Did you kiss!?

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

(Oh, if you wanted to know what Olivea's new hair looks like you can see a picture of it here or something like this)


"Oh my goodness! Did you two kiss!?" Olivea asked completely engrossed in my story of what I did over New Years.

"No, no, no. But we almost did, if it wasn't for the old history teacher interrupting us." I said remembering how close Daemin, the other English teacher in my school, had gotten. The teachers and faculty New Years party had been a lot of fun. And the fact that Daemin was my date there made it even more so. 

"Really?! Do you think he's gonna ask you out sometime?" Olivea asked still wide-eyed and extremely interested. Telling her about my adventure brought back sweet images of that night. It was perfect. 

"I hope so. And if he does, I hope Jonghyun hears about it!" I said and chuckling to myself. That would make Jonghyun eat his words right back up. 

"Why? You don't like, want to make him jealous or something, do you?" Olivea asked, now looking really confused.

"Remember how he used to tell us how no one would ever love us like that? And how I would never get a boyfriend or get married." I explained, reminding myself of all the conversations Jonghyun and I had back in High School. Almost everyday he would go to the work of finding me and telling me I was ugly and no one could ever love me. What a sweet guy he was. Really knew the way to a ladies heart.

"Oh. Yea. I remember that." She said looking down towards the ground. I was sitting on my puffy chair covered up in my blankets and still in my PJ's and makeup-less, while Olivea on the other hand is laying across my couch snuggled up in an extremely large Block B sweatshirt that doesn't look like it's actually hers, nor does it smell like her or any of SHINee. And she still had her nice skinny jeans on but was no longer wearing her fuzzy boots. She still had all her makeup on and her hair looks like it was styled for a day on the town, even though it's just her natural hair. So basically, I look like a lazy teenager and she looks like a beautiful lady who's almost ready for a night on the town. 

"Anyway! Is there a reason behind your new hair? Dye it again to match Taemin's new hair?" I asked noticing how her mood seemed to drop when I brought up Jonghyun. I wonder what all he used to tell her. She never really mentioned everything to me. Just bits and pieces. With the way she reacted, it seems as if he said some particularly nasty things to her. 

"Oh, kinda sorta! I just thought since my red was fading anyway, I might as well just change it again. So I decided to go back to my natural color, but then add in a little me to it. So I got the ends all colorful like me! But I don't know what the guys will think about it. I went with Block B to the hairstylist people and while they got theirs touched up and styled for the show, some of the girls there wanted to play with my hair, so I let them dye it for me. But no one but you, Block B, and the girls have seen it. Do you like it?" She informed me, her attitude brightening instantly. 

For the rest of the night we sort of just talked. Olivea seemed a bit out of it though. She seemed to be thinking about something really important. She would get really quiet and her eyes would cloud over a bit like she was trying to decide between to not very great options. But when I would as her about it, she would just tell me she's stressed and really doesn't want to go to school in the morning. That's something really weird too. Normally she doesn't want to go to her classes in person, but now that she's not with her brother, she wants to go attend all her classes. I figured that what bad can come out of it? 

Olivea asked to take a shower before we went to sleep, so as she was doing that I set up her bed and then was about to go see if her phone held the answers of why she might be acting so weird. But before I got to hers, mine started ringing.

'Did Olivea make it over there OK?-Jjong' Aw, asking about her after shes been here for a good 4 hours.

'Yep. She's been here for awhile now. But do you know why she might be acting weird? -Bec' I replied then picked up her phone and started looking through it. But I heard the water shut off, so I put her phone back before I could see much of anything. 

'She's acting weird? Like how? But no, she seemed a bit off this morning, but she didn't have the best wake up call. She might just be tired, her and Taemin were out really late New Years, and didn't get much sleep. But Taemin seems a bit out of it too. I could ask if he knows anything about why she might be...-Jjong' He replied quickly. Wow, he's getting faster. So Taemin's out of it too? Are they having relationship troubles? Or is it just because they are functioning off a little sleep. But wait, Taemin should be used to that. Olivea on the other hand, that should just be normal. She never sleeps anyway. 

"Hey. I'm going to go to sleep. I thin I"m about to die if I don't. Sorry, I"m not fun tonight. Maybe tomorrow after school." I heard Olivea mumble as she slid under the covers I had placed on the pull-out couch bed she normally sleeps on when she comes over. 

"It's fine. You didn't have much sleep last night, so sweet dreams sweetie!" I said jumping off the bed so she could get comfy. Before I shut the lights off, she was already sound asleep. Just looking at her you could see the stress, worry, and exhaustion rolling off her. I felt pretty bad for her. But what could be troubling her so much? She normally doesn't keep things trapped in her head. She normally tells Minho... Wait, he isn't here for her to vent with, nor is Taemin. She must have something really big bothering her that she's waiting to tell them.

'Well, I can see why she would be acting weird. I guess fans got ahold of her phone number and are sending her messages and calling her. Taemin showed me a few she sent him out of fear, and they are horrible. Make sure she's in a safe place tonight. Please take care of her. -Jjong' Well, that explains a lot. But why wouldn't she tell me about that? I think theres a bit more to this. But why wont she tell me?!

So being the amazing friend I am, I decided it was my right to know what they are saying. Well, needless to say, I am now laying on my bed reading through the messages she has been receiving. And I would be petrified if I was her. Well, if I was here, I would have set myself right in the middle of all of Super Junior and not moved until I thought it was safe. Be really, describing exactly how they are going to hurt her, telling her all the bad things about her, and exactly why and how much they hate her. It's horrible.

"Becccaaa! Wakey wakey! You need to get ready! We have 2 hours to get to school!" I heard someone saying faintly, pulling me from my sleep. wait, who's here? I peeled my eyes open and blinked a couple times to she Olivea standing over me with a huge smile. 

"What time is it?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"It's time for you to get up and get ready!" Olivea giggled now tugging on my arm. Wait, last night she was depressed and deflated, now she's smiling and giggling? Was she that tired?


Wow, Olivea's starting to act weird... what do you thinks going on? And Becca's got a bit of a crush on the English teacher?? Ooo! ^^ 

Welp, I lied. This meet isn't the last one. I have a few more. I made the cut to go on to the next ones. So I might focus on that again. But don't worry, I'm not in a depression hole anymore! So I might be able to produce something in the mean time! ^^

I just want to let y'all know how much I love the comments! They make me a happy person. And I want to let y'all know how much I love you readers!! ^^ I love y'all so muchhhhh!!^^

Hugs and Kisses,
Rebecca ☺

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!