What a mess!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"Good god this place is nasty! It's worse then Super Junior's dorm has ever been!" I muttered as I kicked at a pile of clothes that may or may not be clean. How long have I been gone, and why is this place so nasty? Now that I was starting to hold food down fine for a couple days, Becca figured I needed to get back to work. So after a long week at her house, well more like a week at rehab, I was back to my more normal self and passed Dr. Becca's test. This past week Becca has been more intense then anything I have ever been through. I don't think I have ever heard her sound so concerned for me before, but I don't think I was in the right mind for awhile there.

Since about Thursday of this week I have held my food down easily. After being taken out to eat with Bom, who was constantly talking to me about how I needed to eat and how I was hurting myself by not eating, and she had treated me to a wonderful meal while Becca had to go out with someone to figure out something she wouldn't tell me about. But it was really nice to talk with someone besides Becca about everything, and get someone else's perspective on life. Well, someone whose only goal in life isn't to make sure I'm doing well. And someone as sweet and caring as Bommie. So from now on, whenever she has free time it is required that we get together and eat something unhealthy and yummy. Like corn.

Now today is Sunday and I have been eating fine, and have slowly been reconnecting with the world. Strangely, unlike most messages I had gotten after Taemin and I's break up, people were now sending me encouraging messages telling me to get better. Not many people knew why I was shut off from the world, but I guess after my return from America and then me leaving SHINee's dorm made people start to wonder why I haven't been as active on places like Twitter like I normally am. But it was really heart warming to see that not everyone was hateful and using our break up as another way to tell me I'm worthless and unlovable even by someone who loves everything.

As I started to show that I was getting better, Becca allowed me to go back to the BNS studio and help with the work I have been missing. I was put back to work with Zico doing easy work. But Zico kept telling me that I was too sick to be there because I still didn't have much of a voice and I was still really weak. Then being the stubborn girl I am, I ended up yelling because my voice didn't really sound that great talking normal, but I guess now that I think about it, the louder I got, the worse it sounded. Then I ended up out of breath and nearly passing out from everything I was trying to do. And with that I wasn't allowed back out of Becca's apartment for awhile.

But after a couple more days with her I was feeling a ton better, and even though my voice is still a little weird and hard to understand, I'm back to the old me. Well, I will be once this dorm is spotless again. How can four girls get one small dorm so messy in such a short amount of time? So figuring I should clean up the biggest mess first, I started in the bedroom. This way once it's clean, I can make it look like I got more done then I actually did! 

I found my iPod and started playing music loud enough to be heard through out the dorm. I had been informed that the girls have been working really hard and late, so they didn't normally get back to the dorm for awhile. When I heard that it made me feel good, but it also worried me. I was happy that they were working hard, but I didn't want them to overwork themselves. So maybe if I clean the dorm up and make it comfortable again, they wont want to stay so far away from it. 

"Ok, let's clean this bad boy up!" I said before starting to sort out the dirty clothes that were scattered around the floor of our bedroom. I was surprised how many clothes they have gotten dirty since I left. I had finally sorted out lights, darks, and colors in three big piles and the piles were huge. So being the dork I am, I grabbed my phone and took a picture and tweeted, breaking my long break from Twitter. Then I put my phone in my pocket and went back to cleaning up the rest of the bedroom. But I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hello?" I asked as I opened the door. The moment I said something, I was pulled into a huge hug by Yukwon and Taeil.

"We have been sitting around in our dorm all bored, and then we heard some really loud music coming from over here, so we figured it was just the girls, so we didn't really bother. But then we saw that you tweeted a picture from inside your dorm, and we had to come over and see if you were back! I'm so happy you're feeling better! you are better right? You're not going to be taken away again, are you?" Yukwon said excitedly, almost to fast to understand. I just laughed at his explanation of why they were so excited. I waited until Taeil let me go before I answered, it's still really easy for me to make myself light headed by doing too many things at once.

"I should be back for good this time. Sorry y'all had to see my little breakdown. Kind of embarrassing." I said blushing a little and looking at the ground. I really don't like the fact that they all have seen how weak I can be, but hopefully they wont hold it against me and become as protective over me as Key and the rest of SHINee was. 

"So what are you doing in here? Having a dance party or something?" Taeil asked making me laugh again. Which was really nice, I haven't laughed for awhile now, it's a nice change from the crying and seriousness I've been doing. 

"I don't have enough energy in me for that. I'm just cleaning this place up. I don't know how it go so dirty so fast. But then again, living with Key made me think a dirty dish is a huge mess." I told them with a chuckle. I guess I could actually be related to Key in some way, we are more brother and sister-like then most people I've seen.

"Aw, that sounds like no fun at all. Maybe you should come over and hang with us. It would be a lot more fun. And we've been missing have you around a lot." Yukwon said making me blush again. Hm, so they have missed me a lot? 

"Sorry. But this place will drive me crazy until it's spotless again." I said, starting to feel bad about not wanting to mess around with them, but it rubbed off on me too, I can't leave a mess. Well, when I wasn't eating, or really in this world I could, but now that I'm myself again, I can't leave until this place is back to the way I left it the first time. 

"Here we can help! Then you have to come over and play with the rest of us!" Yukwon offered, still smiling and excited.

"If you really want to." I said letting them come in and help me with the rest of the dorm. And to my surprise, they actually clean really well. I remember what their dorm looked like on Match Up and I was nervous that they wouldn't clean anything. But now the dorm is back to it's original glory in half the time it would have taken me to do it. 


Hey guys! Sorry this took so long! I got a little busy there for a bit. >.< But I had some down time and planned some more of the story out! So here is a little preview of what you can look forward too!

♦ Sulli's step 4?
♦ Heartbreaks :(
♦ More Taelli... >.<
♦ A lot more of the girls!(:

But thank you guys so much for sticking with this story!(: I love you all so much! Please continue to show me love!^^ And give me any ideas of something you might want to see? Oh and I think I have a name for the group picked out, their style, their stage names, and I have their whole debut being planned out right now! It feels like it's an actual group debuting with all this work I'm putting into it. :P But be looking forward to more of the group!^^

Thank you all so much, and with lots of love,


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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!