Let me help.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"Thanks for walking me to class! So I'll see you tomorrow?" I said as Zico and I got close to the campus entrance.

"No problem. Can't let a pretty girl walk all alone to her classes. And yes we will. I'll text you later?" Zico said with a quirky smile. 

"You better! See ya Zico!" I said giving him a hug and running off to my art class that I was already late too. I heard him chuckle as I slipped my back pack that he had been wearing back on. Yes, I still had my Hello Kitty back pack. In fact, that's what got us so close so quickly. But then again, I tend to make friends quickly. I jogged in the now empty entrance and hurried to my art class. I'm going to be in so much trouble. So much. Key is going to kill me. 

"Olivea, how nice of you to show up." The teacher said as I opened the door.

"Sorry! I was, taking care of some business. It wont happen again. I promise, just don't tell my brother!" I begged going towards my seat. 

"Well, since you asked so nicely. I wont tell." He said with a smile. He has to be the best teacher in the school. 

"Where were you for lunch?" Antoine asked once we were sent to work on our projects.

"A kind of meeting for a new project over at SM." I said as I rolled up my sleeves. 

"A new project? What's going on?" He asked looking really interested. Ever since I became part of the SM company, my three friends new about most of the things I was involved in. So that helped get news about new ventures.

"I don't know if I can tell you about this one yet. But it involves Brand New Stardom." I told him and he nodded. Antoine has to be the coolest guy I have met. He isn't the most attractive, but he makes up for it, by being awesome on just about every level. He is super smart, a very talented artist, and is really good at acting. But he can't dance or sing to save his life. He gives his best with everything he does, and is kind to everyone. When I was telling them about what had happened to me and everything, he was was the most understanding and didn't ask too many questions. 

We spent the rest of class talking about what we were doing for the Christmas break that was coming up at the end of the week. The one this I love most about collage, we get really long breaks. But I can see why, since they have quite a few exchange students still around that like to go back to their families over break. But it's nice. 

Then once the bell rang signaling for us to go to our next class, Antoine and I cleaned up our desk and just like everyday, he walked me over to my next class. Since there is so many people in the halls, I still get a little jumpy, so he kindly escorts me from art to dance. 

But since none of my friends are in dance, I'm pretty quiet. Just doing what the teacher asks me to do, and answer her questions. I get along with everyone but I don't know any of them that well. But it always passes by so quickly. So before you knew it, the bell was ringing for us to go back to homeroom. Which, depending on what I have going on, I go to. But since I was told that I was going to be picked up after my last class, I figured I should skip it. 

So I grabbed my coat out of my locker and slipped it on as I made my way to the door. I noticed a group of girls in the corner talking and giggling. When they saw me, then got quiet and just stared at me. It was truly awkward. But I didn't say anything. 

Once I was outside of the gate I looked around for one of their cars. First glance I looked of Key's black car. Second glance, Minho's white car. Third, Onew's bright yellow one. And fourth, Jonghyun's deep blue car. But I didn't see any of them. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 3:15, they should be here by now. I glanced around one more time before hearing someone call my name.

"Olivea Waters." I heard a girls voice call from behind me. Why do some people still call me that?

"It's Olivea K-" I started but was interrupted by a fist that landed right on my eye. I have never been punched while I was wearing my glasses before, and might I add, I never want it to happen again. Luckily I had closed my eyes before she hit me, because the lenses broke and cut the skin around my eye. 

"My hand!" The girl yelled, I heard the murmurs of a bunch of other girls feeling sorry for her. 

"Look what you did to her! How could you hurt her like that?" One of the girls yelled pushing me back into brick fence that surrounded the collage. I was now unable to open my right eye and out of my left I couldn't see much because of my now broken glasses. 

"How could I do that? She hit me!" I said pushing her away from me. 

"You little-" Another one started, but didn't finish before her foot knocked me to the ground. I felt tears starting to fill my eyes, even though I tried to blink them out of my one eye, they still spilled over. 

"You would think she would be stronger. But I guess you can still feel pain if your insane." Another one said, spitting in my face. By that time my eye was in lots of pain along with my leg. 

"We have to go! Key's here!" One of them said frantically and I heard them run off. 

"Oliveeeeea! Where are you? Sorry we were running a little late, and- Oh my. What happened to you!?" He said once he saw me. 

"I don't know. But it hurts really bad." I mumbled as I felt him wipe away my tears. 

"Can you open your eye?" He asked softly, I slowly opened my left eye, but the right one wasn't going to move.

"Here, let's go get you fixed up. Then you can tell me what happened." He said helping me stand up. 

"Ow!" I said as a pain shot through my leg. 

"Here, let me help." I heard a familiar deep voice offer. 

