You must not be from around here.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"So they still aren't home. What am I suppose to do now?" I mumbled to myself once I walked into the pitch black dorm.

"Well first, it's not going to stay this dark." I said going over to the light switch and turning the lights on. Well first time being home alone this late, so time to turn every light in the house on! So as I made my rounds to each of the light switches I started singing 'I'm all alone, I'm all alone...' part from Ugly with a bit of a chuckle. Goodness, I so funny sometimes. Then once every ones light was on and the TV was playing I figured I would be safe enough. So I strolled over to my room and changed into some Pj's and then made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then after my shower I searched around for some food then placed myself on the couch and started watching movies. And about half way through 'How To Train Your Dragon' I got tired of sitting around and decided to get up. I went over to the window and looked at the weather outside. It had stopped snowing and the wind wasn't blowing much anymore, and it was beautiful. With the building lights sending colorful lights across the snow, making it sparkle and all in all, it was beautiful. So what do I decided to do? Go for a walk. I went to my room and changed into my outfit for tomorrow then slipped into my boots and started towards the door. 

"Where are you going this late?" Kevin asked once he saw me.

"I can't sleep, so I'm going to go for a walk. Don't worry. I'll be fine." I said and he nodded and didn't stop me. So I opened the door and let to cold air hit my face and hands. I slipped my headphones and then stuffed my hands into my pockets. I was listening to Kim Wan Seon's Be Quiet as I slowly walked down the streets of Seoul. Not many people were out, just like earlier today when I only saw two people on my way home. Now there was a few people out and about, but not nearly as many as there normally is. It was nice now. I can let my mind go and not worry about anything. The problem with the guys is whenever I'm thinking and not talking, they start to worry and make me tell them what's going through my head. Well only Minho can ask me and I will freely tell him, but we have a double team going. He will make me talk about things, and I make him talk about what he is going through. So it's helpful for both of us, most of the time. Other times we feel bad about what we tell each other and ended up feeling worse. BUt thinking about them, I wonder what they are doing. I hope they aren't hurting themselves staying up this late. They have been working so hard, I feel bad for them. Seeing the dark circles under their eyes and the normal glint in their eyes when they smile isn't there any more. They look drained of all their energy. They are working so hard. And I'm hardly doing anything. Well, I guess I'll be starting up school soon. So that will take up most of my time, but I don't like school that much. And I have the girls keeping me busy. And that will take up the rest of my time. So I'm not being totally lazy, I guess. 

"Oh my goodness! That is the cutest kitty I have ever seen!" I said to myself as I passed by an animal shop. I looked further inside and noticed that the lights where on still and it said that it was open. So being the curious girl I am, I wondered inside. Why is a pet shop open this late at night? I glanced at my phone and it said it was nearly 1 in morning. Not many places like this are open at this time. Sure the nightclubs and places like that are open, but not pet stores. 

"Good evening, sweetie. You sure are out late." An older lady said from behind a kennel that held a bunch of bunnies. 

"Oh, yes, I am. I didn't know if you were open or not. I hope I'm not bothering you." I said bowing and then glancing down at her. She looked like a really sweet old lady. Her silver hair was wrapped into a tight bun and she had wrinkles around and her eyes. She must smile and laugh a lot. But she was really cute! She wasn't too tall and was a little chubby. Before she spoke she quickly smiled which made her face light up and her eyes twinkle.

"Of course I am. You must not be from around here. I don't sleep much, so I stay up with my animals and keep them company. And every once and awhile, someone stops by in the wee hours of the night and keeps me company. May I ask what you're doing out so late? A sweet looking girl like you shouldn't be out alone at this time. It's not very safe at all." She said petting the bunny that was cradled in her arms.

"I can't sleep either, and my brothers are out working, so I decided to take a little walk." I replied with a smile. She just nodded and then turned to set the animal back in the cage. I turned to look at the little puppies that were now excited since someone was giving them attention. 

"You still should have someone with you. You could have been snatched right up!" She said coming up behind me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Hardly anyones outside." I told her with a smile. And after that she started telling me the names of the animals I asked about and we talked about random things. Such as the weather and how bad it's been lately. And to my surprise I ended up looking at the turtles and watching them walk around their tanks. Which reminded me of the one and only, Almighty turtle Key. My poor little turtle. Poor thing never even got to see Korea. Thinking back on that now, it seems so pointless. But hey, I got a new phone out of it!

