Say Ya Later, Korea.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

It's only 4 in the morning. Why couldn't my father give me tickets for noon instead of 6? Why am I even going to America!? But I guess it's better that I leave earlier so that I don't have to tell tons of people where I'm going. In fact, the only person that knows exactly where I'm going in laying in his bed, sound asleep. Just like I should be. Well, I guess I told Block B and the girls that I wouldn't be here today and that I was dealing with family matters. So here I am, packing my bags for my week long trip back to good ol' America, oh happy, happy, joy, joy.

"Oh, good, you haven't left yet! I thought I heard the door close, so I came in to make sure you didn't leave without saying goodbye to me!" I heard Key say, peeking in my door looking sleepy.

"I wouldn't do that. I need something to keep me strong on that plane ride over to my death." I said with a chuckle, zipping up my bulging suitcase.

"You can't die! It's not allowed." He said crawling onto my bed and laying there. He looked really tired, he and I stayed late talking with Lee Soo-Man about where i should live. We ended up figuring that living with the girls would be a good idea over in the BNS dorms. So next week we will all move in together. It should be interesting to say the least. 

"Say's who?" I asked as I checked my phone. I have to be at the airport in about a half hour if I want to make it on time. Dang it, I still need breakfast. Maybe I can leave early and pick up something there.

"I do. And I get what I want, because I'm the almighty Key." He said making me laugh.

"Ok, ok. I wont die. But I don't think I'll have too much fun either." I replied, pulling my suitcase off my bed and putting it next to my door.

"You know, people might take you jetting off to America as you running away from you breakup with Taemin. Because, remember, SM's releasing the official statement in a couple hours.

"They can think what they want. Were split, whatever I do shouldn't bother them. I'm not touching their precious oppa anymore." I replied bitterly. I'm not looking forward to what happens after the official statement is released. Just as long as it works like they think it will and I would be hurt anymore.

"Olivea, I know you don't like it, but you don't want to look like you're running away from your problems? I thought you gave yourself the image of a girl who doesn't do exactly that." Key said proving a point. Idols build up their images and work hard to protect those. I'm not an idol, but I'm looked at closely by the public, so I sort of formed my own image. And he's right about this. It's going against who I am, but I'm not really running away from the breakup. I'm helping my parents? Well, actually, I have no idea exactly what I'm getting myself into.

"But I know I'm not, so it's all good." I told him, and he just shrugged his shoulders and gave up. We talked for a couple minutes and then I had to get out to the van that should be waiting for me about now. So Key helped me with my things and walked with me out to my ride and gave me my hug goodbye and that he would still happily come with me if I would just tell him too.

"I'll miss you Key. And I will call you every night and tell you what's going on. I promise!" I said giving him one last hug before I climbed into the van.

"You better or I'll have to come over there and give you a big talking to. I'm going to miss you more. I love you." He said making me laugh before the driver told me if I didn't hurry I would be late. So I waved goodbye one last time and then turned in my seat and watched as each car passed by quickly. It's still dark but for being this early in the morning, it was really warm and it seemed like it was going to be a nice day. 

Once I got to the airport, I quickly checked in my bags and then tried to find a restaurant for breakfast. I ended up at Starbucks drinking some random drink that tastes perfect. When my flight was called I made my way through all the people towards the plane and was dreading the long flight I had ahead of me. I hope I can find a way to amuse myself. 

The plane ride wasn't that bad, well, once we took off it wasn't that bad. I was seated next to a sweet lady who looked like she was in her early 40's. When she saw that I was reading reports of the court battle my parents were going through she asked me if I knew what was going on. So she kindly informed me on the whole thing. Turns out, the whole battle is huge in the news, and they are putting a bad name on the company. 

"And now they are getting their daughter that they said they disowned awhile ago to come back because it turns out that shes not really his kid. Poor thing, she must be going through a lot right now. I would be devastated if I was in her shoes." The lady said as she wrapped up her story. So their shedding some light on the crap they used to do too? She mentioned that people were bringing up that they treated their daughter horribly, and that was another reason that I was called down. This should be an interesting week to say the least.

"I wonder why she was even in Korea. I think they said something like she was living with her brother or something. But why Korea? The pictures they had of her didn't look like her father at all. Basically it's just one big mess for money and fame. It's horrible that they have to drag their innocent daughter into it." She said pulling me from my thoughts. 

"Yea. Poor girl." I said looking back down at my phone. I was texting Key before I had started this conversation, and we had been talking about everyone reactions when I wasn't there in the morning.

"Oh, how rude of me. I didn't introduce myself, I'm Nevaeh. My I ask your name?" She said holding out her hand with a warm smile. 

"Please to meet you, I'm Olivea Kim." I replied returning her hand shake and smile. After that we continued to talk about what we were doing in Korea and where we were going. She was on a business trip for her photography company and now she's on her way back to her family in California. I found ways around revealing exactly where I was going and who exactly I am. But all in all this plane ride there was a lot better then the ride to Korea.

(Just thought it would be more fun to have a 'Meanwhile in Korea' part of each chapter while Olives in America. Just so you can see what else is going on.)
((And this part will be in Key's point of view... Just so you know.))

"KIM KIBUM! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" I heard someone yell in my ear while shaking me. Come on, why couldn't they try and sleep a little longer? Why did they notice she was gone so quickly anyway?

"5 more minutes, I'll tell you where she is later." I said pulling the pillow over my face and rolling over towards Onew's side of the bed.

"What!? How did you know that's what we wanted you up for?" I heard Minho ask as someone pulled the pillow from my face.

"That's what your worried about, right?" I asked, hoping that I didn't jump the gun and they haven't noticed she was gone yet.

"Yea, but how did you know? Where is she?" Minho asked looking extremely confused. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and glanced around at the worried and confused faces of my band mates. Great, how am I suppose to tell them what she's doing without them freaking out and yelling at me? I don't think that's possible.

"What would y'all do if she was in America?" I asked then holding up my pillow like shield. When they were silent for a bit I peeked over the edge of my shield to see what the delay of my attack way. They looked so far beyond shocked. It took most of my strength to not laugh.

"Proof." Taemin spoke up then getting mumbles of agreement from the rest of them. Proof? What do I have for proof? I could call Olivea, but I don't know if shes sleeping or not. Hm, what else do I have?

"The letter!" I said to myself mostly, then sliding off the bed and walking over to Olivea's now dark and empty room. Wow, she took a lot of stuff with her. Anyway, the letter. It was in the nightstand. I really hope she didn't take it with her. Luckily, it was still in the same place she had left it when she showed me it. I handed it over to Onew who was standing the closest to me, he started reading it, but then everyone yelled at him to read it aloud. Once he finished it they all had the same expression of disbelief on their faces.


Hey! Whats up y'all!? Your so quiet!(: What do you think? Should I keep the Olivea the 'Meanwhile in Korea' part? I thought it would be a nice way to devlope the girls characters more since SHINee's gonna be working with them... I don't know, I wanna know what y'all think...

Thank you to those of the you that are still here... I just want to let you know what I love you and are very thankful for all of your support! It means a lot to me!(: 

I don't know what else to say... :P 

Lots of love,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!