Creep carefully...

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

'So when did you want me to drop by again?' Was the first message I got once I turned my phone on. Since it was a Saturday, the guys didn't want to wake me, because I have been staying up late for finals and all that good stuff. And since Thursday was my last real day of finals, I have been a lot less stressed, but I guess they are letting me get my sleep back. With my all-nighters studying and hourly runs to the kitchen, I don't think any of us got a ton of sleep. Even Taemin slept in his own room. And each morning, he would be the person to sneak in and wake me up from my light slumber in front of my desk. 

'What time did we have to be there again?' I replied as I climbed out of bed. I glanced around for something like a jacket that would keep me warm, and ended up waking to Taemin and Minho room and rummaging through their closet to get one of Minho super warm sweatshirts. One of my favorite things about living with them is that they are all so small, I don't get eaten by their sweatshirts and most of their clothes. And since they are all so fashionable, I also pass the time by looking through Key's clothes and sometimes I like to steal Jonghyun's pants. Only because Key's are too long for me, along with all the other guys. But his are just right! 

'I think he said about 12. So you want me to come over around 11:30 or what?' He messaged me back almost instantly. Yesterday he texted me and asked if I was free to go to a little meeting with him and the rest of Block B. Since I never have anything to do on Saturday's I agreed, but I seemed to have forgotten to mention it to the guy's and Becca. But I have my reason's! The guy's wouldn't let me go unless they got to meet them first (And Jonghyun would tease Taemin telling him that it's a date) and Becca would ask to go because she is such a huge fan of them. It wouldn't be the best idea. I glanced at the time and figured that since it was only 8, I had time to make me some breakfast, get in the shower, and find a cute outfit, and be ready to go by 11.

'Well, how far is it from my place?' I replied and then headed off towards the kitchen, but stopped along the way to turn the TV on, just so it's not silent. Hmm, I'm having a craving for waffles. So waffles it is! I started gathering the ingredients as I waited for a message back. 

'If you can drive, not that long. But if you can't, it would be a bit of a walk.' Was his reply, well I guess since I can't drive.

'I guess we'll have to walk then. So how about you just drop in when ever.:)' Once I hit the send, I hurried up and started mixing the batter. I started singing along with the songs that were playing on the channel I was watching. Saturday's have to be my favorite days of the week. The guy's are gone, Becca has meetings with the school she normally has to go too, and I don't have class. What's not to love? I'm home alone, that's a perfect day already.

'Ok! ;) I'll text you when I get there! See you in a bit!' Zico said after awhile. I just chuckled and slipped my phone back in my front pocket. I was clad in fleece pajama pants, Minho's sweatshirt, no-make up, and my hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of my head. So basically, I look like I just got out of bed. 

I lounged on the couch watching TV while I munched at my chocolate chip and banana waffles and sipped at my orange juice. I was watching variety shows and laughing that the antics that they make the stars do. It was a lot like Saturday morning cartoons. But once I was finished with my food I pulled myself from the couch and cleaned my dishes and made my way to the bathroom. 

Then after a very nice and warm shower, I wrapped up in a towel and went over to my room to pick out an outfit. Zico said that the restraunt we were having the meeting at wasn't fancy, but it wasn't casual. So I need something that in between fancy and casual. So I quickly pulled on a pair of pants and a sweater, just to keep me warm while I search. So after turning some music on I started digging into my closet. 

"Not that. Eh, to fancy. Not nice enough. That does NOT look good. Why do I have this? Ooo, that's cute, but not what I'm looking for. Why do I not have the closet Key does? He would have the perfect outfit for this!" I said in frustration. I went through my winter- appropriate clothes and found nothing good enough to wear. Except I found a few shirts I could wear, but I didn't have any pants that would match them. 

