
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

This chapter will be told in a third person POV...(:

"Sulli, do you even know what's going on right now?" Amber calmly asked the girl who was currently sitting in their room brushing her hair happily. 

"Yes, I am brushing my hair and you are about to start shouting at me." Sulli replied coolly not breaking her concentration on her hair. 

"This plan you had made and thought was fool proof? It's all about to be revealed in a matter of minutes. If not by me, then Jiho." Amber explained making a grab towards the bright pink notebook sitting on the edge of their dresser. As she grabbed for it, Sulli snatched it and looked towards Amber with wide-eyes.

"Why would you reveal anything? What happened?" Sulli whined holding the notebook closer to herself.

"You haven't heard about what Jiho did to Olivea? She caught him with another girl while she was gone and now all of Super Junior, 2NE1, Jonghyun, and Becca, have locked him in Block B's dorm and won't let anyone in or out. Someone needs to say something before someone else does something stupid." Amber explained, causing Sulli to loose her grip on the notebook. As Amber grabed for it again, Sulli released it.

"Oh and by the way, it would help if you would come over and explain this in person. They might not completely believe me. Knowing I never supported Jiho's relationship with Olivea." Amber said with her hand on the door knob. 

"Why would I do that to myself?" Sulli mumbled starting to turn from Ambers accusing look.

"I figured that much. But just so you know, Taemin's there fighting for Olivea too." Amber said before heading back towards Block B's dorm.


"So you REALLY think you would be able to get away with cheating on Olivea? Honestly, did you think about it for one second?" Heechul asked the now completely panic stricken Woo Jiho. Not even two minutes ago did all of these people storm in Jiho's dorm, they kicked the rest of Block B out into the hall and locked the doors. Jiho now sat in the middle of the room on the floor completely surrounded by everyone of Super Junior, 2NE1, along with Jonghyun, Taemin, and Becca. All of which, seemed as if they were out for blood.

"With Olivea gone for two months, you had plenty of time to fool around behind her back without her even finding out! Perfect scenario." CL spit giving Jiho a sharp glare. 

"And with her jetting from country to country and cut off from the Korean world, even better!" Sungmin added looking at Jiho just as harshly. As the conversations got more heated as Jiho tried to plead his case the people surrounding him started to get even more angry with his useless whining. 

"Hey guys! Let me in! I have something important to tell you before you beat him up!" Amber called from the other side of the door just as some of the guys started to get a little rough with Jiho. 

"We were just starting to have a little fun Amber. This better be important." Leetuek said as he opened the door for Amber. With a chuckle she made her way towards the huddle of people.

"Well, I guess he kind of brought this all upon himself and he has no one to really blame but himself. Although there was someone else pushing him towards Olivea. I don't know weather this jerk actually had feelings for Olivea or if he was just going along with someone else's master plan. He ultimately made the choice to go along with Sulli's plan. Right here I have her wonderfully crafted plan to make Taemin hers. Jiho just happened to be a part of it. But he did have the choice to say no and let Taemin have what rightfully his." Amber explained showing each in attendance the notebook which now had notes scribbled across the pages of what and how Sulli achieved the steps. 

"But what I really want to know from this pile of dirt is if you really had any feelings for Olivea. I can recall thousands of stories Olivea told me about you two. Now where you really happy with her, or where you just playing her the whole time?" Amber asked looking down at the sweating and ruffled looking Jiho. It took him awhile to answer, until Amber started getting impatient. 

"Fine. I did what Sulli told me to do the while time! I really felt nothing towards Olivea. Sure she was pretty but she was SO annoying and so hard to manage. It took all of me to deal with her seemingly endless amount of sicknesses and meltdowns. I've just been waiting for Sulli to tell me I can stop the game and let her go easily. Trust me, I didn't want to hurt her anymore then she is, but I can't deal with her. She's just too craz-" Before Jiho could finish a fist cut off whatever he was about to say. 

"She is not anywhere near annoying, hard to manage, or crazy. And if I ever hear you say another word about her, you wont be able to speak again." Taemin spit before pushing the other back onto the hardwood floor. Everyone was slient watching as Taemin walked back out of the room and closed the door with a quite click behind him. 

"Well, with that. I think he spoke for all of us. You mess with Olivea again, and you wont be out of the hospital for awhile. Then you can understand a bit of what she's been through." Minji said before giving him a slap across his cheek. As everyone left they continued the treats to Jiho and left in the same order they came in. Jonghyun and Becca were the last to leave, and had the biggest expressions of disappointment on their faces.

"Thought I could trust you Jiho. Kind of hoped someone like you could show Olivea that people outside of her circle of friends could treat her well like we told her they would. Thanks for all the trouble you've caused us." Becca said grimly before turning towards the door and grabbing Jonghyuns hand to pull him with her. 

"Hold on a second I need to tell him a little something. Jiho, I hope you understand what you've done here. You didn't just break her heart as Taemin did. You just shattered any hope she had in thinking that other people could accept and love her even though what she's been through. You've ruined years of hard work on our part to get her to where she was when you first met her. Hope you enjoy yourself knowing what you've caused all of us again..." Jonghyun explained before getting down to eye level with Jiho. 

"Hope you enjoy the little thank you gift from SHINee." Jonghyun said with a smile before pulling his fist back and connecting it to Jiho's nose. With that, Becca and Jonghyun unlocked the door and let the rest of Block B in to nurse their leader back to health. Although it will take a bit of time for the broken nose and black eyes to heal. 

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!