
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Hey, is Jackie there?" I asked as I poked at the food Becca has so kindly prepared while I was talking with Key. I think one thing I have missed the most since the guy's have been gone, is Key's food. I feel horrible saying that, but that will be one of the first things I hope he does, is cook something for me to eat.

"Um, who is this?" I heard Jackie's host mom ask hesitantly. I could understand why, I'm guessing that she is scared for Jackie's health just like Key is for mine. 

"It's me. Olivea. Promise." I said with a little chuckle. Jackie is living with probably the coolest family in Korea. I was lucky enough to meet them when I started come over for our study sessions after school. The mother is really down to Earth, but is really up to date with what's going on. From music to politics, it's mind-blowing how much she knows. And the father is just as amazing. He works for a huge company here in Seoul, so he is really business savvy. And he is really good at math, so he ends up helping us most of the time. And then they have a son, he is one of the most adorable children I have ever seen. He's only 8 years old, and he's just so squishy. He likes to bother us while we are working on our homework, but we can't get mad at him.

"Ok, hold  on one second. Jackie, Olivea's on the phone for you!" She called, making me chuckle again. I wonder what she's was doing, actually, I wonder if she's hurt very badly.

"Hello?" I heard her familiar voice appear on the other line. Have I ever mentioned how much I love her voice?

"Hey Jackie! I just wanted to see how you're holding up." I said before putting some more rice in my mouth. I hadn't thought I was too hungry, but once food was set in front of me, I all be inhale it.

"I'm better good. Just a few cuts and bruises. They didn't get me as bad as they got you, good thing for nail appointments or we would still be behind the school nearly gone by now." She said with a dry laugh. I guess you could say we were lucky. She's more then right in so many ways.

"Lucky us. I bet you're rethinking hanging out with me some much now." I replied, matching her sarcastic tone.

"Oh, you know, I was rethinking that the day I met you." She said with a bit more of a laugh this time. Ever since I started getting crap for dating Taemin, Jackie has been right there for me at school. Along with Tyson and Antoine, even though Tyson often complains how jealous he is of Taemin. But Jackie's been there with me as I started going to school again, and she was there to help protect me once I started getting the threats.

"Aw, thank you so much for the confidence boost. I really needed that sweetie. But I also called to see if you were going to go to school tomorrow." I asked hoping she would say she wasn't planning on it at all. But I just knew she was going to go, just because she is a good student and all that.

"I was planning on it. I'm not hurt to much. Why?" She asked, sounding confused on why I was asking about this.

"Well, are you sure it would really be safe to go back tomorrow? I mean they could try and hurt one of us even worse this time. I'm being forced not to go." I told her, hoping she would agree with me this time.

"I don't know. You're the one who's dealt with bullies at school before. Not me. But why can't you go? Are you hurt that bad?" She asked now sounding worried. She is right there, I have dealt with bullies before, and I was in situations a lot like this one. But why don't I know what to do like I did back then? 

"No, my brother want's me to stay home. Because they will hurt me even worse if I show up tomorrow. So I will be over the computer again. But he also thinks you shouldn't go either. He even said you can come over and attend classes over the computer with me if you wanted." I told her, which got me a loud squeaky sound from here. Any time she gets a change to come over here, weather the boys are here or not, she takes full advantage. So I figured bringing that up first she would give in and not go.

"Seriously? I'm starting to think that school in person sounds like a bad idea. I don't rally think getting attack again sounds like much fun. I can really come over?" She asked, sounding like she was super shocked that something like this was happening.

"Yep. They wont be home until late afternoon-ish, but classes should be out by the time they get back. But you can just come over in the morning and we can just go to our classes like I used too! It'll be fun!" I told her, getting her even more excited.

I think that's was sealed the deal, the fact that they might get home earlier and she just might get to see them. So the plan for tomorrow was to be awake for classes, have something yummy made for Jackie and I, and then we were going to sort of attend our classes from the safety of my couch. I think tomorrow will be a great day. Well I was happily enduring my pain and eating my supper that Becca had made, until there was a ring at the door. Becca jumped up and answered it, and it was just the mail carrier bringing our mail. I normally don't get a ton of mail, and what I do is hate mail, but this time was different. 