"Nothing matches! Why today? Why can't Key be here this ONE time!?." I whined looking around my room. I have nothing to wear with them, waiiiit. I know some one who has more choices then I do! Well, I could think of a few Key has worn that would go great, but I can also think of a few Jonghyun have. So with an evil smile I crept over to Jonghyun's room. Even though no one else was home, I still feared for my life going in his room. It's not like I was dirty or smelly like you would guess, no, it's just that he hates me wearing his clothes. Everyone else get's a kick out of it though. So I'm always' super careful when I sneak in his room. 

Once I got in, I carefully started looking through the part of his closet that wouldn't make me blush. So sifting through the millions of pants that he owns I found a few that would go well with my shirt, and then flipped a coin that I found on his floor to decide. Then once I settled on the pair that won the coin toss, I put everything back to the way it was and slipped out of his room and waddled back to mine. 

"He has such cute pants!" I said looking at myself in the mirror as I tightened a belt around my waist. It was kind of sad that they have cuter clothes then I do, but they are known for their fashion. But once I was happy with my outfit I turned toward my mirror and started drying the rest of my hair. 

I was dancing to f(x) NU ABO while I was curling my hair into cute little curls. Becca and Taemin had started texting me, making sure that I'm fine. 

'What are you up too on this cold cloudy day?' Taemin asked once I finished up the rest of my hair. I quickly sprayed in all over with hairspray then went to replying to their messages.

'Just getting ready to go out.(:' I replied to Taemin trying to think up way's to not tell him where exactly I'm going and who's coming over in a bit. Thinking about the time, I only have about another 20 minutes before Zico might show up. So I quickly started covering up my scars and cuts with concealer and foundation. 

'Go where?^^' Taemin asked against my wishes. I finished up covering my face before I replied. I didn't want Zico to have to see the scars, mainly because I didn't want to tell him what happened.

'It's a secret. I can't tell you!;)' I replied once I was done. He didn't reply right away, so I bet he was asking whoever he was with if they knew.

'Ok.): Well have fun. But not too much! :*' He said making me chuckle. I told him I wouldn't, then went back to finishing my face. Then once that was done, I glanced at the time and figured that I had about another 6 minutes. So I dug around for some shoes and settled on a pair of brown military-like boots. I was lacing them up when I got a text from Zico.
'HEY! I'm on my way up!(:' It read so I hurried up and tied the one boot I had on. Once I got that done, I heard a knock at the door.
"ONE SECOND!" I yelled loud enough for someone to hear out there. Once I was sure the boot was tight enough for me to walk in I jumped up and jogged over to the door, with just one boot on. 
"Hey! Come on in, I'm almost ready to go." I said with a smile gesturing for him to come in.
"Woooooow. It's so nice in here. Don't you live with 5 guys? This place is so clean!" He said looking around in awe. The same thing most people say when they see the dorm.
"Yes, Key is very picky about keeping this place clean. But I just have to get my other shoe on then I'll be ready." I said with a chuckle going over to the couch where I threw my other shoe on my way to the door.
"Did I mention what this meeting is about exactly?" He asked chuckling as I fumbled around with the thick laces.
"No, not really. I was actually wondering about that." I said finally getting the strings where I wanted them.
"Well, the girls got back yesterday, so PD figured that you would want to meet them. So we are going to go eat lunch and get to know each other!" He said happily. 
She's gonna  meet the girls next! Sorry if this one is kinda boring. It's just a filler chapter until I get te time to write the next one. I just decided that since I finished studing for the night, I would update quick! ^.^
But next y'all will get to see a bit of what the girls are like! ^^ Are you excited? I am! Even though I don't know exactly how I want them all to get intertwined in SHINee and Block B's and every one's lives yet. BUT there will be some new romances come upppp! ^^ So y'all can look forward to that!(:
But I just have 2 day's left of tests and then I will be on break. And I have my hardest test tommorow, so I should have some time to update after school tomorrow! ^^ So be looking forward to that!(:
Just so I can get you guy's commenting, here is something for you to talk about! Who would y'all like to see get caught up in a relationship? Just something for you to think about and give me some ideas of what you want to see! ^^
Hugs and Kisses,
Rebecca ♥
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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!