
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

A narrator type person who can get in peoples heads and tell you what there thinking...(:

That night Olivea had troubles sleeping. For the past few days she has been getting messages from her anti's, as she calls them, and it has just gotten to the point where she's now starting to believe what they are telling her. From evil lies to things that are actually true. But it's gotten to where she thinks they all are. But no matter how many times they tell her not to show her face at school, she still shows up. And she has been for a a good month now. The first day she went back, the day she stayed with Becca, the entire SM entertainment was freaking out trying to find her. Only because Olivea may have forgotten to mention to someone that she was going to her classes. But after the first day, things went smoothly. The worst that happened the first week was the evil glares from the girls that attacked her the first time. Olivea goes to her classes in the day time, and then afterwards walks over to the SM building and joins the girls with what they are doing.

Lately the girls have started with their vocal training. Which for them was a great thing after being worked nearly to death for weeks. But Olivea joined them and tried her hardest to help make it more enjoyable. And in the process they started to learn more about each other. Like, Danella is extremely sarcastic and loves to joke around. But she has had a hard past because of her parents, and refused to talk to anyone about it. Penlope is a sweet, bubbly, and outgoing girl. She loves to talk with anyone that will listen and has one of the biggest Super Junior obsessions anyone in SM has seen in person. But Suju loves it, so they try to talk to her as much as they can. Mainly because they like to hear good things about them selves. Noel comes from a family of shy, quiet, people who keep to themselves a lot. But she is the unique one of the family. She is loud around most people, extremely active, and loves to study and learn new things. Her family is back in Canada happily cheering her on in her dreams to become a singer, they send her letters and call her as often as they can. Then there is Adrianna. She is the calm, level-headed one of the four. To Olivea, she resembles Minho a lot. She loves to listen more then talk, and is extremely athletic. Adrianna has yet to meet her birth family, but lived with her aunt and uncle in China and Hawaii for as long as she can remember. But in the month the girls have been here they still haven't learned much about Olivea, and still think of her as a bit of a scatter-brain and don't really know what else to think of her as. They have talked with some other people around SM, well the ones that they can actually talk to, and they say Olivea is exactly the opposite of what they have been seeing her as.

On the weekends, Olivea is forced to give up working with the girls for working with Zico, Cho PD, and Lee Soo-Man with he details of the group. Such as if they are getting better, how much longer they need to go, and things along that line. Olivea and Zico have started to get even closer because of how much time they spent together. And it's just not Zico, she seems to have gotten closer with just about all of Block B. None of them know a ton about her, but just like SHINee felt the urge to want to protect her and just be around her, they feel the exact same. They have learned what kind of questions to not ask her, what she likes to do, and just about every way to take her attention from something and on them. Which they have used to their advantage.

SHINee has been working hard on their comeback, and has started to trust other people with taking care of Olivea. In fact they really only know where is when she text them once she's there. And then keep up with her by calling or texting her when they have the time, which is something almost foreign to them. Not knowing what Olivea's doing and where she is, is slowly killing Key. When she texts Minho each night telling him in short little sentences, something she need to remember to talk to him about when they are done with promotions. Becca reports to Jonghyun what she is noticing in Olivea. Like when she is being quiet and not talking, or just not acting like a normal Olivea, Becca will tell Jonghyun, and then try to get Olivea to talk. But without any of the guys there, Olivea just wont talk to anyone like she does with Minho or Taemin. Onew on the other hand, he has been talking with Block B. Since they spend so much time with her, he just asks them if she seems fine or not. And most the time she is, except when she has some trouble at school. In which she'll talk with Taeil about, for the most part. And then Taemin hears from her every night, only because when Olivea started getting these messages from unhappy fans, he told her just to set her phone to forward them to him to so he could tell someone if they got too out of control. And so as her reads each one, he wants more and more to be done with being an idol and just come back to Seoul, and be Olivea's boyfriend. Just to tell her everything will be fine and no ones going to hurt her anymore because he will protect her. But they still have a while before they'll be getting back to their dorm. 

"Olivea! Do you have anything going on today after classes today?" Jacqueline asked as her and Olivea walked to their last homeroom period of the day. It was finally Friday and they have been getting together at Jacqueline's apartment after school for the past few weeks to get their homework done quickly. But only on the days when Olivea didn't have a meeting with anyone or something she couldn't miss. 

"I don't think so. Study session again?" Olivea agreed as they walked into their classroom. 

"Sounds great! We can just head over to my place right after this class then!" Jackie (I'mma shorten her name a bit now... I hope y'all don't mind much...) said as she found her desk. Olivea took her seat next to Tyson and for the last 15 minutes of class she helped him with whatever problems he might be having that day. Most of the time it's math, but then sometimes it's his Korean class, so Olivea will help him out as best as she can until the bell rings.

