Listen to me.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"Olivea, listen to me. Why aren't you eating right anymore?" Key asked  Olivea who seemed to be slowly losing it as he tried to get her attention. It was truly terrifying. Never in my life have I ever seen anyone act like this. But I guess I have lived a pretty laid-back life. I guess Taemin and Key did warn me that she was a bit of a handful. 

"Ok, ok. Let me go Olivea. You're going to hurt yourself more. I'm going to go get you something to eat, and you are going to eat it before you leave. No, you don't get a choice. You're back in my dorm you do what I tell you." Key said giving up on getting her to say anything about why she is in the state she's in. Despite her protests that she's not hungry he still went into the kitchen and started making noise. It seemed like once they saw Olivea any irritated attitudes were erased and replaced with worry over her.

"While he's getting her some food, would you like to tell us what you know of this?" Jonghyun asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked over at the three who were now looking at me. Wait, one of them is missing, where's Taemin?

"Um, from what I've seen she's having problems getting use to not living with you guys. I have been sick so I have been doing work with her all day, and I have noticed that something was going wrong. But when I tried to ask her why she wasn't eating when we had food there or why she was getting so little, she just waved it off. The girls would constantly point out to her that she needs to eat and that she's been really tired and weak from when they remembered. Then just a couple hours ago I guess she did something that reminded her of Taemin and excused herself to go on a walk. Once she left the girls came over to our dorm and told us what happened. And without thinking about it I set out to follow her because Adriana said that she looked like she was about to start crying. So she ended up at the river, for awhile she just sat there, but then I heard sniffles and then she curled into a ball and started bawling. So I found myself comforting her and protecting her so no one would try to hurt her in her state." I told them and they each looked more and more worried as I continued farther with my story. 

"Did she say why she is so depressed?" Onew asked as he carefully ran his fingers through her hair as she silently cried. She seemed so miserable, I just wanted to go hold her again until she stopped with this crying.

"Taemin. And that she hasn't gotten to see you guys at all since she left." I told them getting sighs and annoyed noises from each of them. Not much longer after that Key came back in carrying a bowl of noodles and some rice.

"Olivea, if you don't eat all of this, you aren't leaving. And you have to keep it down. Open." He instructed and she continued to refuse to eat. She even turned down his offer of chocolate-chip waffles. By now I figured out that Taemin is in his room refusing to talk with Olivea. Why he didn't want to talk to her, it's beyond me, but he better have a really good reason.

"Olivea. Please. You're hurting yourself. It's not like we're trying to avoid you. Lee Soo-Man's got us so busy to keep the attention off you, have you noticed that no ones mentioned that we aren't related? And not as many people are worrying about you and Taemin, at this rate you two will be able to get back together next month. But Oli, you need to stay strong, it's only been a week and you're already half the size you were when you left." Key pleaded again and with the mention of Taemin she became more alert.


"Do you feel any better now?" Onew asked as Olivea munched on the rice Key had prepared for her. After pulling Taemin out of his room to explain how Lee Soo-Man is forcing him to act like he has feeling for Sulli and that they really just see each other like brother and sister, she seemed to be more willing to listen. So after they got to talking we left them be and went into the kitchen for some snacks. While they were talking they asked me questions about Olivea and how shes been acting besides this part. And then to how everyone been doing in general, how the girls are coming along and how Block B is doing with shows and things of that sort. After I had mentioned that I haven't been feeling that great Key took the liberty of making his favorite soup to eat when he is sick and it really helped me feel a little better. To be honest, I think I have missed these guys too. While Olivea had been in America I got really close with Taemin and these guys.

"I think so. I guess we'll see in a couple days. Maybe I can call Bom to take me out to eat every so often." She replied with a weak and tried smile. But just like Key had said, she had to finish the whole bowl of noodle and all the rice before she was allowed to leave. And to my surprise she actually finished everything. I guess she just need to see these guys and she was better. Talk about needing a SHINee fix. 

"I think that sounds good. But it's about 2 in the morning, you guys really need to get to sleep. Especially since you're both pretty sick. Would you just like to camp out here? Jiho you could sleep in the spare room and I bet you could slip in with someone Olivea." Onew said making me notice how tired I was. I guess being sick really takes a lot out of you.

"I was hoping you would offer. I didn't think I could make it back to the dorms." I said after Oliveas nodding of approval. So I wound up sound asleep in what use to be Oliveas room and Olivea was snuggled up in with Onew and Key. 


Ah, a semi-short chapter becase I'm feeling a block coming up again so I need to just get past this bit then I have an idea for something. How many times have I said that so far??:P

But what do you think? Taemins hiding from Olivea, and she seems to be better when shes with SHINee... I think shes a little addicted...:P 

So I just want to say thank you for all the comments and love for this story! It really means a lot.(: I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far.(:

Rebecca ♥

PS. Just cuz I'm selfless, y'all should check out my newest story 'His English Tutor.' It's another Taemin story, I really like Taemin if you can't tell. But it's gonna have SHINee, Big Bang, 2NE1, EXO, GG, and tons more!(: But I sort of just work on it when I get writers block over here. And so far it's really helped!(:  So please support me over there too!(:

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!