Michael Jackson

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"So have you guys thought of a name?" Key asked as we made our way back in the dorm. After a discussion mainly centered around calming me down, informing me to keep a member of Block B or another male with me at all times where I go out in public, and the fact that I could not travel alone for any reason because if I was alone, I would be done for, we ventured back into my dorm. The girls were all sitting around my bed and the kitten was happily prancing around after a waded up piece of paper.

"Well, it's not really an international name, but we were think Jackson, like Michael Jackson. I don't know why exactly, maybe because he's got the two color thing going on." Noel said with a little chuckle looking over at me. Michael Jackson? That actually sounds pretty cool. 

"I like it. I like it a lot. What do you think, Key?" I asked looking over at him. We both had put on a poker face so none of the girls thought anything of our quick exit. I'd much rather not have to involve too many people with this. Family affairs are not something I like to share with the world.

"I think it's pretty cool! Little Jackson?" He said with a smile as he joined them and pushing the paper away from the cat making it squeak and stumble over towards it. And that's the rest of our night, playing with my new little friend. Well, until key got an angry phone call from his manager wondering where in the world he was. So he left around 11 and we decided it was about time for us to get to bed too.

That night I could tell my life was going to be interesting for awhile as we got this issue cleared up. I haven't had a nightmare for awhile, but tonight started them back up. All night I dreamed about the extreme things fans have/would do to me. I woke up in a cold sweat at about 4 in the morning and couldn't get to sleep again afterwards. 

"Great, just what I need." I mumbled rubbing my eyes and pulling my covers over my faces and letting out a 'humpf' and closing my eyes again. But just like each other time I've tried, images from my dream appeared and forced my eyes back open. After a couple more tired I figured it was pointless and pulled myself out of bed. Trying to be as quiet as I could I went into the kitchen and started boiling a pot of water so I could have some tea. Since the girls don't need to wake up until 8, I figured I would be quiet and let them get their rest. I went over to the little pen I bought for Jackson and saw the he was awake and happily stretching and rolling around.

"Just so cute." I said forgetting how early it was and my nightmare as I gave him some milk and a little food for breakfast. He padded his way over to his food dish and nearly fell inside from excitement and due to the fact he was so little. I watched with a smile until I heard the quiet sound of the water bubbling on the other side of the room. Since it was so quiet I was a little edge, but with the clocks I put up around the house, it wasn't too bad. I watched Jackson finish off his food as I sipped on my tea. It was still really dark in the dorm and I didn't want to risk turning on any lights, so I was just functioning on the night lights I also put in. It took the girls a little getting used to, but after the figured out that I couldn't sleep without them, they got used to them. After a little bit I crept into the bedroom and grabbed my iPad and went back to Jackson's pen to finish my breakfast and see what's going on with the world. 

The main news in he K-pop world was the fact that Key and I aren't related, but I figured that it would be best if I ignored them and all the messages I have gotten. I wonder what Key's going to do to get this fixed. We never really talked about that, but he did say he would take care of it because he didn't want me to worry about it. Just as long as I don't have another interview I'll be fine with whatever, I just want these people off my back. I sort of wish Key and I could just disappear like we did before SM Town a couple years ago before prom. But that might not work out like it did last time. Maybe I could just disappear by myself, just disconnect from the world for a couple of days, and take Jackson with me. But sadly I have to do some work today. And by the looks of it, I'll be with Jiho all day today. Looks like we have to get some things set up for Match Up, about including the girls and I on the show and all that good stuff. Which I was getting excited for because Jiho said that B1A4 would be there too, any chance I have to see those guys is amazing. Hm, I haven't talked with any of them since New Years, but talking with Sanduel then was so much fun. Now that I think about it I don't even know those guys anymore then your normal BANA.

"What all do the girls have to do today?" I mused quietly as I pulled up their schedule and let Jackson play with my fingers. Looks like they have training most of the day and they only get out of it when we have to go meet up with MTV. Poor girls, looks like I should be giving some messages again tonight. They seem to feel a lot better and more excited for life afterwards. Maybe I should consider going into message therapy. I was flipping through all the notes I have about everything that still needs done before we can even think about starting the debut process when my phone lit up. Luckily I had put it on silent before I got comfy. I looked at the screen and saw that it was a message from Jiho.

