Make Up...

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"It was nice meeting you guys! Thanks for the fun day!" I said to the guys once it was time for me to head back home. 

"Aw, you have to go home? Oh well! We'll get to see you tomorrow, right?" Kyung asked as I gave him a hug.

"Uh, I don't think so. I have a date with Key planned. Can't let him down, right? But I should be back here Thursday!" I said, which got depressed sighs from all seven of them.

"I guess, but it was great meeting you Olivea! Be careful, and don't hurt yourself anymore! You promised when you feel better, you would show us a dance!" B-Bomb reminded me as I gave him his hug. 

"I wouldn't forget! And with the way I'm feeling, I should be better by Thursday! But I see Key's car waiting. So I better get going!" I said noticing Key's sleek black car pull up in front of the building. I said goodbye to the rest of them, but Zico insisted on helping me with my coat and to Key's car. 

"See ya Zico!" I said giving him a hug once he put me down next to Key's car. 

"See you Thursday! And if someone is trying to hurt you, call me. I will come and hurt them more. No matter where I am!" He said, pointing his finger at me, like a teacher scolding me. He is just like Key, in the whole two days we have known each other, he is already telling me what to do. Just like Key. 

"You two are really close already. Mind informing me on who he is?" Key said once I got in his car. Typical Key. 

"His name is Zico, from Block B. And I'm going to be working with him a lot from now on. But since you guy's irritated me, I didn't get to tell you about that." I said as I pulled the seatbelt around me. 

"So what's this all about? Should I tell Taemin he's got some competition?" Key asked glancing over at me. I could tell that staying mad at him any longer would be impossible. 

"Well, I'm not going to lie, I was hanging out with 7 other guys today." I said  with an evil little smirk. And just like I had expected, his mouth dropped open and he made little I'm-in-shock-wait-what-did-you-say noises. And then once we got to Becca's apartment to grab my other things is when he started to form real words again.

"7 males. That I don't know. I thought it was bad with just that boy. I need to meet these guys. I mean, I don't care if your around all of suju, but a band of guys I don't know, all day. That's not right. You're going to have to introduce me. You know that right?" He started blabbering the entire way up to Becca's apartment. 

"Ok ,ok. Calm your self. It's not like I made out with any of them. And when we are all together I'll tell you why I'll be with Zico a lot. Then you can calm down." I said as I opened up her door and then went to work searching for my things. The whole time I had to try and prove that I didn't do anything with any one from Block B, so I looked around quickly for everything. 

"I'm ready to go if you are done asking me questions." I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder. He just nodded and then lead me back outside to his car. 

Once we had gotten home I changed into a pair of sweats and pulled my hair into a ponytail and then went to wash my makeup off. Right now Key and I were the only ones home, because he had finished with his interview and everything else he had to do early. And he said the rest of the guys were to be back in a little while. So in the mean time I lounged around with a bag of ice on my knee and messing around on my computer. And Key kept himself busy in the kitchen. I could smell the yummy smell of supper starting to drift through the house right as the door opened. 

"Olivea! Your home!" Taemin said once he saw me. 

"Yep. I sure am." I said looking up from my computer over at them. 

"What did you do all day today?" Jonghyun asked as he slipped his shoes off.

"Yea Olivea, tell them what you did today." Key said, popping out from the kitchen. Goodness, with how he make it sound, you would think I got in huge trouble at school are something. 

"I'm scared now, what did you do?" Onew asked sitting down on a chair across from me.

"I did nothing! All I did was go meet with Zico to get some information about my new job, but while he was showing me around, we ran into the rest of Block B. And so, we hung around all day getting to know each other. That's all." I said defectively, looking at each of the guys who had the expressions that they had thought something else. Good job Key, make them expect something else. 

"Ah, sounds like Taeminnie here got some competition!" Minho said with a playful smile while nudging Taemin. 

"You don't like them more then me do you?!" Taemin asked while taking a seat in front of me.

"No, I don't like them as much as I like you. You're forever number on in my heart." I said reassuringly while ruffling his hair. 

"Well, now that we are all home, I think we need to talk about something. And you can all probably guess what it is, and who it's about." Key announced as he wiped his hand on a towel and strolled out of the kitchen. 

"What is there to talk about?" I asked looking over at him. 

"While you were over at Becca's last night, we had a very long and deep talk about everything that has been going on. And we were trying to decide what would be the best solution for you. We thought up a lot of different ideas. But we couldn't settle on anything without you here. Since it was about you to start with, it seemed like a good idea to have you here to give your opinion." Key explained and as he went on, his expression seemed to get even more worried as the words came out of his mouth. Once he was done, I blinked a couple times, trying to figure out what he was saying. 

