What are you doing here?

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

(Now that Key was on his way over to America, I'll just stick with Olivea...)

Soooo, Olivea's POV

"So what's it like around here? Do you just hang out in here all day?" Dara asked looking out my window. The sun had gone down a few minuets ago and now the city lights were bright and the cars even louder then they were the first night I was here. What have I done around here?

"Kind of. I went to the beach, and I found this really nice coffee shop that I go to every morning before my comes and gets me. But I'm here most of the time." I said with a little sigh. I wish I still had a few friends in America. I remember a couple of my classmates had said they were going to be attending college in New York. In fact I think a lot of my old classmates are following me on Twitter now.

"You went to the beach? I guess you do look a bit tanner then what I remember." Minji said with a chuckle looking at my still extremely pale skin for America. Once we had gotten back safely from the hospital, we sat around talking and watch TV. They wont let me do much more then relax and stay in bed. I mean, they even had food delivered up here. Our reasoning was that my dad was just going to pick up the bill anyway. So here we are eating the so-called 'Asian' food the hotel swore was genuine. Well, none of us really agreed with that, but hey, it wasn't that bad. 

"Well, what's been going on with you guys?" I asked looking around at them. Each of them had taken off their makeup and pulled their hair up into messy buns, even without the makeup they still looks extremely beautiful. Which made me feel bad about myself a bit. I need to find something to make these cuts go away faster, I keep getting weird looks from everyone when I go somewhere. Maybe I could get plastic surgery or something like that.

"Too much. Can you just go do our work and we'll go to court for you?" Bom whined as she munched on her food. They do look extremely tired, dark circles were really easy to see under their eyes.

"I would love to. I have always wanted to meet Will.I.am. He seemed like a really cool guy." I said with a bit of a chuckle. I wonder if you would let me skip whatever I have to do tomorrow and go with them where ever they are going. I doubt they would mainly because they know that my parents are in some deep water now that they were caught attacking me. I wonder if I will have to speak about it in court.

For the rest of the evening we all just relaxed and milled around not doing much of anything. Well until the judge of my parents case called me and told me that it would be a good idea for me to meet over at the court house in the morning to go over what happened. Then he told me after that I would be done, hopefully. That brightened my life up a whole lot. That and the fact that 2NE1 will be sleeping with me here tonight. Mainly because they didn't want to venture all the way over to their room to go to bed. So we made use of the other bed I have in here and I definitely didn't feel lonely at all that night.

'Olivea. Please wake up and let me in. I'm getting strange looks just sitting here in front of your door. -Key' It's only about 3 in the morning. Is he drunk? I was about to go back to sleep after being rudely awoken by my phone, until I heard a soft tapping on my door. I blinked a couple times and rubbed my eyes carefully and slipped on my glasses and carefully released myself form Minji and Dara's hold on me to see if he was really here. 

Once I got to the door the tapping had stopped and I heard a sigh and the a bit of a thud on the door. Someone must really be out there. I peeked out the peep hole and didn't see anyone, so letting my curiosity get the best of me I carefully opened the door and saw a skinny looking man leaning against the wall. 

"Olivea? What are you doing? Your not sleep walking are you?" I heard someone ask from inside the room, the are being really protective of me.

"No, I'm fine. Go back to sleep." I said before opening the door making Key look over towards me. 

"Thank God for waking up! I was beginning to think you wouldn't let me in until morning. So many people were giving me funny looks, I think they thought I was some creep or something! I'm to pretty to be a creep, right?" Key said jumping up and pulling me into a hug. With me being extremely sleepy still, it took me a second to figure out that I was being hugged. 

"Key, what are you doing here? You should be over in Korea, you have a job to do! Does anyone know you're here?" I asked once he loosened his grip around me.

"I'm here to bring you back to Korea. Minji called me and told me what happened and I think it's time for you to get back home. And don't worry about that, it's safer if people think I'm still in Korea." Key said looking a little worried. So no one knows he's here but us. Great.

"Let's go back inside and then we can figure everything out in the morning. I'm too tired to do really anything but sleep right now." I said trying to stop a yawn but not winning. But never the less Key followed me into my room and the girls were sort of awake once they noticed I wasn't in bed anymore. Once they saw Key the four made room by putting Dara in between Bom and CL in the other bed and I was placed in the middle of Key and Minji. Key wasn't too much bigger then Dara so it wasn't that much different, except he was in jeans. I think it would have been weird for anyone to see this right now. but we were all waaay to sleepy to care.

"Uh oh! I have to go!" I said noticing that my ride was going to be here in about 10 minuets. Without thinking about who was in the room with me I shot out of bed and tried to find a good enough outfit to wear in front of the judge. Once I found one I darted into the bathroom and quickly started to change and work on my makeup. I heard people talking outside the bathroom door and things moving around, but I was focused on getting myself ready in time. 


"So you're telling me that this happened a lot?" Judge Taylor asked as he looked at my injuries that weren't hidden by my outfit.

"Yes, sir." I said noticing the people in the rooms reactions. My parents weren't there, luckily, but the jury was along with the judge. I was also being filmed and Key was outside this meeting room talking with the police, just passing time. I have been in here for about 20 minutes and was beginning to get tired of all their questions.

"Would you say your parents ever had a pleasant time in their marriage?" The judge asked making me chuckle.

"Yep, when they were drunk. Other then that, no. Not from the few years I remember." I told him and he nodded and looked down at his paper that I'm guessing listed all the questions he needed to ask me.

"One more question, would you mind telling us why you were over in Korea?" He asked, ok, I can answer this one easy enough.

"Well, my father I'm guessing didn't want me around for the divorce, so he shipped me over there into Seoul University's foreign exchange program. During the time I have been over there I have been living with Kim Kibum, my fathers first son. We thought we were brother and sister, but I guess that's not true anymore. Don't know how that's going to go for him over there, but hey, one thing at a time." I said with a smile. Once we had made sure that all the answers I had given were recorded correctly I was told that I was able to fly back to Korea when ever.

"So, let's go get your things and head home? On the way I can tell you what's been going on back home. It's been so boring with you you though!" Key said once we got back to the hotel.

"Sure, but we should stop and say goodbye to 2NE1 before we leave." I said as I opened the door to my room. He agreed and then helped me pack all my things and the whole time chattered on about what's been going on. 

Then once I was positive that I had everything, we went downstairs and checked out and then my lovely helped me load my things into his car and took me to where Minji told me they would be. Luckily they were and so was all of the Black Eyed Peas. Before we had left the hotel I had texted CL and asked her if it would be ok if I came over to say bye before we took off, and she told me I didn't have a choice. So here I am sitting next to Fergie listening to Will.I.am tell Bom what to sing next. Needless to say, there are so many of my dreams coming true in this one moment. 

But all to soon Key started to get more and more texts and calls demanding to know where in the world he is. So he finally started replying to people and informing them he was over in America picking me up.

"Thank you for coming to see me yesterday and staying with me last night. I hope you had a good enough night sleep. I'll see y'all soon enough, right?" I said once everyone declared a small break in between recordings. Once we had said our goodbyes, everyone said we should get a picture. So all of The Black Eyed Peas, 2NE1, plus Key and I all huddled together and had one of the managers take pictures on just about every ones phones.


Okies, I know this was just really bad. Forgive me, I'm really sorry. I just need to get Olivea back to Korea and then I'll try and start a little drama to close out the story.(: Sound good? Good.(:

But thank you guys for sticking around even for the crappy chapters, it really means a lot. From the bottom of my little heart.(: I love y'all. 

And on another note, what would you guys like to see? You should leave your ideas for me! It would be super helpful!(:

Rebecca ♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!