Oppa's You're Home!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Oh sweetie pie! It's time to wake up!" I heard Jessica calling from the living room. Wait, where's Becca? She was here last night when I went to bed. Wasn't she? Becca tucked me in last night after she forced those sleeping pills down my throat.

"Olive? Are you in here? Becca told me you might be having troubles waking up from some pills you took last night. Come on sweetie. You gotta get up. You have to get ready for school." Jessica said coming over and holding a cup of something.

"Your not really going to pour water on me are you? That's just cruel and unusual punishment." I mumbled turning my face so I could see the blur of where she should be.

"No, I would never do that to you! That's a horrible way for a mother to treat her only daughter. I brought it because, your dear friend Becca also told me that you were complaining about a sore throat last night in your sleep, so I went to the trouble of making your favorite drink, peppermint hot tea with a little honey and sugar. Yes, your mother loves you." She said bending down to hand me the steaming cup of sweet smelling liquid. True, my throat started to hurt really bad last night before I fell asleep, so it wouldn't surprise me if I did sleep talk. 

"Thank you mommy. I love you very much." I mumbled carefully sitting up, feeling all of the sore spots on my body shot deadly pains through my body. Ok, maybe not that bad, but it hurt a lot more then what I was expecting. I took a sip of the liquid and felt the heat slip through my body. Which reminded me, I was still freezing.

"So, I heard your family's should be coming back today, right?" Jessica asked, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. I just nodded and continued to drink the amazing cup of happiness she had bestowed upon me. If you can't tell, I love peppermint drinks, mainly this tea. But peppermint hot chocolate is a close second.

"Have you missed them a lot since they left?" She asked carefully placing my glasses on my face. She loves doing thinks like this with me. Anytime we are together, she is constantly taking care of me, or telling me things I should or shouldn't be doing. And even calls herself my mother. Not that I mind. She even takes it as far as caring for me, and yelling at me, in public. One time I had tagged along for a variety show filming with SHINee, and Girls Generation was there too. She had some how brought up the fact that she's my mother. It was hilarious. She ended up having to explain the entire family tree. It was one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. 

"Yea. I can honestly say I miss Key's nagging, Jonghyun's teasing, the smell of chicken that follows Onew around, and my biggest competitor." I said with a chuckle. I missed them all terribly. I haven't seen them since they start promotions, and that included them flying over to Japan for promotions over there too. Basically, it's February now, and I haven't really seen them since the beginning for January.

"What about Taemin? Don't you miss your boyfriend? Or are you two having problems?" She asked noticing how I left him out. I missed him the most, well him and Key were about tied. But I miss his hugs, his kisses, the way he would hardly let me out of his sight, the way he would sing me to sleep, and just about everything he ever did. I just miss him.

"I miss him too." I said with a little smile, remembering the conversation we had before I passed out off the pills Becca gave me. Well, some of it at least.

"Aw, my little girl! Don't look so sad! Their coming home today! But you do have to get up and get ready for school. You friend should be here in about an hour, right?" Jessica said pulling me into a light hug. Once she let me go, I crawled out of bed and looked around my closet. I didn't feel like wearing my uniform today, since I didn't have the time to do the laundry, so my other uniforms are dirty and or wet. So I figured that if I bundle up in a blanket, it won't really matter what I'm wearing. So I just slipped into sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and pulled my hair into a messy bun, and glanced at my refection today. My cuts still looked horrible and my busies were now more of a purpley color, my lip was still overly large. The bruises and cuts along the rest of my body were getting worse by the moment, and I had a horrible night sleep on top of that. Life must hate me right now. 

"Oh well. I hate life too." I said with a chuckle at my own joke and slipped my slippers on and started towards to kitchen. But stopping along the way to wrap myself up like a burrito in my blanket. 

Jessica had taken the liberty to wash the dishes that had been left behind last night for me. Wow, I made a huge mess last night. Or maybe since Key isn't here nagging. But once I told Jessica I would be fine until Jackie gets her, she finally left, which was a good thing because she had a photo shoot to be getting to. So I hurried up and made some breakfast for me and Jackie to eat while we died of boredom later today. So while I was waiting for things to cook, I figured I ought to tidy up the house a little before someone gets here. But as I was cleaning off the table, I ran into the package from last night. The reason the house is so messy. 

The package is addressed to Olivea Waters. I knew it wasn't going to be something good once I saw that name. And then the return address confirmed that idea. Quincy Waters, CEO of Nikon. I don't think I really made it past the first few lines of the letter before I threw a fit. But Becca was just as shocked to find this out as I was. I took the package and letter over with me to where I was cooking pancakes.

'Dearest Olivea,
As you know your mother and I are getting a divorce. We talked with you about this last year. But even though we didn't want to involve you in the settling of this divorce, you have been dragged in. It turns out you aren't truly my daughter. Jessica seems to be a remarkable secret keeper. It seems as if you are actually born from another man, she just let me believe you are actually mine. I know this causes a few problems, but now that she wants to fight for rights of some sort, you are needed to be here at the court. I have enclosed a plane ticket for you and some money for a hotel room. I would say you don't have to some, because I honestly don't want you here, but the jury demands that you come as quickly as possible. I know this may be inconvenient, but I don't care that much. Please be here by the date on the plane ticket.
Love, Quincy Waters'

So that technically means Key's not my brother. I have been lieing to everyone. And how am I suppose to tell Key about this? What will everyone say? Was my father even thinking about me when he sent this? Wait, that's a funny joke. Of course he didn't. He probably didn't even think about how this would effect me at all. 

