Sulli's Plan

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"I thought you liked her?" Luna asked looking extremely confused as I continued to fume about how I was not dating Taemin and that Olivea shouldn't be dating him. Yea, I liked her until I heard she was the reason that Taemin broke my heart after I finally confessed to him. And ever since she has been here, she is almost the only thing anyone around her can talk about! It's driving me insane! Maybe if I hurt myself like she did, maybe Taemin would like me like he likes her. Ah, I can just imagine being able to kiss Taemin like she does, or just have meaningless conversations while I'm snuggled up against his perfect chest.

"I like her as much as I like the fact that I'm not called his girlfriend." I mumbled as I continued to stab at m plate of food. It's just not fair, she is not nearly as perfect for him as I am. I mean everyone basically ships us more then him and Olivea. Even the fans agree that we should be together more then those two. Why can't he see it like that? It would make both of our lives so much easier. And even if they break up, she wouldn't be lonely for too long. Almost every other guy out there wants to be in Taemin's spot. I bet that Zico guy would snatch her up in a heartbeat.

"Sulli, you have to get over him. He doesn't like you like that. He only sees you as a good friend, just like he sees the rest of us." Luna said while putting her arm around my shoulder. Well, maybe if he hadn't lead me to believe that he liked me back before she came along, I would have a bit of an easier time getting over him. But I think if she hadn't came until after I confessed, he would be in my hands right now, and she would have to find someone else.

"But it's not fair! He's always ditching our plans to go see her or talk to her, everything is about HER!" I said with all my frustration pouring into each of my words. I stood up and stomped away from the table and went into my room and slammed the door close and locking it. I heard them knocking on the door for awhile but I just sat on my bed and fumed until I heard them stop, saying that I will be mad for awhile but then I will perk back up. Jerk, they don't even care enough to be on my side of this whole thing! Why does everyone always take Olivea's side? Oh yea, it's because she's insane. Maybe if I started talking to myself like she does, I might get Taemin to notice me more. I don't think I can do that, what else could I do that would get Taemin in my hands for sure? What if I convinced him that Olivea doesn't love him anymore, and has feeling's for Zico now? I think that could work, but how to do it? I think a lot of planning will be in order.

"Ok, ok. So what if I called Zico to meet up with him, and come how convinced him that Taemin has lost feeling for Olivea." I mumbled as I started to write down my plan to get Taemin into my arms. I wonder if Zico would believe me, how good am I at lying? Maybe I should plan out what I need to tell him so I can sound as convincing as ever. I'll do that later. First, what shall be step two? Well, I think I need to get Zico to promise that will get her to fall in love with him. So if she can lose her feelings for Taemin, that would make it easier for me to get him. I'll just be the one there when she breaks his perfect little heart.

Ok, so step one and two are going to be hard enough, I need an easy step three just to reward myself for all the hard work I will have done. What if I got Zico to confess to her? Then I could just tell Taemin that he confessed to her and that she told him that she felt the same way!

"I'm brilliant!" I said as my plan was starting to seem more and more fool proof! If I can get that much done, I think I will be the best plan maker on the face of the Earth! But wait, she is still in SHINee's dorm isn't she. I don't think that any of this will work that well if she is still there.What if I got her down here and then told Key that she hadn't gotten sick all day? Hm, but I have filming tomorrow. I need to get this plan started as soon as I can, so what if as soon as I got done filming, I came over and got her? But, Taemin said he wanted to have lunch with me after filming. Hm, but if I can get him into my arms I will have enough meals with him to make up for missing this one. What if I pretend to be sick and missed filming tomorrow, and then I can watch her all day. So then I could just tell SHINee that she is fine and wanted to go back to her new dorm with those girls! Where are these ideas even coming from? I'm so brilliant! Ok, ok, so just to make it official, lets write this bad boy down!

My 4 Step Plan to Getting Lee Taemin ^.^

1. Get Olivea out of SHINee's dorm.

2. Make Zico promise that he will get Olivea to fall in love with him.

3. Meet up with Zico and tell him that Taemin confessed to not having feelings for Olivea anymore.

4. Tell Taemin that Zico confessed to Olivea and that she said she felt the same way.

There, I think this will work! This has to be the most fool proof plan that I have ever come up with! So now I just need to start acting sick. Ok, my stomach hurts really bad and my head is throbbing. Maybe I can make myself feel a little more hot, a blow dryer? No, that's too loud, a straighter! I can just hold that near my head and warm my skin! Where is that thing at? 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! So hot!" I whined as the heat from the straightener started to burn my forehead. Ok, ok, I think that's good! There, now where is my sweatshirt and sweats? As I changed into warmer clothes I started to plan out my conversation with Zico. So if he really likes her now, this should be easy. Maybe if that Jaehyo guys wasn't so obvious that he is a fanboy, she might like him. That would be easy to get him to go along with everything. But I think with my cute face and charms I should be able to get Zico to believe easily enough. 


"I promise we will take good care of each other. Come on Olivea, we can put you right here. Are you comfy?" I said sickingly sweet to the wasted away Olivea. I had successfully convinced my band mates that I was too sick to film or attend any of my schedules and that I would be back on my feet with a little rest. And then without any work on my part, Key dropped by with a tiny looking Olivea asking if I would mind having her over since I was out for the day too. Which I gladly accepted. Now I just have to get her to act like she is fine enough to go back to her dorm.  So through out the day I kept track of how many times she threw up, which was only twice. And she even slept for most of the day. Being sneaky little me, I figured she was cured enough to go back to her dorm. So while she was sound asleep I called up Key and told her that she was feeling better and asked to go back to the girls dorm. At first he said he wanted to talk to her to make sure, but I promised that's what she said and that she was sleeping, so he let it go and told me to call Zico to come pick her up. I waited until she was for sure sound asleep, and those sleeping pills I had put in her soup and drink were in full effect and then called up Zico.

And about 10 minutes after I called him, my plan was in full swing. Everything was going my way. He stopped by and carefully took her and thanked me for watching her for the day, and then tried his hardest to not wake her up when he picked her up. He took a little convincing that it would be fine to take her now, and not wait for her to wake up. But I used my cuteness and amazing acting skills to convince him otherwise. And now she is once again out of the SM dorms. I have never been happier. Now I just need to get Zico to meet up with me soon. Luckily I snatched his number from Olivea before she left. But I hope those pills wear off soon, I didn't really think about how many I should use, and kind of just guessed. Well, as long as she out until she's back in her own dorm, all's good.


Well, isn't this the face of the Devil? How can someone so cute be so evil?? >.< Do you think her plan will work? If you don't what part do you think will fail!? 

Yes, yes, I know I said I wasn't going to update until I got the whole thing planed out. Well, after I said that, I started planning. And this idea popped into my head and I just couldn't resist writing it! It was just so much fun!(: And I can just picture this whole thing! :P But I won't post again until the whole story is planned! I promise!

And just want to say I love you guys a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. Y'all are amazing!(:

Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!