Put her down!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Oh, and the girls are all moved in their dorm and everything. I got you the nicest bed in the dorm, you're welcome. And they left most of the house for you to decorate. Taemin may have said that you really enjoy doing that. So you're going to have lots more fun there then you did at our place. And a bonus is that you have 7 guys just across the hall to help with lifting and stuff like that. And the bugs you might find." Key rambled on and on. We have been on this plane for a total of 5 hours and he has yet to stop talking. I'm tempted to just silently slip my headphones on and tune him out. I mean I've missed him and all, but oh my God, he needs to stop talking.

"And, and, and, this is crazy. Taemin and I are convinced that Minho has a creepy little crush on Adriana." He said getting really excited, but finally shutting up. Minho liking someone? This is new.

"Really? How do you know?" I asked, wishing that he hadn't picked something that was this interesting. 

"Well, one is the way he acts. He gets all gigglely and shy, it's really gross. But then he looks at her funny. A lot like the way Taemin the first few days you were here, well I guess he still looks at you like that. But anyway, you can so see it. Just watch him, you'll see it. It's actually kinda funny. It's like he's a middle schooler." He said making me laugh. I can't wait to see Minho now. I only have about 10 more hours until I'm back in Korea. I can do this. Maybe I can just go back to sleep. It is almost bedtime over in America anyway, well, close enough. 


"Oli! Time to wake up! Were back home." I heard Key saying as he carefully shook me awake. I guess longs trips do go a lot faster when you sleep. I blinked a couple times then pulled myself out of my seat and grabbed my bag from the overhead compartment and followed Key into the airport.

"Is someone here to pick us up?" I asked once we found my luggage and started toward the exit.

"Not really. I left my car here, so I'm our ride." He said with a chuckle as he pulled his hat farther down on his head. Both of us had hats on so no one would recognize us as well. I only have to wear one because if I'm spotted with a guy who is disguised, someone will figure out that it's Key. Even though it's only about 8 in the morning here, tons of people are bustling about to get to their planes. 

The car ride back tot he dorm was filled with talking about what needs to get done and what my jobs are now that I'm back in Korea. Yaaaay, work. Oh well, I had to come back to it sooner or later and I have to say, I would much rather be working then over in America. Once we made it to the dorm parking lot and started towards the building I realized how much I have missed these guys. So, I started skipping around and nearly running towards the doors. Key was behind me laughing at my antics. 

"Olivea! You're back!" Kevin said once I burst into the front doors. 

"Yes I am! I've miss you so much!" I said returning his hug and smile. 

"How was America?" He asked as Key finally came inside. Goodness he is slow.

"Boring. And not nearly as much fun as here." I said with a chuckle. We talked for a little bit but then were interrupted by Suju coming into the lobby. Instantly I was engulfed in the biggest group hug I have ever been a part of. Once they got their 'I've missed you' and 'Don't ever run away like that again's out of the way, I was allowed to go to the elevator and head for my dorm. Key had taken my bags up after Super Junior had attacked me, so SHINee knows I'm back. But once I got to the door, everything was silent. Truth be told, I was now very scared. 

I carefully opened the door and peeked my head inside. I didn't see anyone so I'm guessing the coast is clear eno-

"OLIVEA I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I heard Taemin yell before I felt his body crash into mine and swinging me around in a tight hug.

"I can't breathe. Taemin, let me go, please." I mumbled trying to catch my breath after the mini-heart attack he gave me.

"I'm sorry, but I've just missed you sooooooo much! It's been so boring and annoying and empty and booooring around here without you! I mean, those girls are cool and all, but no ones as fun as you. Aw, I've missed you too much!" He said once my feet were placed back onto the floor. Only to be picked back up and spun around again.

"Taemin! Be careful, she looks like she's about to puke." I heard Onew say from somewhere in the room. Once again I was carefully put back onto the floor, and only to be scooped up by Onew this time.

"My turn! Olivea! You've been missed so much! And don't you ever think you can get away with disappearing like that again. You're never going to America again!" He said shaking me from side to side this time. When will the abuse end? I don't think I could survive leaving again anyway, if this would happen every time I got back.

