He is still puffy faced and downcast. I sat with him in one of the practice rooms away from where everyone was practicing and we just talked. About Olivea, SHINee, fans, the weather, and just about everything. We both cried, we both laughed, then we both found some banana milk and tried to get happy again. It was something we both needed. I guess to everyone we sort of disappeared off the face of the Earth. We were called into Lee Soo-Mans, talked with him, then we found the room and stayed in there for hours. I sort of want to just disappear like that more often. But today we are meeting up with the girls Olivea has been working with for awhile now, along with Block B.

"Hey Key, the girls and Block B should be here in about 3 minutes. Just thought I would let you know. You seemed a bit out of it." Onew said gently shaking my shoulder. Time to meet these people that Olivea seems to like a lot. I wonder what she likes so much about them. Now that I think about it, I've seen that one guy that Olivea hangs around the most with Taemin quite a few times already today. I wonder if they are friends. But he seems so much older then Taemin.

"Key! Olivea want's you." Jonghyun said, pulling me from my thoughts once again. Wow, I'm spacing out a lot today.

"Of course she does. Who doesn't?" I said with a little hair flick as I took the phone from him. I heard Olivea chuckling on the other line and then joined by the guys scoffs.

"Well I hear you survived their attack. I thought they would make you feel bad enough to get you back home." I said laying down onto my back and finding patterns on the ceiling.

"Not cool Key. I know I would much rather be there and not here. I have half the mind to come over there just to get out of this." She said making me smile. Hm, I already miss her.

"It's not my intentions to guilt you into coming back. I'm sorry. You need to say over there to clear all this up. In fact, it's already in the news over here. No one knows what you're doing over there. I'm interested to see how this plays out." I said remembering the posts on allkpop and places like that, they were kind of fun to read, but mostly irritating. They really like to bend the truth a lot.

"I'm nervous.Just as long as I don't say anything stupid. But I really should be getting to bed." She mumbled and then a yawn proved her point. That plane ride must have been boring for her to be this tired. She hasn't been awake for too long.

"Ok, ok. Goodnight. Don't forget to have sweet dreams. Be safe tomorrow." I told her with a chuckle and the rest of the guys wished her a goodnight before I hung up. Almost instantly after I hung up we were told that Block B and the girls were here. Time to meet some new people! Ah, I stink at this, I always get told that I look mean.

With that a group of 7 men walked in followed by 4 nervous looking girls. We've seen them around a couple times, but we have been too busy working on getting everything ready for our comeback that we hadn't had time to get to know any of them. We each said hello's then Taemin started the introductions. We each introduced ourselves and they followed in suit. They all seemed so sweet, and the guys, well they seem like a lot of fun. Once we learned each others names we started in with learn more about each other. Which was exactly how we spent the rest of the day. We asked them questions and they happily answered each one. As I expected, they were all super cool. I was honestly excited to see where they go in the industry.


Ah, finally, this has taken forever. I'm sorry you guys. I have failed you yet again. >.< I'M A FAILURE. But to make things even worse, I wont be able to update all of next week. I'm doing a bet with my friend to prove that I can go a week without anything Korean or Asian. So with me luck! >.< But I'll try and update again tomorrow! ^^ I might just do an Olivea one so I can update quick before I have to quit for the week. Sound good? 

But what do you think? Do you want to see some Block B/SHINee/The girls interaction? It's getting late and I wanted to et this done, so I didn't go into detail about what they did, but I can get into what they do together next time!^^ 

So I just want to say before I close this, that I love you soooo much! ^^ Y'all are super awesome. I just wanna give you a huge can of Supa Luv... Hehehehe...

Hugs and kisses,
Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!