
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Oppa, stop moving so much. You'll hurt yourself if you keep moving." I mumbled to Jiho while spreading make-up remover cream across his eyes. He and the guys were out all day today getting their costumes fitted and makeup looks played with and all the works earlier today. Since they were getting ready to film for their music video, they were dying their hair again, working out more and basically trying to make themselves look even more attractive. 

"But I can't see your pretty face like this." He replied with his normal sweet voice. Since my voice was still quite and raspy, even four days after the incident, I replied with a light smack on the top of his head. With another giggle I continued trying to get all the black eyeliner and glitter off his eyes. Why they put so much make up on them is something I'll never know. Sadly they keep refusing to tell me anything about the concept of their new music video no matter how I ask. I've only heard the little bits while they were recording or what Jiho was working on while I brought him something to eat after everyone had gone home. Honestly though, I only know a teeny tiny bit more then your average fan. What is this? They could at least tell me the concept and why he had so much glitter on his face. 

"Olivea!~ Can you help me with mine next? I can't get all the shiny stuff off. I think I might have rubbed more skin off then the sparkles." Taeil whined coming from the bathroom where the other boys were working on their own makeup. I wasn't planning on being over here today until Jiho had come over a couple minutes ago asking for my help. And since the girls and I were just working on costume designs for their music video, I figured I had plenty of time for a little break. 

"Sure Taeil. Just let me finish up his." I said quietly while wiping the last of the black from around his eyes. Once Jiho was cleaned I instructed Taeil to sit down on the bed too as Jiho had, mainly because they were too tall for me help them if they didn't sit. I went through the same process with him as I had Jiho, and just my luck, once I got Taeil all cleaned up the rest of the guys came in and asked me to clean their faces too. 

"There you go Jihoon. Sparkle free." I said wiping the last of the makeup from Jihoon's eyes. With a bright smile he thanked me while going out to join the other boys in front of the TV. Well, all except Jiho who had been laying down on his bed waiting for me to get done. I went over and set myself on the edge of his small twin sized bed that was barely large enough for him to fit on. I started rubbing his shoulders getting a happy mumble out of him. After a couple minutes his breathing started to slow and his body untensed, letting me know that he was sleeping. Figuring he has been up late and working hard, I kissed his cheek and quietly slipped out of the bedroom.

"We were wondering why it was so quite in there." Minhyuk said as I closed the bedroom door. 

"I figured you two were keeping your lips busy in other ways." Kyung continued with a little wink, making my face start to turn red. 

"No, he's sleeping!" I said waving my hands in front of me, my embarrassment making my face even warmer. They continued to joke as I sat down next to Taeil on the floor while the others continued to tease me. Soon enough they seemed to get tired of making fun of me and started to go back to what they had been talking about before I came in.

"So when are we leaving again?" Yukwon asked while looking down at his phone. Leaving for what?

"Next week. I told you this already." Jaehyo said and pushed Yukwon over. 

"Leaving for what?" I asked Taeil who was busy watching TV to pay attention to the other members who were now wrestling on the floor. 

"To film our new music video. Jiho hasn't told you yet?" He replied looking a little confused. 

"No, he won't tell me anything about your comeback. Where are you going?" I asked getting a little frustrated. 

"Oh, well we are going to Vietnam to film. I wonder why he's not telling you. We are going to be gone for awhile, PD said for about a month give or take a couple weeks." Taeil explained, making a little anger start to rise in me. Why wouldn't Jiho tell me about this if they were leaving for a month?

"Hm, what a jerk. For that I won't tell him of my journey at the end of this month." I mumbled while getting up from my seat.

"Wait, what journey?" Taeil asked looking interested.

"Well, the girls are almost done recording their songs, so we have to start filming ourselves. So we are going back to the girls home countries to film teasers and other places to film the music video itself." I explained excitedly. 

"Whoa, so where all are you going?" Jaehyo asked before I started to leave.

"Um, well we don't know know what towns yet but Romania, Hawaii, Canada, and then here in Korea. That's all I know as of now. We are finishing up planning that tomorrow." I replied thinking through all the places we decided. So in the morning we have our final meeting to plan cities and all that, then we get to start planning the girls personal concepts.

"So lucky. I wish I could come with. Why couldn't I be in their group." Kyung pouted making me laugh. After talking about their trip a little more, I excused myself to go back to my dorm. 


Aw, I know my updates have been taking forever, and I'm terribly sorry for it. T___T But speech season is starting again and so I will be a little MIA. I feel bad again, so I might start with even shorter updates like I did before and just keep posting when I get ideas.T___T I'm so sorry guys, I feel horrible. 

Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!