So what now?

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Hey, Key. I need to show you something." I said as everyone was starting to head off to bed. Once they got home, they all changed into comfy clothes then we sat around snacking on some food we ordered because they were all too tired to cook. We talked about what they have been doing and how much fun they have been having. Then moved on to what I've been doing, they wanted to know what was going on with the girls and Block B. And now that they had their goodbye stage tomorrow, they were going to get a couple weeks rest and then help me with the girls. Needless to say, I was getting excited again.

"Is something wrong? You look troubled." He said looking concerned. I hadn't brought up the letter I had gotten with anyone today. After the episode I had with Becca, I was afraid someone else might blow up like I did. I mean I was throwing things, yelling, crying, and everything else. Becca had to hold me down and force some fast acting sleeping pills down my throat because I wasn't going to calm down anytime soon. Then I don't really know what happened after that.

"Maybe a little. Read this and tell me." I said handing him the letter that I had hidden in my nightstand drawer. He gave me a confused look but sat down on my bed and read the letter. As he read it, he seemed to get angry. I waited for him to say something but he didn't open his mouth. He looked up from the letter and saw the ticket and money in the drawer where I had pulled out the letter.

"This is dated in two days." He stated, looking over the paper in his hands then up at me. I just nodded, because the statement seemed more to himself then me. I really didn't want him to get angry or anything, because I was hoping to get away with only him and Becca knowing I was leaving for a few days. By the tickets I have I will be in America for at least a week. I don't know what I have to do, what I have to say, or who will be there. But I'm guessing with how big my parents are in the media, there will be a lot of people there.

"How long do you have to be gone?" He asked after awhile. I showed him the other tickets date and he just nodded and stayed silent. I watched him for a little bit, he just sat there reading the letter over and over. After a few seconds he started crying telling me that it wasn't fair that I had to go through all this. He even offered to go with me. But I told him he couldn't. Mainly because he had their goodbye stage that day. So I told him I would be really careful and watch what I'm doing. 

Once he calmed down he said he needed to get to bed and told me to get to bed too. So after he left I changed into a pair of short shorts and a large tee shirt and pulled on a pair of tall socks. I curled up under my many blankets and was about to doze off when I felt something moving my bed. I opened my eyes just enough to see Taemin crawling under the covers with a faint smile on his face. 

"Taemin? What are you doing?" I asked quietly, making him look over at me with a surprised look on his face.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you? It's just that this is the one thing I have missed the most. I hope you don't mind." He said snuggling up under the blankets and looking at me, his face close enough to mine so I can see him clearly even in the dark. 

"I hadn't fallen asleep yet. I was almost asleep though." I said with a little smile. I could see that he was carefully looking at the cuts across my face again. While we had been catching up with everyone, I had placed myself on Taemin's lap curled up in a warm blanket. Most of the time, he was looking at the busies I have on my arms and then would look at the ones on my face. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking because he had the weirdest look on his face. Like he was trying to decide something.

"I'm sorry. I'll be quiet and let you fall asleep again." He said with another little smile. I just chuckled a little and closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again. I ended up falling asleep quickly once I felt him careful tracing his fingers along my face. 


"I wonder what they are talking about. Olivea didn't look very happy." I mused as I plopped down on the couch next to Taemin. We were about to go to bed when Olivea told Key she had something she needed to show him. So of course we thought about spying.

"I don't know. But we better let them be. They will tell us later." Onew said calmly stretching his legs out and relaxing. We were all really tired, but knowing that we were going to be able to come home today and see Olivea gave us another wave of energy. But I think that wave has passed. And the only reason we haven't passed out yet, is because of her.

"I got a text from Lee Soo-Man today telling me I need to meet with him tomorrow morning." Taemin mumbled, look down at his phone. I turned to look at him and you could tell there was a bit that he wasn't telling us.

"Did he say why?" I asked making his bottom lip start to tremble. Great. The one thing worst then Taemin tears is Olivea tears. Maybe that's what Mr. Man want's to talk about. And he proved my thought right once he burst into tears. Onew, Minho, and I kind of looked at each other, not sure of what to do. 

"I"m guessing it's about what happened to Olivea?" Minho asked, getting up from where he sat and carefully wrapping his arms around the now shaking Taemin. Minho has been the one to comfort Taemin while we have been on tour. From when Taemin is crying about something, to when he's not feeling to well; Minho's the one there for him. I'm just not the comforting person. Well, not for Taemin I'm not. You have to be kind and sweet with him. Beat around the bush as some would call it. You have to first get his mind off whatever's upsetting him, then you carefully bring it back up. And if you can't get him to stop crying at first, a bottle of Banana milk gets him smiling again.

"He said. That I was going to have to break up with her." He stuttered and started to cry even louder. I felt bad not being able to offer any thing to help cheer him up. I thought something like this might happen after I found out exactly what happened to her. Maybe that's what her and Key are talking about. I bet Lee Soo-Man said something to her about it too, and she's to heart-broken about it to talk to Taemin about it too.

"Well, it might not be as bad as you think. Maybe he just wants you to break up in the publics eyes. Then you can secretly date again. Don't jump to the worst situation. I don't think Lee Soo-Man could do that to you two. He knows how much you two love each other." Onew said offering his 10 cents in the conversation. That seemed to calm him down a bit. Thankfully.

"You think so?" He mumbled looking up at us from Minho's arms. You could see the hope taking over the sadness in his eyes. I really hope Onew's right, or he might just crumble from the sadness. And if they break up I bet that would mean Olivea would have to move out and everything. But she would be safer then she is now, I guess. I don't know what it would be like without her here. It would be just like before she came. Her room would go back to collecting dust and it would be quiet around here all the time.

"I bet so. But I hear key telling Olivea to get to bed, you should pull yourself together so she doesn't have to worry about you too." Minho said letting go of Taemin and ruffling his hair before he sat back in his spot. 

"I thought you guys were going to bed." Key said in his 'I just got done crying' voice. Something we have all come to know very well. 

"Well, we were, but then we got distracted..." I said and he just nodded and turned and started towards his room. Weird. I wonder what just happened in there. But what ever it was, I don't think either one of them is going to say anything about it.

"What time do we have to be up in the morning?" I asked jumping up from the couch and starting towards my room. I needed a good nights rest to get my mind to think clearly. 

"We have to be out of here by 7." Onew said and then yawning at the end of his sentence. I think tomorrow will be a bit better day if I can fall asleep quickly tonight. 


Ah, I finally got this one finished! >.< Sorry it took so long, I had my last speech meet this week. I promise this is for sure the last one! But next week is Spring Break. And so I wont be able to update from Wednesday to Sunday. But then after that I'm a free soul again! Until I get a job...>.< 

But I hope y'all are enjoying the twists and turns I'm taking you on! I love putting out things y'all wont expect. It's fun! But what do you think will happen next? Are Taeliva gonna have to call it quits or not? Is Key really related to Olivea? I guess we'll find ouuuut! ^^

And I just want to say thank you to all of you read my little story. I know it's not as great as my first one... But hey, it's something...:P Would a rated chapter make it better??? ;)

But I love each of you sooo much! Please continue to enjoy my little story!(:

Hugs and kisses,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!