"So, we want to know what your take on everything has been." Minho said soothingly, making me look over at him. Key, who seemed the most worried stood behind the couch, looking down at me. Minho on the other hand, was calmly sitting in a chair opposite Onew. Taemin was sitting on the floor in front of me, and Jonghyun was next to Key. 

"What do you mean by everything?" I asked looking around at each of them. Each of them then looking like they were thinking really hard. 

"Well, I guess, since you hadn't known about the letters until after you got hurt. So you would know to much, but if you want to see them, we have the piles still in Jjong's room." Onew said, sounding like he was trying to keep me calm.

"Uh, I don't want to see them now. All I want to know is why you hid them from me in the first place." I asked looking around again. They all looked around at each other before any of them moved their mouth to answer me. But to my surprise, Jonghyun was the one to speak up.

"It was my fault. I was peeking at some of the letters once you and Taemin went public, because I knew what fans will say to you, just to scare you enough to break you two up. I didn't know how you would take some of the things they said, so I figured we shouldn't find out. So I started reading the letters before they got to you. For awhile, I thought I was doing something good, but then when you got hurt, I knew I shouldn't have been hiding everything from you. I just didn't want to hurt you anymore. So I was trying my best to keep you happy." He said looking down at his feet, refusing to meet my eyes. Wow, he cares for me like that? Of all people I would have guess Key, or maybe Minho to be behind hiding things from me, but not him. Well, I don't know what to say to that. But when I didn't say anything for awhile, Jonghyun looked up and then started again.

"Remember back in High School, when people would write note to you in your notebooks, telling you to leave, drop out, or the ones asking you to just kill yourself? That's why I did it. Because I didn't want you to have to go through that here too. Thinking back now, I never thought about what you did when you went home after getting lockers full of letters like that. I never imagined what you thought about them. If you ever concentered doing anything we told you to do.  But I'm glad you didn't, or you wouldn't be here now. But thinking back to how harsh we were, and then reading how harsh these  people were, it reminded me of this. So, please don't be mad at us, I made everyone go along with me. Taemin and Minho were against it the whole time. And when Key called me to tell me that you were hurt, Taemin wanted to slit my throat with 'I told you so's'. So, if you want to be mad at some one, be mad at me, not any one else." He said bringing up high school again. But with that hurt puppy look plastered across his face, I could feel all the walls I had built over this whole thing start to crumble. Curse Jonghyun and the cursed sad puppy face of his. 

"Moments like this are the times I hate you the most." I said with a deep sigh, causing everyone too look at me with the most confused look on their faces.

"What? Why?" Jonghyun squeaked looking even more hurt then before. 

"Because of you and your stupid hurt puppy dog face! It's impossible to stay mad at any of you around here!" I said crossing my arms and scrunching my face up in fake annoyance. For a second no once said anything, but then they all started laughing. Wow, they are slow. 

"Ok, ok, now that that's out of the way, what was this about a new job?" Taemin asked once they had all calmed down. 

"Oh yea! It's really exciting! Ok, well, Monday, I was getting ready to go to class, when I noticed a paper laying on the floor about a collaboration between SM and Brand New Stardom. So me, being the curious girl I am, asked him about it. So he told me that I'm going to get to work with Zico from Block B to debut a new international girl group! Now I haven't met the girls yet, they are visiting family before the holiday's, but I'm going to work on their singing, dancing, and then Zico is going to to the producing at that stuff. But I heard a bit about the girls, but not much. Cho PD said they would be back around the end of the week, so then I'll get to meet them! But that's why I was over there. Just getting to know the people I'm going to be working with." I said excitedly, recounting over the things I have been doing while I was upset with them. 

"A new GIRL group!? Can we meet them too?" Jonghyun asked looking extremely happy with then news. 

"I don't know. I don't think they would want to meet a dinosaur." I said pushing him backwards. After that, we spent the rest of the night messing around, just like normal. If normal was even possible with us. 


There, everyones happy! And only because of Jonghyun's sad puppy face...>.<

BUT I MISS YOU GUY'S!!11!! Seriously, WHERE DID YOU GO!? DONDE ESTA!? I want to love on you guys...  But I do still love you a lot a lot. Just so you know. 

But I still need help with the hand name! So be thinking of that! Annnd I have another little idea for something else to happen once the story gets rolling, but that wont be until the girls are getting closer to their debut! ^.^ Even thought they arn't real, I'm getting excited for their debut! ^.^

But I still love you guys a lot alot! ^.^

Hugs and Kisses,
Becca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!