Free Game.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Hey, Olivea! Time to get up sleepy head." I heard someone call pulling me from my light, restless sleep. I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked around for the person telling me to get up.

"I don't want to." I protested noting that it was still dark enough outside for my eyes to be shut for another good hour.

"To bad. Taemin's already there, so don't be a slacker. Come on, you don't have a choice. I want you ready to go in an hour. So, hurry up sleepy head." They said, now letting me know that it was Key.

"Wait, why is Taemin there already?" I asked as he handed me my glasses and I slipped them on so I could see the dark, dimly lit shapes in my room. And on of them was missing, and that was the body that should be laying next to me.

"He had a meeting with Lee Soo-Man. Don't worry about it. Just get up and get ready, you lazy bum!" Key said, ruffling my already messed up hair and getting off my bed and heading for the door. I wonder what Lee Soo-Man wanted to talk to him about. Hopefully nothing bad. 

I just shrugged it off and slid off my bed and slipped a pair of jeans and a cute but flowy and loose lace top on. As I change outfits, I seem to find a new cut or bruise each time. So loose fitting clothes that didn't really rub on my skin that much was now the only thing you could find me in. As I got ready, I listened to C-REAL's Joma Joma and sang along, slowly but surely waking up as I did so. Then once I was ready and looked presentable, I ducked out of my room and was greeted by warm smiles.

"Good morning Olivea! We saved a little for you. But if you don't hurry, Onew might just finish it off." Jonghyun joked as I took my seat at the table. As we ate, we talked about what we needed to do today, and then just joked around. Just like normal. Then once 7 got closer we gathered up our things and jumped in their van and made our way over to SM. 

Once we got there I followed behind the guys and was planning on messing around with them, well, until I was told I needed to got to Lee Soo-Man's office. Then I started to get confused. Key looked just as confused as I was, but then Onew whispered something in his ear, and then he looked deflated. So I did what I was told and made my way towards his office. Once I came in, I just about turned around and walked back out. Taemin had been crying, his face was all puffy and his eyes were red, and Lee Soo-Man looked on the verge of tears too. 

"Um, I can tell this isn't going to end well." I said looking over at Taemin who seemed to be avoiding looking over at me. 

"Take a seat please." Lee Soo-Man said point to the other seat in front of his desk and then handing me a small plied of papers. I glanced over them and flipped through the pile. It seemed to be comments made by fans about Taemin and I. Most were of how horrible of a person Taemin is for not stopping the fans from hurting me, while others where hoping I would get better and the the crazy fans would lay off. 

"What is this? Why are you showing me this?" I asked flipping through the pages again and reading them a bit more. They are horrible. I would be bawling if I was Taemin. But not all the comments were aimed toward him, I had my own fair share of insults thrown my way.

"Comments made by fans about your recent attack. I'm showing you these to show you the reasoning behind what I'm about to tell you." Lee Soo-Man said as he slowly stood up and started pacing behind his desk. I waited for him to continue, and after a few seconds, he finally finished.

"You two need to split." He said bluntly. I blinked a couple times, hoping he was just joking. But the look in his eyes, I started to understand that he wasn't kidding at all.

"Now don't you two look at me with those eyes. I like the idea as much as you do. But Taemin look at Olivea, what these people said isn't exactly wrong. Technically, all of that is your fault. Olivea, you're getting attacked, their taking you off guard so you can't fight back. If it wasn't for the lucky break you caught, you could have easily been killed. You two aren't looking at the big picture. Taemin, you now are the least popular in SHINee, and as you can see, people say they hate you. Olivea, you are being hurt, and you're costing a lot of people loads of heartache. I had a meeting with Block B after the went and picked up from the nurse. The looks in their eyes, they were petrified. They wouldn't say it, but you could see how worried they were for you. I don't want to make you two split, but you almost need to. Maybe you can get together secretly after a month or two. But for the health of everyone, please see why you need to." HE explained, bringing all the problems of us being together into perspective. I had known that the fact Taemin was taken had taken a hit on his popularity, but I guess it's gotten worse.

"Does that mean she'll have to move out too?" Taemin asked quietly, still refusing to look at me. Once he asked this, it seemed to surprise Lee Soo-Man a bit.

"I hadn't thought about that. I guess you would have to leave the SHINee dorm. And I think leaving the SM dorms as a whole would be the best. Why didn't I think of this. Maybe you could move in with the girls over at the BNS dorms. There you could be with Block B and the girls right close, and you wouldn't have to go too far to work with them. I'll get everything worked out." He said ruffling papers. So I'll have to move out. Away from all the people who carefully watch me, just so I don't fall apart again. The only people who know exactly what happened to me that night. The people who know I'm insane. What if I have a break down and they don't know what's going on. Someone would get hurt, and it would be my fault. My thoughts were starting to spiral farther downward, I opened my mouth to ask if this was the best idea, but before I could get anything out; everything went black.

