Step 2 and 3 Check!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! She just said she wanted to go back to her dorm, so I thought she meant the girls dorm! I'm sorry." I said while pretending to be on the verge of tears. Jonghyun and Olivea's best friend Becca had shown up at my dorm this evening and were asking me why I told Key that Olivea was fine.

"But did she get sick at all or anything?" Becca asked, sounding extremely annoyed with me. Have I ever mentioned that I like her as much as I like Olivea? But I have to say that I like Olivea more then Becca. She is just mean.

"She passed out after she ate some soup." I said sniffing a little. They didn't seem to be buying my tears, so why waste my energy. But I didn't think someone would start questioning Olivea leaving SM's dorms this fast. I haven't even gotten to talk with Zico yet. Then again, Becca is the first one to jump on anything related to her precious Olivea. Maybe that's where everyone learned it from. 

"What do you mean, passed out? Like she fell asleep, or actually passed out?" Jonghyun asked, looking extremely worried, and adorably cute. Too bad he doesn't like anyone, well beside his secret crush on someone. But he wont mention who it is, or give any hints either.

"She was asleep for the rest of the day. But she seemed really tired when she came over here." I told them, making him calm down a little. Wait, why are these two asking me the questions? Why not Key or Taemin?

"Ok, ok. We were just wondering. We'll see you later. Thanks." Becca said as she turned to leave. Good, get out of here, I don't like you. They both let themselves out and I sighed and crossed my arms. This is starting to fall apart and I have only got the first step done.

"Sulli. What did you do?" I heard Victoria ask as I started flipping through the notes on my phone, looking for my plan. I looked up at her and started to shake my head.

"Nothing! But I have to call someone and ask them something important! Excuse me!" I said quickly and darted towards my room. Wow, that was close! I have to way more careful from now on, and I have to get my plan rolling, and fast! Ok, ok, so step two was to get Zico to promise that he will get Olivea to fall in love with him. So I have to figure out what I need to tell him so that he will believe that Taemin has lost feelings for her. But they are sort of friends though, so it will take a lot of planning.


"Jiho! Over here!" I called when I noticed a man walk in to the coffee shop as Zico texted me saying he should be arriving in a few seconds. He looked over to where I was sitting at a table towards the back of the shop. I picked this place because it's never that busy at this time and I enjoy the drinks here a lot. Yesterday I had called him after I had eaten dinner with Taemin and had asked him to meet up with me here because I had something important to tell him about Olivea. And knowing he liked Olivea a lot, he agreed after a few seconds of convincing.

"Hey." He mumbled as he pulled his mask off and took a seat across from me. I put on my sweetest smile and handed him a mixed berry smoothie that I had ordered, I didn't know exactly if he drank latte's or not, but the fruit smoothies are the second best here! 

"Oh, thank you." He said making me giggle, he's so polite and awkward. You wouldn't imagine him to act like this in front of someone younger then him, or at least I didn't expect him to act like this. 

"So how have you been?" I asked, trying to make a little conversation before I mention why I wanted to meet up with him. But he wasn't going to have that. After a little small talk he dove right into why I called him here. 

"Not to be rude, but you said you had something you needed to tell me about Olivea." He said after I told him what I had done today. Well, I guess it's time to start the acting. I had worked really hard last night to get everything prepared, planed out this conversation, made sure I got my proof lined up and everything. 

"Oh, well, it's actually horrible news. It's about Taemin." I said after a few seconds of mustering up all of my convincing skills. I really needed to make this seem legit. If not, Taemin will never be mine. So I let water well up in my eyes and I put on one of my saddest most heartbroken faces. Once he saw that I was about to cry, he looked a little softer, just like I hoped. A little girl with tears always get you what you want.

"I have been talking to him about Olivea while we are filming and stuff like that, and he said something that was really shocking for me." I said, then pretending to sniffle. I think he's really believing me! I didn't know I was this good of an actress!

"Which was?" He pressed, making me wonder if he is normally this impatient or if it's just because this is about Olivea.

"He was telling me, how he doesn't feel the same way for Olivea as he used to." I said hoping my tears would continue to help this cause. I figured that he was a guy that was easily swayed by tears. And so far, I have been right.

"Really? Are you sure? Because I know Taemin really cares for Olivea deeply, and he would never imagine leaving her. It nearly torn him apart when they had to break up."  He questioned, which made me mad. He shouldn't question me, but I did come prepared!

"Why would I lie? He told me that he doesn't feel that way anymore! Do you not believe me? I liked Taemin and Olivea together as much as you do." I said bitterly, which put a shocked look across his face. Perfect! He is falling right into my trap!

"I'm sorry, but no, I don't really believe you. I know Taemin, and I don't see his feelings for her changing anytime soon." He said making me a little annoyed, even though this is part of the conversation I planned, I felt myself believing everything I was saying like it was the truth. 

"Here. I have our conversation right here." I said pulling out my phone and going to my messages. I handed him my phone and let him read the  conversation I had made up himself. While Taemin was filling his scene I found his phone and sent myself a little conversation about how he was starting to see Olivea as just a sister or friend. But once I saved the conversation on my phone, I quickly erased them from his. If he saw them, something very bad could happen. 

"Are you serious? Taemin sent these?" He asked, clearly in shock. So they are believable? 

"Yes." I said as he continued to read through the texts. I slurped on my smoothie as I waited for him to get done. Ok, ok, so everything is working so far. He is believing me, and he is falling into my hands, just like I planned. I never would have expected this to be so easy. 

"Ok, so I believe you now. But what were you hoping to do now that I know this?" He asked, pulling from my thoughts. So he wants to know my idea? Great.

"Well, I don't know exactly what you might be thinking but I have a little idea to make the break up easier on both of them." I started, which seemed to catch his interest a little.

"Which would be?" He asked, handing me back my phone. I just smiled and put it back in my pocket, making a mental note to delete those texts later so no one else can see them. 

"I was thinking, since Taemin has moved on already, he just needs a little motive so he doesn't continue to drag this relationship out. Because the longer Olivea thinks he's in love with her, the harder it will be on her. So if we can prove to Taemin that she will be fine without him, he wouldn't feel the need to hold on to her any longer." I explained, making him even more curious into this idea. Once again, he is easy to manipulate.

"How would you say we do that?" He asked making me smile. This is perfect, have I mentioned that yet?

"I think, if we can get her to fall in love with someone else, it would prove to Taemin that she is fine. So we need to get her to hang up her feelings for him and fall for someone else who would be much better suited for her." I continued further, making his mouth almost curve into a smile. Barely, but he was obviously enjoying this idea.

"Like who?" He asked making me smile even more.

"I was thinking long and hard about that. I was thinking, you. Because think about it, she obviously has some sort of feelings for you, but since she is blindly in love with Taemin, she can't see them. But if you just convince her of those feelings, she wouldn't be nearly as hurt when Taemin doesn't come back to her next month. And you would get your girl. I honestly think that you two are a much better match then her and Taemin." I told him, making him blush a little. I wonder if he knew he was so obvious with his feelings. 

After that it took little lying to prove to him that it was the perfect plan. I mean, look at it through a guys eyes. You save the girl from being hurt by getting her to fall in love with you. Seriously, I don't know how he wouldn't even not want to go along with the idea. It was just getting him past the first part. And now, I'm even more reassured in my acting abilities.


Dang it! She got Zico to go with it! >.< Curse his boyish mind! I guess everyone just wants a piece of Olivea... Tsk, tsk, tsk. >.<

But thank you guys once again for all your support! It really means a lot! Please continue to enjoy this story!(:

And thanks again to  _keri at Annyeong Avenue for making this amazing poster!(: I love it soooo much!(: She also was kind enough to make one for my other story, His English Tutor.(:

And with so much love,
Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!