Oh, I'm Curious!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

(Since Olive is gonna be locked inside for a bit, I hope you'll enjoy the other POV's. I'll keep it as simple as I can!)


'Hey, it's Danella. I think something wrong. Could you come over to our dorm really fast?' I heard my phone going off early in the morning of my first day out of school. Why must this always happen to me? But once I read the text, I figured it has something to do with Olivea, and the I am probably needed to see if something's normal. Why do I have to be the expert on all things Olivea? 

'On my way.' I replied as I slipped into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and didn't even bother to do my makeup and then just pulled my hair into a ponytail. I should still be sleeping, was the only thing going through my head. I it up though, and grabbed a cup of water and drank it as I pulled on my moccasins and found my satchel. Since yesterday was our last day for teachers, we decided to have a bit of a party. Nothing too crazy, because I'm still under aged. But I ended up getting back home around midnight and then didn't fall asleep until 1. Honestly, for a 19 year old, it wasn't that much of a party, but the people there made it a lot of fun. And then once we were allowed to leave, most of the younger teachers went out and had a bit more fun at clubs. 

But if I would have known that I would be woken up at 7 in the morning to go help with whatever Olivea's currently doing, I defiantly would have left a bit earlier.  Oh well, I guess I will never be done with work. Is it sad that I count Olivea as work? Hm, but she deserves it, since she is such a handful. And now that she's gotten another eating disorder, I've heard she's even more work. And from what I remember, that seems about right. An Olivea without food is a very unhappy Olivea. Which is why I never understood how her, of all people, would develop an eating disorder. But I guess they can get the best of us. 

"Olivea? You need to stay here. You're still sick. If you go to work you wont be able to help. Just stay here. Becca will be here soon." I heard Noel saying from the bedroom part of their dorm. I've never really been in their dorm yet, but since Olivea lives here, I figured I could just walk in, just like over in SHINee's dorm. The farther I navigated into the dorm the messier it got. Yep, I defiantly could tell that Olivea hadn't been here for awhile. Since living with Key, she hates messes about as much as he does. So she's gotten really good at cleaning up.

"Becca, thank goodness you're here! Sorry it's so early, but we are going to be late if we don't leave and she wont listen to us." Noel said once I peeked into the bedroom. Olivea was in her bed, about half the size she is normally, and looking almost wasted away. She seemed like she was trying to talk, but only hoarse and strained whispers came out. All in all, she was a mess. 

"You guys go ahead. I'll take care of her." I told them and went over to stand next to her bed. Well, time for a little talking talking to, so I can knock some sense into this girl. Seriously, what goes through her head?

"Olivea, you are going to lay down and stop trying to talk. You'll ruin your voice forever if you keep making those noises." I said as I carefully pushed her shoulders back so she would lay on her bed. This girl will be the death of a lot of people, I promise. 

"Have you eaten yet today? I bet not. Here, you will stay right here. And you wont move." I said setting my things down on her bedside table and turning towards the kitchen. This place was gross. I can promise, the moment she is feeling better, she wont leave until it's spotless in here. I started looking around for something that would be easy enough for her to eat, and decided on a bowl of ramen. 

"And now you eat." I said handing her the warm bowl of noodles. Once she took the bowl and starting eating, I went back into the kitchen and started warming up two cups of tea. I figured with they her voice sounded, is most likely in a lot of pain right now. So I shall make her some of her favorite tea with some honey. Well, maybe if they had some tea! I search all the cupboard and could not find any packs of tea. Olivea loves that stuff and you are living in Korea, how could you not have tea? And just to make sure I searched for some rice, which they still had, luckily. 

"Olivea. Do you guys not have any tea?" I asked peeking back into her bedroom. She looked up from her iPad, and shrugged her shoulders.

"Do you know if those guys are home over there?" I asked, now really starting to feel annoyed with her lack of knowledge about this place. She was here for what, a week before someone noticed she wasn't eating? I'm really starting to think putting her in the care of some people who don't know her that well was a horrible idea. She opened to say something, but then held up her finger then started to poke at the screen. After a few seconds she held it up and pointed to a little message on the screen. 'I don't know. But Zico was sick too, so he might still be there. But we have a key if you need something and no ones there.' Her message read making me chuckle. So that's how shes been communicating with people. 

"Ok. Don't you dare move, and you have to finish that bowl. I'm going to go see if they have any tea. I'll be right back." I said turning towards the door, but the sound of Olivea jumping out of her bed mad me stop. I was about to yell at her to get her back in her bed when I noticed where she was heading. 