'Hey, I noticed that you were online and wondered if you want to go grab something before we have to get started on our day? -Zico' What in the world is he doing awake? It's only 5 and we don't have to be anywhere until 7. 

'What are you doing up?! -Oli' I replied then going back to stressing over everything that's going on. Who knew this whole thing would be so much work?

'I couldn't sleep, don't really know why. But I should be asking you the same question. What are you doing up at this hour?^^ -Zico'

'Bad dream. But where do you wanna go? -Oli' 

'I'll take you to the best place to go this early. Just meet me outside my dorm. Don't worry about changing, no one will see you. -Zico'

'Hm, ok, ok. I'll be out in a sec. I just want to grab a little more clothing then this. -Oli' I replied pulling myself from the dining chair and going to locate my hoodie and pulled my hair into a quick ponytail. Once I was a little more presentable, I put on one of my little face masks and slipped on my shoes, said good-bye to Jackson and quietly slipped from the dorm. Once in the hallway, I noticed Jiho waiting for me next to the door.

"Good morning! I would ask if you had a good night's rest, but I already know the answer. I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it?" Jiho asked as he put his arm around my shoulder casually and started leading me down the hall.

"Not really." I mumbled as pictures flashed in my mind. I rubbed my eyes and tried to forget them. I felt Jiho squeeze my shoulder making me look up at him.

"Don't worry, it's just a dream. And Key stopped by and told us a little about what's going on. So if you need someone to come and get you from somewhere, don't hesitate to call one of us!" He said smiling down at me. Ever since Taemin started to get really close with Sulli, I felt a little less awkward with Jiho being so friendly with me. Since he and Jaehyo have been the ones comforting me the most, besides the girls but I live with them so they don't count, I seem to let them be closer to me.

"K-key stopped by and told you what's going on?" I asked, completely surprised that Key would just go over and tell them what's going on. I thought he might just pass them a message that something's going on and to not let me travel alone or something.

"Just that you two were in some trouble and to not let you be alone in public. Don't worry we figured out the rest of ourselves." He said making me feel better. Mainly because that didn't seem like something Key would do at all. Before we got outside he put a little space between us so just incase there were fans or someone out the would noticed us, it didn't look like we were dating or anything. I was thankful for that because I didn't need another scandal to worry about.

He lead me to the coffee shop that I remembered Taemin and I had gone to on the first snow. Instantly I felt like crying, but I was getting kind of hungry. A cup of tea wasn't that much for breakfast. So I quietly ate my food and listened to what Jiho had to tell me about what they've been up to and what we had to get done by the end of today. I guess he noticed my change in mood because I felt him carefully grab my hand, not in a romantic way but in more of a comforting way. Almost like he knew I had a memory that flipped my mood around. Sadly the waitress that was here when Taemin and I had been here wasn't working this morning and I could say hello. But we finished our meals by 6 and figured we needed to head back and get ready for the long day we had ahead of us.


Aw, her and Zico are getting even closer! What do you think about that??^^ And do you like the kittens name? It took me forever to think of any good name. >.< I still don't know if I like it that much, but I think I do. And what do y'all think Key's gonna do about the new news? Hopefully they can get it all worked out quickly. 

But thank you allllll for reading this, it really means a lot.(: I hope your all enjoy it well enough. I think now that I have a pretty good plan for it, it seems to be getting a little better. Don't you think? But once she gets a couple more things figured out, we all get to go on a huge trip! There's something y'all get be excited for!^^

Rebecca. ♥


P.S- I think it would be cool for y'all to check out my other story...(: Just because it's quite a bit different from this one. But Taemin is still the main guy, why can't I write a story without him in it? >.< Any way, here it is: His English Tutor.

P.P.S- Once again, thank you to  _keri at Annyeong Avenue for making this AMAZING poster. I still love it so much.(:

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!