Well, what do you wanna do?

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

Once I said that, the looks on their faces were priceless. It took me forever to convince them that it actually happened. But it was pretty funny to see how they reacted to my little description of exactly what happened. Well, to say the least they were impressed. 

"What are we doing after this?" I asked Taemin once we were informed that the show would be starting soon, so we need to go find our seats. 

"Well, I think we were going to the after party. Just to ring in the New Year with the other artists. But if you would rather do something else, the parties are never as fun as the older people make them out to be." He said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers as we made our way towards the door. 

"Don't you have to go? Or, don't you want to go?" I asked seeming a bit confused.

"Well, if you want to go, we can. But since we can't drink, it's not as much fun." He said lower his voice a bit as we got closer to everyone. Hm, I wonder what goes on there. 

"You don't sound like you want to go very much. So if you don't want to go, I bet we can find something more fun." I said matching his tone. I glanced up at him and noticed the smile gracing his face. With these heels I didn't need to bend my neck nearly as much as I normally do when I want to see his face. Why does he have to be so tall?

After that we were joined by the other members of SHINee, and were told where to sit. And after about 20 minuets of waiting the host and hostess appeared on stage and started to show. And might I say, from beginning to end, the show was amazing. Everyone had such amazing performances. But the jerks I live with kept it a secret from me that this was going to be their first comeback performance. But I do have to say it was perfect. The entire night was perfect. I had sooo much fun. Dancing around and singing along with the people on stage, it was great. And to ring in the new year, while they were counting down to the new year, you could find Taemin and I toward the back of the crowd messing around. Then once it got to 2, Taemin sweetly pulled me towards him and kissed me. It was a bit awkward, I mean I have never been one to feel comfortable kissing in front of other people. Like when Taemin was told to prove we were dating by giving me a kiss, I almost died. But I guess this one wasn't nearly as bad as that one, in fact I quite enjoyed it. But then once he let me go, we were nearly tackled by people with hugs and celebrating. It was great. 

But all fun things have to end. Once the cameras stopped rolling most people started towards the dressing rooms to change and head off the the party. But people like me and some other people hung around the fans. So while Taemin went to go change I waited around with Minzy (2NE1) and Neil (Teen Top) talking with fans. 

"What's it like being able to hang out and say you know all these idols that just about everyone here dreams about?" One girl asked me as some other idols ventured over to see what we were up too. 

"It's pretty cool. Every ones really cool, so I consider myself pretty fortunate to be able to know as many people as I do." I told her and then Taemin came up behind me and scared me. 

"Are you about ready to go?" He asked winding his arms around me.

"I guess so! Hey, see you guys later, hope y'all have fun! Happy New Years!" I said to Minzy, Neil, and everyone else who had came over. They all waved and wished us a happy new years too.'

"Oh, wait a second Olivea! Are you two going to the party later?" Minzy asked running after us as we started towards the door.

"Ah, no. We are going out on an adventure. Sorry!" I said feeling a little bad once she started to frown. 

"Darn, I was hoping to have someone else there to hang out with. Oh well. We will just have to do something together later. Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky, like a pinky promise. 

"Promise!" I said, laughing, and wrapping my finger around hers. With that we said goodbye and made our way through the crowd of people taking off makeup and taming their hair, towards the exit. Once we made it outside Taemin lead me to his car and kindly helped me inside and then jumped in his side and started the car and glanced over at me.

"What?" I asked noticing him looking me up and down. 

"You look cold. Here, put this on." He said reaching into the backseat and covering me with an extremely warm coat. So I gladly took it and curled up under it. I actually was starting to feel pretty chilly.Once I was covered in the coat he smiled and proceeded to pulling out of the busy parking lot and to the road. 

"So where do we want to go?" He asked as we pulled up to a stoplight.

"I don't know. But I would much rather go home and change before we do anything to crazy." I said adjusting my dress once again. The sooner I could get out of this dress, the better. 

"Sounds like a plan." He nodded, but didn't take his eyes off the road. What a safe driver this kid is. After a quicker drive then what Key had to go through, we pulled up to the dorms parking lot. And as I was about to get out Taemin quickly came over and picked me up out of the seat, then wouldn't put me down until we were in the elevator. 

Once we made it up to the dorm I went to my room and quickly changed out of my dress and into something a bit more casual. So I pulled on a nice pair of jeans, a cute sweater, and finished it off with a knit hat with little pompoms dangling from the sides. Once I had made myself presentable I ventured out of my room to find Taemin.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I heard Taemin say from behind me. But before I could turn around he grabbed my waist and was tickling me. He had tried this earlier tonight, but stopped because I was in a dress.

"Taemin! Stop it!" I yelled as I sunk to the ground in laughter. But he just continued to tickle me and join in my laughter. 

"There, pay back for earlier. So what do you wanna go do?" He asked breathlessly from beside me. He had gotten me down on the floor, actually rolling around, so now I was laying on the floor trying to get my breath back. 

"I don't know. What is there to do on New Years around here that would be fun?" I asked looking over at him. He was now dressed in a pair of jeans and a V-neck shirt. 

"Hmm, I'd be happy just staying here with you." He said leaning over and brushing the hair off my face. 

"You dork! We can't stay here on New Years! Hey! What if we go to that club you keep saying you want to go to! That would be fun! And we can invite some other people if you want too." I suggested, blushing a little at how close he was getting.

"Seriously? You never want to go though." He said, excitement starting to glimmer in his eyes. True, once he was old enough, he asked me many times to go with him to clubs. But I didn't really like the idea of clubbing, it didn't seem to fun.

"Well, why not try it. You seemed to be happy when you and the other guys get back." I said with a smile. Every so often when they would have time for themselves at night, they would ask me to go with them clubbing. I would refuse, and then go about whatever I was doing before they asked. When they would come back, Onew and Minho would be tired and go straight for bed, while Key, Jonghyun, and Taemin would be wound up and excited still, and it took a while to get them to go to bed. Even though they normally got about around 1 or 2 in the morning. 

"I think that is a perfect idea! Now the question is, which club would be better?" He said with his extremely large smile stretching across his lips.

"You pick. I don't know any." I told him with a smile forming across my mouth. With that he jumped up and then helped me up off the floor, the entire time arguing with himself about which club would be more fun. 


Okies, I am so so so so so sorry you guys. I just like disappeared. I feel so bad. >.< But I have been SUPER DUPER busy lately. Speech is killing me. I have lost all creativity and everything. So I was suffering for horrible writers block also. And I have been really sick all at the same time. I know, excuses excuses. I can't help it. I"m sorry. I can't even finish this chapter. >.< Agioo... I'm sorry you guys, I'm letting you down. :P

But I will make it up to you. I have large plans once I get past this little filler time right here. Their will be more of the girls, more Block B, I'll get some more Becca in there also. But it will get better! Please just stick with me! I love you so much for sticking with me for this long. I'm amazed with how many of y'all are dealing with me...>.< 

I just want to let y'all know how much I love you. Well, I don't think I can explain how much I love you. It's at a very high level. Y'all mean so much to me. You don't even know. I felt so bad for not updating in so long. I have been trying so hard. This chapter has changed so many times. But I hated all of them. So this is what it's come to. I figured I just need to pick one and move on to the good stuff. Hopefully. 

With so much love,
Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!