"If you are back here, you shouldn't be doing this."  I mumbled as I made my way towards that bathroom. Wasn't Keys condition of her leaving their dorm that she would hold her food down? Well, I can promise you that this is not holding it down. So why in the world is she here? I waited until she was finished and back comfortably in bed before I decided to call Key and ask why in the world she is away from the SM dorms.

"Kim Kibum. Why aren't you answering you phone. Come on, it's about you're little sister. Come on. I know you want to. Crap! What is wrong with you!" I mumbled into my phone as I waited for Key pick up his phone. I swear only when I really need to talk to him, he doesn't answer. Ok, so maybe Taemin would know.

"Lee Taemin. You better not be in the same place as Kibum are you are just as dead to me." I complained as I listened to the rings. And just like Key, he didn't answer. Actually, none of them answered, I tried Minho next, then Onew. But the one that finally answered seemed to be the one that was the least amount of help.

"Hello?" Jonghyun answered after about two rings.

"What is every member of SHINee doing but you?" I asked in annoyance. I already knew that he wasn't going to be much help. I needed either Key or Taemin to get the information I needed.

"Key and Onew are somewhere, Minho is doing something, and Taemin is filming with Sulli. And I only know that because he just left. Why are you calling me anyway? What happened?" He questioned making me face palm myself. I swear, if his fans knew he was like this, I don't think they would find him as attractive.

"I just wanted to see why Olivea was let out of you're guys dorm. She isn't holding down anything still." I said simply. Maybe if I speak simply I would get information out of him easier. He didn't answer for a few seconds then his answer made me was to smack him even more. 

"Oh, I didn't know she was gone." He said, at least sounding ashamed that he was so clueless. Olivea and Jonghyun will be my death.

"I should smack you. Zico brought her back here yesterday. The girls texted me this morning asking for my help. She's not better and she is still throwing up. She should still be in Key's care." I said as I went back to making something to drink.

"Oh yea! I remember Key freaking out about that last night. He felt bad not being able to see if she was actually fine or not, but he was so busy yesterday and today. So he figured he could trust Sulli. But she was sick yesterday, so I didn't think she should be taking care of Olivea in the first place. Because Super Junior was complaining about having troubles with her and I figured if they had troubles with her, then one sick little Sulli would be in for it. But no one ever listens to me. Oh god, I'm sounding like Taemin." Jonghyun rambled, making me more confused. Ok, so Olivea was in Sulli's care yesterday and Sulli was sick? SHINee's been really busy and wasn't able to see if Olivea was actually in full health.

"I'm beyond lost right now. But some things fishy. Key is too protective of her to just let Olivea leave with out some proof." I said, getting a mumble of agreement out of him. So for once we are both on the same page?

"I'll ask Key about it when he gets home tonight. I'll tell you what his explanation is once he tells me. But I have to get going. So I'll see you later!" He said quickly and I heard someone in the background yelling for him.

"Ok, see yea." I said and hung up the phone as I heard Olivea moving around again. I think it would be wise for me to just steal her away so the girls don't have to deal with that all day. So as she was in the bathroom, I started gathering up some of her things. I figured if I would just pack up a couple days worth of things to keep her happy while shes under my care, she would be fine in just a few days.

"Olivea, you're going to come stay with me for awhile until you're feeling better. I packed some clothes and other stuff to keep you entertained. But lets get you cleaned up before you leave the dorm. Time for a bath!" I said once she came back looking like she was about to pass out from just walking. 

Once she was cleaned up and in some clean clothes, I gathered up her things and left a note on her bed telling the girls that shes over in my apartment and that she'll be there until she her normal self again. With that I slipped her now full backpack over my shoulder and stuck my phone and hers in my pocket and lead her out of the dorm. I also my have mention on my note that they should tidy up a bit. 


So Becca's here to save the day!(: Yay! But are they on to something? I wonder what they'll figure out. I think they'll make a good investigating team. ^^

Thank you guys so much for all your support!(: I have quite a bit of planning to do with this story still...:P But I'll get it. I really need to figure out an ending to it...>.< If that tell y'all how quality of a writer I am, I'm sorry. >.< But thank you so much! Hey, why don't y'all tell me what you want ot see in the end and then I'll see if that helps me at all^^

Thank you guys so much, and do y'all like the new poster? Thee amazing  _keri at Annyeong Avenue made it for me. Isn't she amazing? I love it soooo much!(: She also was kind enough to make one for my other story, His English Tutor.(:

I love you all so much,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!