
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


I hate this. Waiting for these fans to finally leave me alone. I know I will never actually be left alone, but can't I at least go a few months without being attacked in anyway? Is that too much to ask? I would happily settle for being left alone for a week. I guess that's way too much to ask for though. Jiho and I were happily working on getting more details planned out to show to PD at the end of the week when my phone started ringing. I had picked it up and noticed that it had been an unknown number, but before I could read it, another unknown number sent a message. I ended up only getting a glance at that message before someone started calling me. 


"Get away from Key-oppa you dirty piece of trash. You never deserved to live. You should have died tw-" Instantly I started to feel numb. This will be the third time  fans have gotten my number. How are they even figuring it out? It's like the very moment I do something remotely wrong to their 'Oppa's' they are finding my phone number and sending me death threats. 

"Is everything okay? You look scared." I heard Jiho ask from beside me. I just looked at my phone in my hands that was getting flooded with messages, phone calls, and voicemails. 

"What's happening? Can I see that?" He asked looking down to my phone, I just nodded and let him take it from my hands. Dirty piece of trash? Really? I think their running out if creative material. They are just getting ridicules now. How can they be so immature? Seriously, who starts this? The news didn't even mention everything! They left out the whole 'Jessica had no idea who my real father is' and the 'I said I would tell the truth and they attacked me'. This isn't fair. It's times like this I wish I wasn't ever related to SHINee or K-pop in any way. I like to wander what life would be like if my father had never called me and told me I would be living with Key in Seoul. Would I have ended up living a sort of normal life? Would I have been in a 2 week coma after nearly killing myself? Would I have actually killed myself? Would I have ever gotten a boyfriend that I could picture myself spending the rest of my life with? Could I have made this many friends that want to see me happy? Would I have ended up the way all my classmates predicted? Locked up in the loony bin giggling to the people in my head in a small white room?

"Olivea? What's going on?" Jiho asked as he carefully shook my shoulder. I glanced down at my phone that was still showing I had phone calls coming in right after one another. How has my phone not exploded from the sudden flood of messages and calls? 

"You should have never came to Korea, you have only cause pain for SHIN-"

"You should just go kill yourself now. Your never going to get out of th-"

"How can you lie like that? Do you know what this is doing to K-"

"I hope you can live with yourself knowing how many people want to just kil-"

"Olivea, stop listening to those. Just shut your phone off and- Wait where are you going!?" Jiho asked before I started out of the BNS building. Luckily the shoes I had been wearing were really comfortable and easy enough to walk in, and the look on my face made most people move out of my way. How do people even live with themselves after telling another person things like this? It's not human. All I know is that I'm in a direct path to SM Entertainment's Lee Soo-Man's office. Everything around me doesn't matter, I can't see anyone else, or hear any complaints of my forceful movement through the crowds in front of the SM building.

"I don't care what you have to do, just make them stop. I'm about to go crazy. They won't stop long enough for an explanation. My phone has been getting message after message, non stop phone calls, and I'm just about to snap it in half. Just make them shut up." I said with all of my anger spilling into my voice. I don't know what these guys were doing, but they better have been doing something to make their fans leave me alone. 

"Sorry. Just making sure she was in here." Jiho said before ducking back out of the room. I hadn't noticed when I came in, but this place is a mess. What in the world is going on here? After a couple seconds of no one saying anything, I started to feel my temper flaring up again.

"So are you just going to stare or are you going to do something?!" I nearly yelled, looking over towards Key and Becca who were just looking at me in a state of surprise. It's not like they've never seen me like this before.

"We were just talking about that. In fact we were just getting ready to call you and ask you to come over. We just need to make sure all the information is right before we release a statement. So now that you're here, how about you tell me the whole story." Lee Soo-Man said calming me down a little. So they were already working on clearing it up? Oh yea, Key said he would do most of the work a couple day's ago. 

With that, I recounted the events in America for those three and answered the questions they asked. I had calmed down a bit after Becca had taken the battery out of my phone so it would stop showing the calls and messages. And once we had the statement done and full of information to help me out a bit, Lee Soo-Man called the phone company for what seems like the 100thtime and asked for another number change. Once everything seemed to be in a little better order Key, Becca, and I left Lee Soo-Man to get his office back to it's normal state. But as we were leaving I couldn't help but notice the two people sitting in the lounge all snuggled up like cute little cute. At first I couldn't recognize who they were but once they heard the door close, they glanced up. It wasn't until Taemin met my gaze that my heart felt like it shattered into little tiny pieces. I mean, I figured something was going on between them, but Taemin told me that it was just for show, it meant nothing. So this means that he can lie easily to me now. I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I blinked them back. All I could think about was 'Don't let him see you cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.'

And it worked I managed to give Sulli a very small smile and quite hello. She seemed surprised but nodded in response. With that I felt Key's hand on my shoulder turning me in the other direction towards the main doors and carefully pushing me forward. My mind seemed to have only been able to think about what I had just seen. I thought he said he would come back to me, and that he only loved me. 


Goodness. Her life just keeps getting worse and worse. I feel horrible for her. BUT don't worry, she'll be treated to something amazing in a bit!^^ By the way, I need your guys help. On two things to me exact, the first one is easy enough. I need help with the girls name! Comment and tell me some ideas. I have one now but I don't think I like it enough...>.< SECOND! What should the girls 'style' be? 


And thank you all for waiting for me to get back! New Orleans was tons of fun, but it's nice to get back to writing my own little story...(: So thank you guys a ton for sticking around!^^ I love y'all so much!^^


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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!