But I guess I had wasted the entire night in there. Because after a cup of tea with the owner, who's name was Haewon, I got a text from Taemin. 

'Hey! There's a pre-recording for one of the New Years show and Lee Soo-Man said you should come with us! It's at about 6 tonight and you have to dress up nice for it! Did you have sweet dreams without me there snuggled up with you?(: -Taeminnie' So I have to look extra nice? Ew, I don't like dresses that much. 

"Is that your brothers looking for you?" Haewon asked looking at me from over her cup of tea. So far, I have learned that she has two grand children, one boy and the other a girl. They are both living with their mother in a town in China because they were ran out of Korea by their father. But don't think that we only talked about things like that. Actually we talked about why she owned this pet shop and the story behind it. And it was super interesting! 

"Um, not really. They are still busy. But they are making plans for me. Looks like I have something to do tonight now!" I said with a bit of a chuckle. 

'But what if I don't want to? And no, I'm at a pet store hanging out with someone way cooler then you guys because I couldn't sleep. ^^ Just kidding. I would love to come. So what time do I need to be ready? I love youuu~! ;)' I replied quickly then finishing my tea.

"It looks like I need to be getting back home. Thank you so much for everything! If I can't sleep again, I'll make sure to come over here." I said pulling myself from my seat and giving her a hug. 

"Please do! You're such a sweet girl, and I hope your brothers start keeping a better eye on you! Be safe! See you sooner or later." Haewon said sweetly hugging me back. I have never had or really knew any grandmothers, but from what I have seen of Haewon today, I hope they are all like her. So once she let me go I thanked her again then strolled out of her store and back towards SM. 

'Wait, what?! You are where!?' Taemin texted me again and I chuckled a little.

'I'm on my way over to SM. I couldn't sleep, so I went on a walk. Don't worry, I'm fine.(:' I replied and looked around at the people around me. I was listening to Let's Go Party and was nodding my head to the beat as I walked down the same streets I had last night. Their was a lot more people then their was last night. Every one seemed wide awake and animated then they normally did. I wonder what's going on. 

'Ok, as long as you're fine. But we will be back at the dorm around 5 to get changed. We wont stay too long though. So we'll have someone come pick you up and we'll meet you there! Key said to call Jessica or Sunny to get something to wear if you don't have a dress. And I love you too! I'm sorry we haven't been able to see you very much lately. We should be home more often after this week. I miss you so much! *Kisses*' Was Taemin's reply, I wonder what they are doing right now.

'Ok, I'll call them later, but if you have time, I'll be at SM all day! Maybe you could meet the girls!^^ But if not, I'll see you tonight! Work hard and don't worry, I know you guys are busy and it doesn't bother me! Just take care of yourself ok? I don't want you to get hurt.' I replied as I came up to the doors of SM. I wonder what today will bring? I guess we'll find out. 

'Don't worry about me either then, ok? But we have surprise plans set out for tonight too! So it's going to be lots of fun! You wont be alone tonight, I can promise you that!^^ But I have to go now. Have fun! Love you too!(:' He replied causing my mind to wander about what they have planned. What is today anyway? I glanced at my phone and to my surprise it was December 31st already. No wonder everyone is out and about, it's New Years Eve. 


Holy cow! >.< Once again a lot of nothing to great...>.< But I have to update really quick before i go to sleep. This chapter has been bothering me for awhile now. I have re-written it so many times...:P But last night I came up with a perfect idea for some relationships getting closer and other farther apart, but it's gonna all work out here soon! So I will start getting relationship formed and then play with them from there! Honestly though, my favorite is going to be one between Olivea and Zico. I know some of you don't like how they act with each other right now, BUT last night, I had the BEST idea for them. I love it so much. But I bet it's not going to be be as great to y'all as it is to me...:P 

But how was Christmas and New Years for y'all? My was good. And so will Oliveas... ;) 

But I need to get to bed, sooooo

Hugs and Kisses,
Becca  ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!