Party at Becca's!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"I'm so BORED!" I mumbled as I cooked myself some noodles for lunch. It's Sunday morning, I have all of my school things done, all of my chores done, and everything I need to have done, was complete. Everyone I knew was busy, even though it's a Sunday. Not cool at all. So here I am. Home alone.
"I wonder what's on TV." I continued talking to myself, something I have been doing more of the lonelier I am. I wonder if that's a bad thing... I guess I'll find out sooner or later! I jumped over my sofa and pushed the power button on the TV making the screen turn bright blue and then switch over to a show with a couple kissing passionately. Nasty. I quickly grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels trying to find something interesting. After a few seconds of flipping thought the few channels I have, I settled on a re-run of Star King. Once I picked that I walked back over to the stove and went back to my noodles. 
Ever since I moved to Korea, I have eaten a diet made up mostly of ramen noodles, along with almost every flavor of rice you can think of. But I could eat more if I wanted, since I teach at a very wealthy school here, I do make a bit more then most teachers. And I'm only 18. So I do have a lot of fun with that money, but I'm saving up to buy a bit nicer place, just a bit nicer, or bigger. This place is nice, but I need some more room. But for now it will do. I guess no one else really is in here except Olivea, SHINee, and other friends I have made. No one special. 
I have been under a lot of stress lately. With finals coming up I have been working really hard with all of my students to help them pass. But some of them just wont pay attention. Ok, well, they pay attention to me, if you get what I mean. I don't think the fact that I'm only a few years older then most of my students isn't helping them much. But I have been getting a few more of them to pay closer attention lately. On the other hand, I do have one of the best classes out of all the past English teachers! I was even told so by Mr. Boss himself! When he came in and watched a week of my class, he told me some of the reasons why my class is so much better then past ones. One was how I made the start of the week a lot more enjoyable with my Mondays where I will teach them whatever English they want to know, within reason. And that's a lot of fun for me too. And I get to know a bit more about each of my students.
But enough thinking about school, that already gets most of my attention. I need to think about something more mind-dulling... Maybe Jonghyun's not busy, any conversation with him is mind-numbing. 
'HEY! What are you guy's up too? -Bec' I texted him then going back to my bowl for noodles I was waiting to cool. I continued to watch the antics that Ho dong was dong on the show and laughing as I blew on the steaming food. I was sitting on my couch curled up in a big blanket due to the fact that is was freezing outside. And the rain wasn't helping. Really the weather here is crazy! Yesterday it was snowing and today it's raining. And not to mention, it's rain cat's and dogs, even though this morning it was bright and sunny. 
'Well, we are rehearsing for a recording. Wait, why are you talking to me? You never text me first, and no one else is texting anyone... What do you want? >.< -Jjong' He finally replied about 10 minutes later. Gosh, just make me wait forever. I was tempted to text Key.
'I just wanted to take my mind off the nothing that I'm doing here. But if you don't want to talk to me...' I replied with a little chuckle and then going back to my food. Wait, I wonder if Olivea's busy. She could provide a mind-dulling conversation if I get her on the right subject. But I'll wait to see where Jonghyun takes this. And I don't want over over work my head with two conversations.
'What do you mean nothing? Are you all alone? Haha! to be you! I'm surrounded by 4 extremely entertaining men right now.(: -Jjong' Was his reply. Instantly, I was sent into hysterical laughter. Honestly, does he know how that could be taken by someone like me? 
'Ok. You just tell those 4 men that I say hi. And do you know what Olive's up too?? -Bec' I replied after I calmed myself down from laughing. Olivea and I haven't talked in a long while now. I wonder exactly what she has been up to. Well I guess it's been all over the news, but I would like to hear what it's been like for her. It seems like with what the internet is saying, she would be under lots of stress. I hope she's ok. I would rather not see her go through what she did, wow that's been almost two years ago. It seems like only yesterday. 
So to take my mind off things of the Olivea matters, I put in a couple of romantic comedies. Which only reminded me how lonely I am today. But as I got to the end of the second on I heard someone start knocking on my door. 
"HOLD ON!" I yelled looking around for the remote and pausing it quickly. Once it was paused I jumped up quickly and ran over to the door, newly excited for company. I peeked out the little peep hole and saw a head of dirty blond hair, their back was turned and they were carrying a bunch of bags.So I opened the door and peeked out to see if they just had the wrong room.
"Hello?" I asked making them turn around. And to my surprise it wasn't the red head I was used to, it was a newly dyed Olivea. In fact she looked a lot different then what I had gotten used to. She now had dirty blond hair with pink, blue, and green tips; her normally green eyes now were purple; and her hair was only a bit below her shoulders, but it was still wavy and pretty. Unlike mine. 
"Bec! Sleepover time!" She said, loudly, and with a huge smile.
"You couldn't have given me a little warning?" I mumbled as I held the door open and she bounded in in high spirits. 
"Well, the guys didn't tell me until just about and hour ago that they weren't going to be home for about a week." She said setting her many bags down and pulling me into a hug.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She said once she let me go.
"I know! And I think you have a lot to fill me in on. And I may have a couple things to tell you about..." I said making her eyes go wide.
"Like what!?" She asked pulling off her shoes and throwing them over to the pile of shoes I have next to my door.
I'M BACK! And this story is in for a bit more action! Love triangles, injuries, break up's, and so much more! 
Haha, I make it sound like a TV show or something. >.< 
But what did you think? I will be doing Becca a bit more often, so you can see other sides of the story.^^ I seem to almost forgotten what I have Becca like. So I had to go back to my first story and read her parts. >.< 
But I got it. Sort of. But hey, it's an update! ^^
And I just want to let y'all know how much you guys sticking around through this means to me. I love y'all so much. You don't even know! >.< I just want to make this good for y'all because your so sweet to me.(: But really, I love you all so much. Thank you for sticking around. And I hope not to disappoint y'all to much when it's not my best. >.< 
So with tons and tons of love,
Becca ♥♥
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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!