"Olivea! Olivea, please wake up!" I heard Taemin say, lightly shaking me. I felt my senses coming back once I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He seemed relieved once I opened my eyes, and then helped me sit up a bit. 

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes, blinking away the fuzzy-ness around the corners of my eyes.

"You passed out. First you looked like you were deep in thought, then you lost any and all color, and then boom, you were on the floor before either one of us could move." He said pushing the hair away from my face and carefully looking at me. I looked at him for a bit, slowly remembering all the things I was thinking about before everything went black.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly after a couple seconds. I looked away from him and noticed Lee Soo-Man isn't in here anymore. 

"Wheres Lee Soo-Man?" I asked, trying to change the subject even though I knew he wouldn't go along with it.

"Getting you some water. Tell me. It must be something big if it made you pass out. Come on, out with it." He continued, grabbing my face and forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"I don't want to leave you guys. What if something happens? No one else except from the people in SM know I'm messed up upstairs. If I move in with the girls, they have no idea. They don't know me that well. What would they do, what would Block B do? What if they don't think of me the same way you guys did? What if they think I'm a monster and don't want to be near me ever again?" I told him, tears falling as I thought of just about every bad thing that could happen. Once I finished, well more like, I could talk anymore because I was sobbing so badly, he carefully placed both hands on my face and took a deep breath. 

"Olivea, sweetie. It's not like you'll never get to see us again. You'll see us everyday almost, so you can clear your mind with Minho just like now. Don't worry. You won't have anything happen to you to make you break down again. Trust me, if you think you'll fall apart again, you will. If you think you wont, you wont. And even if something does happen, I don't think they would call you a monster or hate you. They would do the same thing we did. It's not like we're the only ones who saw what happened, all of SM still thinks you're a pretty cool girl. I don't see why they wouldn't think so too. Don't think of this as a goodbye, more like of a I'll wait for you. I hate seeing you like this, and if breaking up for awhile is what we need to do, then I'll do it. Whatever it takes to make you safe and happy. But you have to go into it with an open mind. Can you do this, for me?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. I listened carefully, taking into consideration everything he was saying. He's right. Ever word. So I just nodded and gave him a little smile.

"Thank you. And when we can get back together, I'll force Key to make you as many chocolate chip pancakes as you want." He said returning my smile with one of his own.

"You really know the way to a girls heart." I said with a chuckle. Once he let me go, Lee Soo-Man came in a handed me a glass of water and made sure I was fine.


"Olivea, can I ask you one more thing?" I heard Lee Soo-Man say once the office doors closed behind me. Wait, Olivea was right behind me, wasn't she? I guess not, but being the curious boy I am, I figured listening in on this wouldn't hurt anything.

"I think it would be helpful for you to get farther away from SM, by which I mean you should try and get closer with other artist. And to get the attention away from you and Taemin, I think you should get closer with other male idols." Lee Soo-Man said catching my full attention. I started to feel this weird feeling building up in my body once he said that. I listened to some of the conversation after that, but I was starting to lose control of what I was doing. I stayed put until I heard Olivea say goodbye, then I ducked out of the way and waited for her to head towards where the guys should be practicing. Once she walked by, I started towards one of the practice rooms. At first I didn't really think about what I was doing, but then when I burst into the room where Block B and the girls had been getting ready to practice, I actually thought about what I was doing.

"Come with me." I said flatly as I grabbed Zico and pulled him into an empty room towards the end of the hall. Once I turned to look at him, he seemed beyond shocked. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't think of words. I had so much anger building up inside of me I wasn't even thinking straight. The fact that Lee Soo-Man is forcing Olivea and I apart and then telling her to cuddle up to other guys to get the focus off her and I, it's driving me crazy. 

"Taemin, are you ok? Did something happen?" I heard Zico ask quietly, confusion and what sounded like worry laced through his voice. Of course something happened. You're going to get to live with the girl I fell in love with the moment I saw her.

"No, everything's fine and dandy. Of course something happened! Why do you think Olivea and I were called into Lee Soo-Man's? I'll tell you what's wrong. The fact that you're going to be able to live so close to the girl I love for who knows how long. The fact that my fans hate me for not protecting Olivea better, the fact that people think I should be getting all u the beatings instead of her..." I started, but then just started to ramble on, and the rambling then turned into a couple tears. In which Zico seemed clueless on what to do. I don't know what I'm thinking anymore. I'm so tired, and getting news like this, I can't understand anything.

