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Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

One more hour. Only one more hour on this miserable plane ride. Now if this child behind me would kindly stop singing Adele at the top of his lungs, this last hour wouldn't push me closer to insanity. 

"ROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEEEEP~" How about I roll you out the plane doors? Think happy thoughts. Getting to see Jiho in person again after 2 months. Feeling his lips against mine again, the feeling of his touch... Maybe I should tell him that I'm about to arrive in Seoul soon. But it would be way more fun to surprise him. Seeing the look of sheer happiness on his face when he sees me again, I like that idea better. 

"IF YOU WANT IT COME AND GET NA NA NA~" Half and hour. I can do this. Turn Shinee's 'Dream Girl' up a little louder. After I visit and catch up with Jiho, I wonder if Shinee is busy. I've been missing Key so much lately. I'm almost tempted to go visit him first. I also wonder whats been happening over in Korea since we left, since we were told to stay off the web and  stay disconnected from Korea as much as we can. So I did, and I have no idea whats going on with anyone over there. 

After thinking through my random thoughts I heard the flight attendant announce that we were getting ready to land and all that good stuff. I can finally be done with this child behind me. A couple more seconds....

"Olivea! Are we allowed to go back to the dorm or do we have somewhere we have to go?" Daniella asked as we made our way to the baggage pick up. 

"No, you can go where ever. Tomorrow I have to go meet with Lee Soo Man and Cho PD but you guys are free until the video is finished editing. But be practicing and getting ready for your debut." I told them getting excited mumbles from each of the tired looking girls. I on the other hand tried to make myself presentable to go meet up with Jiho and hang with Block B for awhile. 

After picking up our luggage the girls and I made our way back to the dorm and I dropped my things off quickly before heading across the hall to check and see if the guys were in here. When I peeked in I hear the TV on and saw Taeil and Jaehyo sitting shirtless on the floor stuffing their faces with chips while watching what looked like a horror movie.

"Hey guys!" I said making Taeil toss his bag of chips behind him as he jumped in fear. Jaehyo didn't jump for the same reason he did but to run over to me to pull me into on of the biggest hugs I've had in a long while. 

"I've missed you soooooooooooo much Olivea! No matter what anyone says, I missed you the most!" He sang while spinning me around. This is is going down the same road my welcome back from America went down. But I'd rather not be shaken like a rag doll by all 7 members of Block B and Shinee. 

"You nearly gave me a heart attack. You could have given us a little warning that you were coming in. We might have gone and put some shirts on but, I doubt it. Although I have missed you so much too!" Taeil said sheepishly while trying to hide his blush. But that didn't stop him from pulling me into a hug as Jaehyo had. After a bit more welcome back's and I've missed you the most's I asked them where my rapper was. 

"Last I heard Kyung was in the dance studio with Yukwon trying to learn the new dance. Oh you mean Jiho? My bad." Jaehyo joked before a lightly smacked him on the back of the head.

"I think he's in the studio. he told us not to bother him unless someone died. But I think you coming back in on the same level." Taeil said before giving me another hug as I turned for the door. I wonder what Jiho is up to that he wouldn't want bothered at all. Hopefully I don't make him mad inturrputing him. Maybe I should send him a text or call him really quick...

"He was in his normal studio room. But you might not want to go in there Olivea." One of the back up dancers I ran into said when I asked her if she's seen Jiho lately.

"Why is that?" I asked starting to worry a bit more.

"Haven't you been paying attention to the gossip sites? I saw him sneak in here with a girl." She said solemnly. With a girl? Gossip sites? 

As I made my way down the hall to where she said he would be I started to think maybe I should turn around and spare myself anymore heartache. But it's just gossip sites, what could they know. And maybe the person she thought was a girl was just someone he was working with. But as I drew closer to the door I started to hear giggles, one I could recognize easily, the other, obviously a girl. I stopped dead in my tracks trying to hear what they were doing. But after a couple seconds, I heard Jiho start talking.

"Hwa, shh. I think I heard someone." He said and her giggles became muffled like his hand was over . Hwa? Who in the world is name Hwa?

"Jiho, baby. No ones there. Don't worry. Why are you so worried? It's not like you have another girlfriend you have to worry about or anything. Here, come back up here and let me show you a thing or two." The girls voice sang sweetly before the giggling started again. Feeling anger boiling up through my body I turned to go in there and teach him a thing or two about playing me like he is, but I stopped with my hand on the handle. What am I going to do when I open the door? What exactly are they doing? Am I sure I want to see that kind of thing again? I need to go empty my head before I do anything stupid. But I wanted a little proof that he was fooling around behind my back to show to Key. If I don't know what to do, I know he will. So getting my phone out and finding the voice recorder, I listened to the noises coming through the thin door. I was about to leave when I felt the necklace Jiho had gotten me slide across my neck reminding me of it. I put my phone in my pocket and carefully took the necklace off and secured it around the door handle. It created a bit of a noise and I heard one of them coming to the door. I quickly darted around the corner and peeked around in time to see Jiho peeking out of the room. He was shirtless and had lipstick all over his neck and face. Tears started to well up as he turned to go back in the room. I turned quickly and jogged to the main doors to get out of the building before he noticed the necklace. But I wasn't quick enough.

"Olivea!?" I heard a shout from down the hall. I picked up my pace and quickly pushed through the crowed in front of the building and started to blend into all the people walking on the sidewalk. Picking up my pace I focused my sights on the Shinee dorm down the street. Just let Key and the guys deal with this one. Don't do something stupid...

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!