"Oh, uh, thanks. My cars right over there." Key said wrapping an arm around me. I also felt another arm support my other side, Nether one of them spoke as I limped over to Keys car. 

"Thank you for helping. I can take her bag." Key said to who I confirmed as Zico. I hadn't been able to see him, since he was on my right side. 

"I hope you get better soon Olivea." Zico said with a smile as he slid my bag off his back and handed it too Key.

"Thank you. See you tomorrow?" I asked looking up at him. 

"Sure. Wouldn't miss it." He said before taking off.

"Here let's get you buckled in." Key said as he pulled the seat belt across me. The ride to the dorm consisted of him asking where I got hurt and if I was in a lot of pain. By that time, the only thing that really hurt was my eye. I'm guessing that I had some cuts from the glass around and maybe on my eye. Who knows I can't see my face. He seemed really calm about the whole thing until we got up in the dorm. 

"What in the world happened!? Did you do this to yourself!? Because if you did." He said as he gathered band aids and cleaner from the bathroom. I was sitting on the counter where he had put me and told me not the move.

"No, I was attack by a bunch of girls. One of them punched my glasses into my eye, and then another one kicked my knee. But they ran off once they saw you." I told him calmly. Once I told him that, he froze.

"By girls?" He asked quietly looking over at me. I just nodded. Not exactly seeing the look on his face. I had a little sight out of my left eye, why can't I have perfect vision? 

"I should have hurried up. This wouldn't have had to happen yet." He said, starting to ramble. 

"What do you mean?" I asked completely confused about what he was going on about. 

"Jonghyun would be able to tell you exactly what fans will do when you are dating an idol. I guess we are lucky that he didn't pick you up today. Or he would have gotten in a lot of trouble." Key said quietly as he poured wound cleaner onto a cotton ball. 

"Why hasn't anyone tried to hurt me before now?" I asked as he carefully washed my face. 

"Because you were never alone. Someone was always with you. And the fans didn't want to look bad in front of us. That's why the girls ran when they saw me, I'm guessing. But they have threatened you many times already." He said, getting quiet at the end. 

"What do you mean? No ones said anything to me." I said trying to think of anytime that someone might have said something like that to me. 

"Well, we are good at hiding things from you. We didn't know how you would take some letters our fans were sending us, so we hid them from you." He said guiltily. 

"Why would you do that? I'm not a baby, I can handle a little more then you think I can!" I said, a lot louder then I meant too. I couldn't see what his expression looked like, since both of my eyes were shut. But I did hear him sniffle.

"Are you crying?" I asked softly. 

"No. I'm to pretty to cry." He said sniffling again. 

"Key. Please don't. I can't see, this isn't far." I said with a bit of a sigh. I can't tell if he really is or not. 

"Olivea. I'm just worried. Why didn't you fight back?" He said, the sound of tears no where to be found in his voice.

"Because I lost my eyesight! And they knocked me down! It was unfair!" I whined as he wiped my face again. 

"Ok, ok. Here don't move. You have a piece of glass stuck. Why is it always you that this happens too?" He asked, it sounded more like a question to himself. 

"I don't know. But this is the first time I have ever been hit like that. And that's only because I didn't have glasses as kid." I said as I felt him pull something from beside my eye. 

"Your eye is so swollen. Does it hurt?" He asked gently touching my eye. 

"Yes. I hurt a lot." I said flinching from him. 

"Sorry. Sorry. But I think your all cleaned up. But lets put a bandage over it. You can open your other eye still, right?" He said, and so I opened my eye, and saw that he had pretty bloodshot eyes. He put a square bandage over my eye, and it hurt at first but the pain went away after a bit.

"So what about your leg?" He asked looking at my knee. From what I could see, a really nice bruise was now very visible across the side of my left knee. No wonder I fell down when she kicked me. 

"Ow. Well no wonder that hurts so bad." I said poking the bruise a little.

"You dork. Don't touch it. Here let's wrap it up. So no one asks about it." He said kneeling down and carefully wrapping up my knee. Once he was done he didn't really move from his spot.

"Key can you help me down. I need to find my contacts. Not being able to see things right now is scaring the crap out of me. And you not saying anything isn't helping." I said noticing how the blur that was suppose to be Key didn't move right away.


I feel soo bad for Olivea. I'm so mean too her. Always getting hurt... I feel bad for Key do. Being the one to find her...>.<

But what did you think? Her first run in with unhappy fans. Scary. >.<

And just so y'all know, I love you guy's a lot a lot! ^.^ Once again if you want to see anything happen, you can tell me, and I can try it! ^.^ It's your story as much as it is mine! ^.^

Hugs and Kisses,
Rebecca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!