Wait, What?

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


I don't think life has ever been so great for me right now. It's been about a month since I met with Zico and got him to agree to make Olivea fall in love with him and lose interest in Taemin. And it's working! I have been on a couple secret 'dates' with Taemin and we are back to the relationship we had before Olivea came in and knocked me out of the picture with her foreign looks. Turns out, if I play my cards right, I can get his mind off that lilac haired girl anyday. I swear she dyes her hair more the Key. Maybe they actually are related. 

"Sulli what are you thinking about?" Amber asked pulling me from my happy thoughts. I looked over at her from my phone which I was playing Tetris on out of boredom as we waited to get ready for our comeback stage. 

"Just thinking about how perfect life is right now." I replied with a huge smile making her look a little confused. I may or may not have been keeping my relationship with Taemin a secret from my band members. So my extremely enthusiastic mood has been a little confusing to them. But they haven't really said anything, and neither has that annoying sneaky team of spies, Becca and Jonghyun. I swear no two people have ever annoyed me as much as Olivea before. But those two were really getting on my nerves with all their questions and constantly asking Taemin where he's going or who he's with. I thought those two hated each other. I wish they still did.

"Would you mind informing me why life has been so great for you. You haven't really been talking to us that much." Amber asked leaning over the table with a curious look on her face. Hm, we should get started on getting dressed and getting our makeup and hair done.

"Um, well. If I tell you will you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked quietly looking around at the other girls who were happily talking to each other on the other side of the room. Since it was our comeback stage we got to our dressing room a little early, but didn't really try and get ready or anything yet.

"I promise. And you know I always keep our secrets." She said with a smile holding out her pinky just like we normally do. If I have any secrets I need kept, Amber's the one I'll go to for sure. I nodded and wrapped my pinky finger around hers and glanced at the other girls who still haven't noticed us yet.

"Well, I have been getting really close with Taemin oppa. We are almost a couple." I whispered in her ear making her eyes go wide. Once I put my finger over my lips signaling for her to keep shut. She just continued to look at my with a shocked expression, and after a couple seconds she had grabbed my arm and was pulling me out of the room. As we left she told the others that she just needed to go to the bathroom and then pulled me down a hallway where no one else was yet.

"You are almost a couple with WHO!?" She nearly yelled, making me regret telling her anything. Why can't people be happy for me? I saw what I wanted and I did what I have to do to get him. What's so wrong with that? Sure, I mean, I had to lie and steal him from someone else. But I made sure she wasn't going to get too hurt, so that earns me a couple brownie points, right?

"Taemin." I said looking away from her angry glare. Did you know that Amber was a huge supporter of Taemin and Olivea's relationship and she was excited to see them together again. Dang it, I forgot about that when I told her this.

"What in the world did you do!? He wouldn't leave he just like that. He loved her waaay too much for that. You had to do something. Out with it." She continued looking more and more irritated with each word. 

"I didn't do anything. Olivea just moved on. And I had to be their for him. It's not my fault she's so heartless." I said looking away from her glare. Everyone else was going along with what I told them, hopefully she will too?

"Sulli! Amber! Where are you? We need to start getting ready!" I heard Luna calling from a way's down the hall. Thank goodness, I could see the words liar already forming on her lips, but before she could say anything, I took off down the hall back to our changing room.


"You guys did amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!" I heard a familiar voice saying once the show had ended and we were back in out dressing room. Once I had escaped Amber, we were hurried to get out outfits and makeup on quickly before the show started. Luckily Amber didn't try to say anything, but I could tell that I was in for something when we got back to the dorm.

I looked behind me and saw a tall lilac colored head hugging Amber who was the first to greet her. Why is she here?

"Thank you so much! I've missed seeing you around the company! How have you been?" Amber asked excitedly, worst combination in the world. I tried not to listen to their conversation as I wiped the think layers of makeup I had spread across my face.

"Sulli! You looked so pretty and adorable up on stage! You did amazing tonight!" I heard Olivea saying from behind me, grabbing my attention. I may hate her most of the time, but I do like her when she says stuff like this.

"Thank you. I tried hard." I said with a smile turning in my chair to face her. If she's going to tell me nice things, I'll happily listen to her! So I listened to her until the other members came back from talking with other idols and she ventured over to them. Once she left me I fixed my hair and then started playing on my phone again until the other girls were ready to leave. 

It took about an hour to get everyone ready to leave, but after that Olivea left they hurried up a bit more and we finally got out of there. I was planning on just heading to bed when we got to our dorm, but once again, Amber pulled me aside and said she needed to show me something. Why me?

"You have a lot of explaining to do. I promise I wont tell anyone unless some ones going to get hurt. But I don't see how you would have a plan to hurt anyone." Amber said after locking the door to her and my room. Why is it I share a room with her too? My plan is slowly crumbling.

"Well, I just wanted to get back what was rightfully mine. You know I would have been dating Taemin if it wasn't for that girl! If she would have came just a day later, I would have had him in my hands without all this dirty work!" I whined as I stomped around our room like a small child. Amber just watched me with almost an amused expression on the face of hers. Why is she amused by this!?

"What dirty work?" She asked after a couple seconds. Well, I guess if I've already started, I might as well just dig my grave. So I went over to my bedside table and fished out my diary and flipped open to the pages where I had planned out everything. I tossed her the book and let her read it. I watched as she read through my noted on how things were going. You couldn't tell what she was thinking at all by her expression, but I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen.

"Like I said, I'll keep it a secret. But if something happens to anyone, you have to confess to this you know. That would mean telling Taemin and Key. Then you would have to deal with what they would do to you." She said calmly, closing my diary and holding it out for me to take.

"So you're not going to tell anyone, are you?" I asked hesitantly. This doesn't seem like real life. What's gotten into her?

"Nope. My lips are sealed. But you'll deal with the consequences." She said jumping up and heading towards the door. Once she left, I was left standing their as the most confused person on the planet.

"Wait, what?" I mumbled before deciding it was too late to try and figure anything out, and I have a date with Taemin tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep, so it's time for bed. Seriously, what just happened?

After a long night sleep, I was rudely awakened by my phone ringing. Who in the world would be texting me at this time? Oh, wait it's 10 in the morning. That's normal for everyone else.

'Hey, some things going on with Olivea, well, something big with her brother. So could you not do anything big with Taemin for a little until she gets this sorted out? -Zico' 


Sulli's getting on my nerves. >.< But what happened to Olivea?! Omg, I don't know! Well, actually, I do. But I wont tell!(: But how have you guys been? It's been awhile since I last updated. I'm sorry. I had a creative death. I couldn't update either of my stories for the life of me. But I figured I needed to update soon. >.< So here it is! And yes, sadly, this stories end is a bit closer then y'all might think. And I don't think another one will be after this one...>.< But please be looking forward to more updates! I know exactly where I want this to go!(: 

Oh! And if you want to know what color Olivea's hair is now, here's a picture!(: Just because I love this color of hair sooo much!(: I wonder what color she'll try next... Maybe white.^^ 

But thank you all sooooo much! I love each and everyone of y'all!(: 


P.S- I think it would be cool for y'all to check out my other story...(: Just because it's quite a bit different from this one. But Taemin is still the main guy, why can't I write a story without him in it? >.< Any way, here it is: His English Tutor.

P.P.S- Once again, thank you to  _keri at Annyeong Avenue for making this AMAZING poster. I still love it so much.(:

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!