"I wont, if you put me down." I said after closing my eyes, with all this spinning and shaking I was starting to feel nauseous.

"Ok, ok. I think she's been tossed around enough, look she looks like she's about to throw up." I heard Jonghyun say then pointing at my face. 

"If I threw up, you would have to clean it up." I mumbled trying to make the room stop moving. I heard some chuckles and then felt someone wrap their arms around me and, thankfully, didn't shake me around.

"I've missed you the most." I heard Jonghyun say making me smile. Underneath all that teasing, he really is a pretty cool guy.

"I think it was me that missed you the most." I heard Minho say once Jonghyun let me go.

"Always have to beat everyone don't you? I think I missed you the most out of all." I said as I went over and hugged him. That response got a couple of arguments, but all were settled quickly. Once we had gotten through our hugs and how much we've missed each other, Key started cooking supper and the rest of us sat around the table talking about what's been going on. It seems that they have been spending most of their time with the girls and Block B. Onew, Jonghyun, and Taemin work on their vocals and Minho and Key work on the workouts. Great, that will just give Key another reason to make fun of me. 

"So, what was the outcome of the test? I haven't heard the official report yet." Onew asked looking curious. Oh yea, that.

"Well, it seems that Jessica was a really good liar. I guess I look a lot like my father. I'm not my fathers kid, but I'm not the kid of the guy she said I was. It turns out that I'm the daughter of a wealthy dance teacher she had met in a club one night." I said remembering the story she had told the lawyers and me. It was one of the most depressing things I've ever heard. I hadn't believed that it was true until they showed me a picture of the tests said was my father.

"Aw, poor girl. It's ok. We still love you, I don't think too much will happen around here." Onew said patting my head lightly. I hope nothing really big happens.

"Has the news about what I was doing over in America been figured out yet?" I asked hoping that if no one knew what I was doing in America, people wouldn't find out about Key and I not being related directly. 

"I don't think so. everyone seems really clueless about the whole thing." Minho said with a reassuring smile. That's really good news, if people haven't even figured out why I was over in America, the news about me not being Keys birth sister might not get over here. So I might get off easy.

As Key was cooking supper we talked about what I did while I was over there and how things went. It was really nice to be back somewhere I knew really well. And being back around these guys makes it even better. I wonder what everyone else around Korea is doing. Maybe I should call some people to see what they are up to. I was about to start texting people when I felt Taemin scooting closer to me. I glanced over at him, but he wasn't looking at me. I was about to say something, but Key brought out the food and I forgot about it. 

I hadn't noticed exactly how much I missed Key's food until I started piling food on my plate. Then eating it was amazing in itself. I didn't even care how much Jonghyun made fun of the way I was eating. But all to soon I was full and then helping Onew with the dishes.

"Are you excited to move in with your girls?" Onew asked as he handed me another plate to dry.

"I don't really know. I mean, I like them a lot, and it'll be really fun. But I don't want to leave here. I'm scared." I said looking carefully at the plate making sure to get all the water off.

"Don't be scared Olivea. Just thin about how much fun it will be. Plus, it'll be good for you to live with some girls instead of a bunch of guys. It's kind of weird to live with a bunch of guys in the normal world." He told me, making me laugh. I can always depend on Onew for that. 

"Did the dorm look cool?" I asked hoping that it might look a little like this one. 

"It's a bit smaller, and a lot more boring. You're gonna defiantly need to spruce that place up. But I don't think you'll have to many problems with that." He told me handing me that last dish to dry. Once we were done we went and joined the rest of the guys to watch the evening news just like normal. Nothing really interesting has been happening around here, so I started to get bored just like normal. So I got on Twitter to see what's been happening on here. But somewhere between reading peoples tweets and listening to the weather report for the rest of the week, I started to dose off onto Jonghyun's shoulder.


Ah, Olivea is home! Yay!!(: But tomorrow she's gonna be moving out of SHINee's dorm. But now she gets to live with some girls and not a bunch of... Really girly guys... >.< 

I think the next chapters something are going to start to heat up... Ohhhh, who do you think is gonna catch the lovebug?? ^^ I'm excited to see who!(:

Hehe, just like normal, I love y'all to pieces!(: I hope you enjoy whats to come....^^


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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!