
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"We are home!" I yelled once we got inside the dorm. And once I had opened the door, the sweet smell of Key's winter time cooking filled my nose. 

"Your finally home! It's been horrible here without you! I have been here all alone with Minho. And all he would talk about is the game on TV. You two are my saviors!" Key said peeking out of the kitchen. He was dressed up in one of his fashionable sweaters and fuzzy socks, and had his pink frilly apron over top, telling us that he was baking something yummy. 

"I'm sorry I annoyed you so much. But we were losing. You know I can't help it." Minho said from the couch. Unlike Key he seems to enjoy walking around in just sweats. It first it was a bit awkward, but it grew to be normal. Even though Key nags him about it, but every time Minho just tells him that he is jealous of his abs. And that shuts Key up. 

"Olivea, don't forget we have a date next Wednesday!" Key said, ignoring Minho. 

"I won't forget. What are we doing this week?" I asked as I hung up my coat. Ever since I had been able to walk into crowds without having a heart attack, Key and I have gone out one day a week, and just hung out. Sometimes we go to the mall, other times to the spa, and even the amusment park. 

"I don't know, what ever sounds like fun. Oh! What about ice skating?" He said going back into the kitchen. 

"That could be fun!" I said peeking in to see what all he was cooking this time. During the winter, all he does is cook, and that is because without the oven on, the dorm turns into a freezer. Even if you turn the heat up, it's still crazy cold. So him cooking all day makes everyone happy. We are warm, and he get's to cook and stay off our backs about everything. It looked like he was back to making different types of cookies and yummy sweets. Honestly, you would think we would all be crazy chubby because of how much unhealthy food Key has been feeding us. 

And for the rest of the day, Key cooked and feed us bundles of happiness, Minho watched TV, and Taemin and I sat on the floor wrapped up in blankets. Onew and Jonghyun had been gone all day and no one knew where they were exactly. But when they came bursting through the door with tons of bags we knew what they were doing. 

"You can't see!" Onew yelled as he pulled his boots of and ran after Jonghyun into his room. Christmas shopping. I need to get on that. Christmas was in about 4 weeks and I haven't even thought about it. I wonder if anyone else has gotten anything yet. 

"Ah, that reminds me! We should put the tree up! And decorate the house!" Key said after seeing Onew and Jonghyun. 

"Really?! I love decorating for Christmas!" I said jumping up from Taemin's lap. 

"I remember." Taemin said unhappily, because I wasn't snuggling with him anymore. Since we went public, he keeps a constant eye on me, even when we are in the dorm. Sometimes I like it, other times, it . But on the plus side, I'm always' warm. 

"Come on! Lets go get all the stuff!" I said pulling him up from the couch. 

"You guy's get everything out here, and then we will set everything up!" Key said clapping his hands and then going back into the kitchen. I pulled Taemin with me to the giant storage closet in the back of the dorm, where we kept everything we don't use all the time. 



Olivea and Taemin are getting the Christmas decorations, Minho is watching TV, Onew and Jonghyun are either wrapping presents or hiding the mail for Olivea, and I am now popping popcorn for the tree. My goodness, this year has been on of the best in my life. Last year was one of the worst, ok, well the worst. But since then, she has began to turn into probably the best little sister in the world. She became the girl she was always meant to be. And she has almost become a part of SHINee. She's on shows with us, with the producers asking for her to come on, photo shoots include her a lot, and she will be asked to help with a venture the company is taking. She doesn't know what yet, and none of us know the details, but Lee Soo-Man asked me about it a few day's ago. 

But you can't even tell she is the same person. If you go back to when the whole thing went down, no of us, deep down, didn't think she would make it. Then once she woke up, we didn't know what would happen. If she would be hurt too much, or if she would remember us or anyone for that matter. So it was just an uphill battle for each of us. At night Onew would have to comfort me, a new reason behind my tears each night. Even though we had only known her for less then a year, she had become almost the world to us. Each thing she did, we watched carefully to make sure she didn't hurt herself more. Anytime she would wince in pain, no matter what she said, each of us felt it too. 

