Cho PD

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Prove it!" 

And that's how we all ended up getting to know each other a bit more. After a lot of deliberation, they finally decided to play a song on have me point out who was singing. So Taeil pulled out his iPod and told me to pick out a song. So I picked 'Tell Them' and then listened and named each person without fail. Each time I would get one right, in unison they would say "Woooow!" And once I finished they all clapped and told me how impressed they were. And after that we just started messing around getting to know each other. Well until Cho PD found us. 

"Well well well. Who do we have here?" I heard someone say from the door. I glanced up from my place between P.O and Jaehyo to see Cho PD looking down at us with an amused smile.

"Oh, PD, this is Olivea Kim, from SM." Zico said jumping up from the floor and carefully pulling me up too. I smiled and bowed. 

"Pleasure to meet you finally. I have heard many things about you Olivea. If you don't mind, could you step into my office for a word?" He asked pleasantly, he seemed a lot like Lee Soo-Man in too many ways. 

"Sure." I said nodding and carefully stepping over the boys to follow him into his office. Right now, I'm really liking the size of this place, it's so small, and a lot less walking to do. Then once we got into his office he told me to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk so I did what I was told. I noticed how warm and inviting everything in this building seemed. The colors, decorations, and the people. 

"Olivea Kim, right?" He asked sitting down behind his desk. 

"Yes sir!" I said with a smile. He looked a lot like what you would expect a hip hop producer and rapper to look like. