To the beach!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Thank you Olivea, that's all we need from you. When we get the results, you'll be the first to know. I hope this turns out in whatever way you are hoping." Dr. Teller said with a kind smile. Through out all these awkward things I had to do he was kind and tried to help make everything a bit more comfortable. Once I had finished signing papers for the lawyers saying I would appear in court if I had to and all that good stuff, I was sent over to the doctors and then I started with all the testing. It was a very long day to say the least, and I can't say I would like to do it again.

"Thank you doctor. I hope so too. Have a good rest of the day." I said matching his smile as I made my way towards the door. Now it was time to head back to the hotel and waste away the remaining hours of the day. Well it is only 3, maybe I could head to a beach. And it is really nice out, I think that sounds like a good idea. Off to the beach it is!

Once I got back to the hotel I check the weather and made sure it wasn't going to start raining soon. Then when I decided I should be safe, I located my swimming suit, which Key had forced me to take just in case I wanted it, and put it in my little backpack along with a towel and my shorts and shirt I use as a cover up. Once I made sure I had everything I needed for a trip to the beach in my bag I ventured down to the lobby and found my . I was told that if I wanted to go somewhere I should call him and get a ride from him instead of a taxi.

"So where are we going off to now?" He asked as he started the car.

"I want to go to the beach." I said with a smile and he nodded. He asked me which beach I wanted to go to, and since I didn't know the difference, I told him to just pick the best one. Which he did, it was a bit of a ride but I was standing on the sand by 4:30. Luckily, the sun should stay out long enough for my to mess around, tire myself out, then go out to eat somewhere yummy. 


I ended up staying at the beach from 4:30 to about 11 at night. What did I do? Well, first I messed around in the water, something I didn't get to do the last time I was at the ocean, then I laid out on my towel and dried off and got some color to my skin. While I was doing everything the man that was my carefully watched me and while I was drying off, we talked about random things.

"I feel impolite not tell you when I met you, but my name is Blake McConner." He said once I had gotten comfortable. The name seemed to fit him, well now that he's not in a suit and tie. Now that he was clad in shorts and a plain t-shirt he seemed look even more like he was my age. Turns out he is only 20, just like me, and he was only doing this job because it was just the family business. They have been doing jobs like this for the company for many years now. But he would much rather be studying to be a doctor.

"What's it like over in Korea? Is it a lot different then here? Hey, there's a kitten." Blake asked now laying on his back looking up at the clouds and pointing out the shapes we see. Basically just enjoying the good weather.

"No, it's totally a mini-elephant! Korea? It's more like America then you would think. Just a lot more people in a smaller area. And it's not in English." I told him with a chuckle. 

"Really? I would have never guessed. Look it's a snake." He said playfully punching my arm. We continued talking about who we are and what our dreams are and all that good stuff. It was nice, mindless talking, not having to worry about what I can and can't say. Once the sun went down Blake decided he wanted to play a game. So we gathered my things and put them in the car and he went over the rules. Basically, it was hide and seek with just two people. I had to hide from him and he would try and find me. 

"Ok, ok. My friends and I play this all the time. Your going to go hide, then I'm going to try and find you. Then when I find you it turns into tag. Don't let me catch you. Got it?" He explained with an excited looking grin. I love stuff like this, so I quickly pulled on my shorts and tried to find a place to hide. I ended up finding a good stop and snuck around as he tried to find me.

"There you are!" He said once he spotted me moving between one of my hiding places. Once I heard him I quickly darted away and wow, that guy is fast. But I was faster, we were both worn out once 11 rolled around. I don't think I will ever try running in sand again. But hey, I'll get a good night sleep now. Once he had admitted defeat we jumped into the car and went back to my hotel. I found my way up to my room and dragged myself into the shower to clean the salt and the sand out of my hair. I noticed the new golden hue to my skin and noticed how white I actually am. 

After my shower I crawled into my bed and put my headphones in, curled up under the covers and tried to fall asleep. After I decided I wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon I started to try and pass the time by playing Temple Run. Well, until I got a text, then that amused me until I actually fell asleep.

'Hey! I hope you're not asleep, but if you are I guess I'll know cuz you most likely wont reply for awhile. BUT anyway! Missed you today. I hope things are going well over there and that you make it back safe. -Zico' 

'Nah, I can't sleep, even though I should be worn out right now. I have missed you too. I miss y'all a lot. But I don't think thinks things are going to go my way. But I can dream. >.< -Oli' I replied and the continued my game as I waited for him to reply. Might I say, I'm super good at this game. Well, if the object of the game was to fall off the edge.

'Aw, you can't sleep? Do you want me to come sing you to sleep?;) What do you mean things won't be going your way? What's up? -Zico' 

'No, please don't, no offense but you can't sing. I would rather a dying walrus sing me to sleep.:D What's going on? Well I had to take a test ot see who my real parents are, and yea, looking at my father and me, you can tell that we aren't blood. -Olie' 

'Hey now! I guess you're right. That would be about an equal. >.< I don't think I have ever seen your dad. But I'm guessing he looks like Key? But if that's true, I can't disagree with you... -Zico' Great, I don't think this is going to end well at all. And this just reassured that.

'Yea. My dad looks a bit like Key. He gets his looks more from his mom though... But I wont really know until the results come in. But that should be soon because I have to be out of here by the end of the week. We are moving over near you guys when I get back aren't we? -Oli'

'That explains so many things! :P So you're coming back on Friday or Sunday? And yea, I'm pretty sure you are. AM SO EXCITED!:DD We'll be neighbors!!! -Zico' As I read that one I broke out laughing. He is one of the dorkiest kids I know.

'Baha, that's cruel. >.< I think Friday. Actually I hope Friday. But I might just cut court and head to the beach again if I get annoyed or bored. Haha, I bet you are. You getta see me just about everyday... I shall apologize in advance. -Olie' 

'The beach again? You like the beach? Why apologize? I should be the one apologizing. >.< -Zico' And we continued this conversation until I fell asleep. We talked about what every ones been up to and what needed to be done. So when I get back we have a lot we need to get done. So we started planing out what to get done first and then what to do next. Then I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Luckily I had set my alarm before my shower. 

Once I was summoned out of my sweet land of unicorns and glitter I noticed I had 2 new messages.

'Sounds good! You better be ready to get something done when you get back over here! And now that we'll be right nest to each other it will make this a whole lot easier! -Zico'

'Aw, I bet you fell asleep didn't you? Ok, I hope you have sweet dreams and good luck tomorrow with whatever you have to do!(: -Zico'

Haha, I think I can do that. I wonder what I'll have to do today anyway. I guess it'll be a nice little surprise. Anyway, I better get going. Gotta go meet with Blake to see what's todays plan. 


What do y'all think? Are Olivea and Zico gonna get closer now that Taemin's outta the picture for awhile? What do you think Taemin would do if they got together?? >.<

Just so you know, I'm going on vacation next week, so I won't be updating for about a week. I'm going to Disney World!(: 

I hope you guys are enjoying this!(: I would really like to hear from y'all though... :)

Hugs and Kisses,
Rebecca ♥

Uh, just so y'all know, I wont be updating for a bit because my family of on vacation. So I wont be able to get internet after today.:P So please wait for me!(: I will be back with a clear head!(:

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!