Now she is a whole new person. She is constantly smiling, unless she is talking with Minho. Then she talks about whatever is on her mind. Really! The guy really got her to the point where if she is just being quiet, he can just ask what shes thinking about, and she will tell him! Sometimes I think he regrets it, mainly because she doesn't hold back. She'll insult someone even if they are in the room! It's crazy. But it helps her keep her head. And her and I get together a day each week just to hang out and just be brother and sister. We like to call it our dates, and we'll talk about it just about everywhere. Once we brought it up on a show. That was great. Lot's of confused people that day. But we didn't get in trouble. And that's only because Olivea is REALLY good at getting out of trouble. 

"OLIVEA! What was that for!?" I heard Minho yell from the living room. I peeked out through the opening we had put in earlier this year, to see Olivea wrapping him up in tinsel. 

"You look so cute!" She said while giggling. Taemin was laughing while he watched them. I think we have gotten to be a normal family. If normal is possible with us. 

"Olivea, will you help me with the tree now? Or is Minho our new one? He is tall enough." Taemin said with a bit of a smirk. 

"Oh! You would be a perfect tree! Come stand right over here. Get the lights!" Olivea said pushing Minho towards the corner where the tree goes. 

"No! That's it! Your gonna get it once I get this off me!" Minho said while struggling to get the tinsel off him. 

"Oh no! Big bad Minho's gonna get me! Key save me!" Olivea said dramatically. She is also just as, if not more, dramatic then me. 

"I'm gonna get you!" He said throwing the sting of shiny tinsel to the ground and fuming. 

"Key help!" She said darting towards the kitchen. Oh, and she is fast. Almost faster then Minho, even though he wont admit it. 

"NO running in the house!" I said turning to look at both of them with my hands on my hips. They both froze and looked at me. 

"Sorry Key." They said in unison, hanging their heads. 

"Apology accepted. Now go put the tree up, then we can make popcorn strings to hand on the tree." I said point to the box that held the tree. 

"Yay! Ok, will do!" Olivea said pushing past Minho who was smiling. 

"What are you smiling about?" I asked poking his chest. Why does he have to have the best body of all of us. It's not fair. If I had his body, I would be the most attractive man on the earth. 

"So much Christmas spirit! Why aren't you?" He said smiling even more. I just laughing and pushed him out from the kitchen and went back to finishing the cupcake I was frosting. The kitchen in my favorite place during the winter. I'm the one that keeps the house warm, for the most part, and the source of the yummy smell that attacks you when you open the door. I feel like I'm in my own little world in here. Nothing is wrong. No one get's hurt. No ones partly insane. Everything is perfect. It's my escape from life. 

Once they had finally gotten the tree up and decorated, mind they had to be told to get back to task each time I peeked out and saw Olivea and Taemin kissing. Taemin seems to be around her a lot. But I guess that's a good thing. I don't know what she would do if she was harassed by some of those fans. Unknown to her, she isn't loved by everyone. Actually a lot of people like to say they hate her. But then again, she is dating Taemin publicly, we should have just expected this. But after the hate letters started rolling in day by day, we started sorting and hiding them so she couldn't see them. We don't know what would happen if she saw all of them, and we don't want to. And hopefully she doesn't find them. So through that we found another reason to never let her be alone in the streets or anything. That could be horrible. 

But we will just keep doing what we are doing, and hope for the best.


What do y'all think? A little glimpse into Kim Kibum's mind... ;) But really, what do you think? Is it going to slow? I should be getting to the good stuff here pretty soon. As in the next 2-4 chapters. At max. 

But I love your comments so much! ^^ Thank you for all the nice things you have said! And for all y'all who have subscribed, if I didn't write on your wall, I'm sorry. I'm having troubles with seeing my subscribers. >.< So I just want to let all of you know that I love you. So much. 

So I hope to hear more from y'all! Don't forget, if you really want something to happen, give me ideas. I have this story planned out more then the last one, but I can always' change something! ^^

Hugs and Kisses,
Becca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!