Once the bell rang Tyson, Jackie, Antonie, and Olivea all walk together to where their lockers and then go their separate ways. But today was a bit different. This morning Olivea had gotten a total of 10 texts, each from different people, telling her not to come to school or something was going to go down. But she has gotten these before, but not from so many different people. So through out the day Olivea found notes in her bag, books, and locker telling her to leave, but being as stubborn as she is, she didn't leave. And now a group of 10 girls were waiting for her to come out of the school. It was a freezing day. There was still a little snow on the ground, but it was mainly ice now, because all day it had rained and with the cold temperature, it had all frozen. So as Olivea and Jackie were walking out of the school, one of the girls grabbed them and pulled over towards the back of the school. And despite their fighting against them, they couldn't break away from the girls holding them. Once the were in the back of the school, things started to get out of control. 

It started with each of them being thrown to the ground, and Jackie ended up hitting her head throwing her off for a second. But before they could get up two girls had been on top of the roof waiting for the signal to pour their buckets of ice water below. In which they did, causing both Jackie and Olivea to get completely soaked. 

"Jacqueline, are you ok? Your heads not bleeding is it?" Olivea asked crawling of to Jackie who was holding the back of her head in pain. When she didn't answer the girls started laughing even louder. Ignoring them, Olivea carefully looked at Jackie's head to make sure she didn't crack it open, and luckily she hadn't. 

"Did little Frenchy hurt her head? Maybe if you didn't hang out with the insane one, your head wouldn't hurt as much. She does tend to do that to people. I mean look even her own brother is trying to get away." One of the girls laughed causing Olivea to snap. She jumped up from the ground, and stormed over to the group of girls who were standing a safe distance away from the water that had been dropped down.

"What is wrong with you!? Why do you have to keep tormenting me like this? I haven't done anything to you!" She yelled, starting to lose the feeling in her fingers. The girl in front of her blink a couple times, then started laughing.

"Where do I start? You were born. You're alive. You're dating someone you don't even deserve to know. You claim to be related to someone you you aren't. Do you want me to keep going?" She laughed in her high, shrill voice. By now, Olivea has lost it. She wasn't even thinking anymore. From what she remembers, is her arm pulling back and then connecting with the girl in front of her's stomach. Which lead to a full on attack. Punches, kicks, scratches were coming at her from every where. And with how fast they came at her, she was on the ground weaving in and out of consciousness with in minutes. Then the moment Jackie tried to stop them, they attacked her just as quickly. But luckily, one of the girls reminded them that they had a nail appointment they were going to miss if they didn't leave. So before they could knock Jackie out, they ran off. 

"Olivea? Can you hear me?" Jackie asked the now unconscious Olivea. After not getting a response, she tried to pick Olivea up and carry her to the front of the building.


"Olivea? Can you hear me?" And that was the last thing I heard before falling into the blackness. I lost all feeling in my body, it was freezing, that's all I knew. It was just like that night after our vacation. But this doesn't feel as final as that did. That has to be a good thing, right? What's happening? Is Jackie ok? When she feel, I don't think she hurt her head that bad, but did they do to her what they did to me? And if they did, how is anyone going to find us back here? Are we just going to freeze to death with all this water on us. I had already started to lose the feeling in my arms before that last hit that knocked me out. Why didn't I fight back? I should have been able to handle that! 

"Olivea. You need to wake up. Can you hear me?" I heard someone saying, but it sounds like I'm underwater. I heard them calling my name more loudly this time, and forced myself to pull open my eyes. And was that a bad idea, instantly I felt every punch, kick, scratch, cut that they had given me. I heard myself start to whine quite loudly. 

"You need to quiet down. And stop moving around so much. Your going to be in a lot of pain, but I gave you some medicine to help a bit. It should start to take effect soon. So just calm down, and I'll call your brother and they can come take you home and nurse you back to health." I heard the nurse say soothingly. Wait, she can't do that. They are in Japan. I can't bother them right now with something like this.

"Wait! No! Don't call him!" I said grabbing her arm quickly, ignoring the pain that now was in much more places around my body.

"What? Why?" She asked looking extremely confused and shocked.

"They are busy, I can't bother them. Just call Block B to come get me. I have a meeting with them anyway. I bet they are wonder where I am." I said starting to feel my head getting light.

"Here sit down a second. Give me the number of who exactly you want to come and get you." She said lightly grabbing my shoulders before I fell back down.


Uh, oh. Olivea's hurt again. And no SHINee around to help nurse her back to health. O.o What's going to happen?

Sorry, if you didn't really like the beginning of the chapter. I didn't know how else to start it. But did you like the kinda narrator person? Or not at all? And in the next few chapters y'all can look forward to seeing more of Block B. I have missed them lots, so I'm going to bring them back, with Becca. Becca and Block B. That would be fun. ^^ And the girls will be there, duh. >.< But the only ones that wont be is SHINee... :P But be looking forward to when they hear about this... It's not gonna be pretty. T___T

And I just wanna thank you all for sticking around in between my chapters. I know it takes me forever to update, and I feel horrible! >.< I'm pretty sure my speech season is over, but I'm not for sure exactly. So I might not be able to update like, every weekend like I used too. But I'm getting closer. :P So just stick around for that. And thank you for reading this! It makes me so happy that someone actually likes my story.^^ It warms my little country heart!(: So thank you sooooo much for reading and liking this!^^


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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!