"Um, this ones for you, but I don't know if it's a good or bad thing." Becca said looking at a small package that was wrapped in light brown paper. I gave her a confused look and she just handed me the package, and once I read the return address, I knew it had to be something bad.


"I don't know exactly what happened, sir." Zico said in a deadpan voice. We were now in Cho PD's office where he and Lee Soo-Man had been meeting together about something to do with the girls. Once we got a call from the nurse at Olivea's school, Lee Soo-Man has been extremely worried. Well, I guess he seemed fidgety everyday when we see him after Olivea started to go back to school. But today seemed a bit unreal. Seeing her hurt that badly, then breaking down like she did. It was heart breaking. 

"How bad did she look? Was it as bad as last time she was attacked?" He asked rubbing his temples. Even though we haven't known Olivea for too long people, I think we all felt the same way when we first saw her. I felt the need to protect her from whatever might happen to her. And after today, I can see why everyone is so protective of her. She seems to attract trouble.

"She looked worse then last time, sir. She has cuts all over her face, along with bruises, her lips split, and her nose is pretty close to broken." Zico said, same tone as his first answer. We all saw the look on her face right before she broke down. All the emotions one person experiences in their life seems to flash across her face in a matter of seconds. For being only a year younger then me, she seems to have gone through more then I ever will.

"Great. If you'll excuse me for a few seconds, I need to make a quick phone call." Lee Soo-Man said jumping up quickly and leaving the room while dialing some ones number. All of us watching him in a little shock, I have never seen him act so worried and angry about anything. I mean not even when we are messing around over at SM, he'll always kindly tell us to shut up and sit down. But this side of him seems to only flicker when something about SHINee or Olivea is mentioned.

"Thank you boys. You guys and go back to the dorm. Make sure you're back here tomorrow. From the looks of it, you'll have to take care of the girls without Olivea. Go home and get some rest." PD said calmly. We all nodded and ducked out of him office. Once we got back from SHINee's dorm, we were called into his office instantly. Lee Soo-Man wanted to know everything we know, which wasn't much.

"I think theres a couple of things we don't know about Olivea. Like what was it you had said about her big accident last year or something?" Kyung asked me referring to when Zico asked about the scars on her face back when we first had met her.

"No one really knows what happened for sure. Why?" I told him wondering why he is bringing that up.

"And didn't you say Becca said something about her doing worse to herself?" Kyung continued this tie turning towards Zico. He just nodded and looked at Kyung with the same confused expression we were all giving him.

"You all are idiots. Can't you put the pieces together? Obviously, when Becca mentioned her hurting herself worse, she was talking about the incident she was in last year. So obviously she has something a little wrong up here. Which would explain why everyone is so careful with her. Have you noticed hoe people at SM look at her when they walk by? They look at her like she's about at fall apart again." He said looking around at all of us like he just came up with the answer to world peace. We all kind of just looked at him, processing what he was saying. So with this idea, that would make Olivea crazy. But she seems so levelheaded most of the time.

"So your saying you think shes insane?" Taeil asked, with a confused expression. We all looked over at him like he just said the most horrible thing on the face of the Earth. Which it kind of was.

"Well, I'm not saying she can't be. I don't know, I'm just putting things together." Kyung said hold up his hands in surrender. If he's right, we actually know nothing about her at all. But also if that's true, who can really say they know anything about her?


CLIFFHANGERS! Hehe, I love them so much. Not really, but hey, it's almost midnight and I have to get up early in the morning so why not! But what do you think? Is Block B on the right track, well, I guess we all know what happened...:P But who's the package from do you think? What do you think it is? I bet none of you'll guess even close!^^

Just like normal, I love you so much. Thank you for sticking around for my twists and turns, and my ups and downs. I love you so much. And I hope you're not regretting reading this. Because that would be bad....>.< But I hope to get this to be as good as my first story...^^

Lot's of love,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!