"Taemin, you know you're not making any sense? Can you just start from the beginning?" He said putting his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. I looked up and him and for one, noticed how much bigger then me he is, and that he actually looked concerned for whatever I was going through. I don't know this guy very well, but I think I'm starting to see why Olivea took such a shine to him.

"The beginning? Um, well. Olivea and I have to break up. She has to move out, so Lee Soo-Man is thinking of having her move in with the girls in their own dorms near you guys. On top of that she has to get closer to other guys. I don't think I'll be able to see her getting close to anyone else without freaking out. Zico, I need a favor of you." I said rubbing my wet eyes and trying not to look up at him.

"What is it?" He asked sitting down next to me and laying up against the wall.

"This is the one thing Olivea is most worried about when she'll leave our dorm. We know just about everything about her. She does have one big secret that she keeps from everyone, and it affects just about everything about who she is. But when I tell you, you can't let her know you that I told you anything about it. But it will help you incase something goes... Wrong, and we aren't there." I started looking over at him, once I mentioned the secret, he turned to face me better.

"What do you mean 'a big secret'?" He asked seeming extremely interested. I hope this doesn't make Olivea mad at me.

"Remember her accident? Well, to put it bluntly, she's crazy. You don't believe me, do you? Didn't think you would. She has a problem up here, she can't be around huge groups of people, she has troubles with new people, and her mental state is hardly ever secure. When we would check with you guy while we were gone to see if she was talking to anyone, or if she seemed really quiet, that's why. When she hurt herself, she had had a mental breakdown. The one thing we all had to promise when her friend Becca told us about Olivea was, that no matter what's wrong with her, we can't treat her any differently then what we do now. You need to promise the something. I know your not really believing everything I'm saying, but you need to know. Promise? Good, now if you break the promise, just like we were threatened, I'll personally break every bone in you giant body." I said ending with a bit of an evil smile. If he even hurts Olivea in the slightest with the information I'm about to tell him, I will make him wish that he had never been born.

"I promise." He said hesitantly. I don't think he's understanding much of what I'm saying.

"You better. But with Olivea, she can't keep her emotions bottled up for much time at all. If she does she starts to almost go insane. Last time, everyone saw what the outcome was, but only the people in SM really knew exactly what happened. Basically, she hears voices, tries to fight them off, and then hurts herself. But she doesn't always know what shes doing. So what I need you to do, is to take care of her. Watch what shes doing, if shes really quiet and  reserved get her to talk, or have her call one of us. If she bottles everything up for to long, it could be just as bad as last time. And if you see her talking to herself or something like that, get her attention. It sounds outlandish, I know. I still don't understand it. But please, just please do this, for Olivea." I almost begged. If I have to leave Olivea, I'm not going to let her think no one will be able to understand what shes going through. And I can't just let her leave us and sent her into the world all by herself.

"You're right, I have no idea what you mean by any of this. But I'll do it." He said, running his hand through his hair and seeming to be more confused then before. I guess hearing something like this is pretty hard to wrap your head around, especially with the way they have seen her. I wouldn't believe a single word I just said either.

"Thank you, you'll understand everything as you get to see her more often. And a couple more, smaller things; sometimes she doesn't sleep..." I started, telling him just about everything he needs to know about Olivea that he didn't already know. It felt nice almost to be able to talk to someone outside of SHINee like this. About everything that happens in our dorm, and not have to worry about it getting out to the public. I never noticed how few people I can call friends, well except most of the SM family. But they are more like family, not friends. And theres not many people my age.

Once I had calmed down and had tried to clear more things up for Zico, we started towards where Olivea might be, in SHINee's practice room. And I was right. Surprise. I knew things were all good on her side because she was smiling and giggling on Key's lap while they watched something on his phone. The other guys were sitting around them, smiles on their faces too. Once the I came in they looked over and cleared a spot for me. I don't know exactly if I'll be able to accept the fact that shes going to be single and free game for other male idols, but as long as shes happy, I think I can live with it for awhile.

Finally! This took FOREVER to re-type! >.< But I think it's a bit better then the first version... What do you think? Is Taemin gonna be ok? I feel so bad for them! I don't think I could picture them with anyone else! >.<

So thank you guys for waiting for me to get this chapter ready! It's really appreciated!(: I love you guys. But y'all already knew that!^^ 

I just want to say thank you again for all of your support, it really means a lot!(: I hope you guys are enjoying it more!(:

Hugs and Kisses,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!