I continued to think of all the what if's and just about any question I possibly could have as I flipped these pancakes and put them on a perfect little pile on a plate. But even after asking all those questions, I still had no idea how to go about this. I glanced at the plane tickets, they were dated in two days. Maybe I should just keep it a secret and then leave the note for them to see before I go. I don't know anymore. I need to take some headache medicine.

"Hey Olivea! We didn't need to wear our uniforms did we? I brought mine just incase..." Jackie asked once I let her in around 7:45. She was dress almost exactly like me, except she had on yoga pants instead of sweats and a tighter fitting jacket. She looked almost as bad as I did. Bruises and lighter discolored skin almost everywhere she didn't have any cuts except for one on her hand that looked like she tried to fight back but someone dug their fingernails into her skin. 

"I don't think so. I don't have a clean one, so we can just cover up in a blanket so they can't see what we are wearing anyway." I told her leading her to the couch so she can set her bag and books down in her spot. Once we had gotten our things gathered and were comfy and had our breakfast with us, I flipped the TV over the the channel just like I used to. We munched on our food and carefully listened as the teacher started talking, taking notes when we needed to and commenting on what the teacher was talking about every so often. Most of the time we were making fun of them or how bored we were.

"What time is it?" I asked as our math teacher was giving us our assignment. Today seemed to be one of the most boring days of classes ever.

"Um, I think about 12 ish. Why?" Jackie asked looking up from her notebook. We have been working hard on our work and taking notes, and I hadn't even noticed how much time has passed since we started.

"I was just starting to feel hungry. Are you?" I asked grabbing my stomach that was growling. She finished working out the problem we had started then nodded.

"A little. Class will be dismissed in about 5 minutes though. So we can make something yummy to eat then." She said with an evil smile. She now knows how easily I get distracted. I have gotten up and got drinks and went to the bathroom and just about everything else while we were suppose to be watching the class. And she got after me each time. It was pretty funny in my eyes though. She is such a good student and I'm hardly paying attention. Mainly because I'm getting more and more excited for the guys coming home and the letter my father had sent me.

So we waited for a little bit for the class to be dismissed, and had ended up getting all the of the assigned problems done in the last couple minutes. Then we jumped into the kitchen and started making Jackie's favorite meal, a French meal that I don't remember what it's called. But while she was cooking, she made me stop helping because I was messing things up, so I started cleaning off the table and what I could so the house would be nice when the guys got back. I returned things into each persons room, they would come back early in the morning or while I'm and school and take things from their rooms and put some things around the dorm. And while I was cleaning up the dorm, Jackie would ask questions about what it's like here normally, and what SHINee was like. That seems to be her favorite thing to ask about. Which doesn't really bother me, because with her I know shes not just friends with me because of them. So we talked about that while the food cooked and once it was done, I had the dorm looking nice-ish again.

The food was amazing. Jackie is an amazing cook, just as good as Key. And I scarfed that food down quickly and was full just as fast. Then once we washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen up quickly, we went back to the couch and finished out the day. We munched on chips and junk food during the last class we could attend over the video. And then once that class was over, Jackie said she had to get home to help her host mother with her little brother. So we said our goodbyes and I told her to be careful walking home, to be on the look out for fangirls.

"Knock knock knock!" I heard someone say as the door peeked open. I had been sitting on the floor against the couch playing on my computer waiting for SHINee to come home. It was now about 5 in the evening and I was getting really bored. I glanced over and saw Key pulling his suitcase in along with the rest of the guys.

"Key!" I said jumping up and running over to him and wrapping my arms around him. Pain shot through my body when I hugged him, but I decided to just ignore it. 

"I feel so loved right now." I heard Jonghyun saw from behind Key. The other guys just laughed and pulled their things inside the door.

"I missed you guys so much." I said as I let go of Key and looked at the rest of them. They all seemed really tired, dark circles under their eyes hats pulled over their faces and their clothes loose, like they haven't been eating right.

"We missed you even more." Onew said sweetly pulling me into a hug. I chuckled and then gave everyone else and big hug before they actually looked at what happened to me.


I think I should end here for now. I'm getting sleepy. >.< But what do y'all think? SHINee's home! Yay! But Olivea has a problem. What is she gonna do about her dad? Uh oh. >.< Poor girl. She has been through so much... :P 

What do you think she should do? What would you do? Would you tell them about it, keep it a secret and leave a note as you left, or something I haven't thought of. Maybe take them with you? >.< I don't know. :P

But I just want to say a huge thank you to my amazing subscribers! Y'all are perfect in all ways! And those of you who read this are awesome too! I love each and everyone of you!^^

Hugs and Kisses,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!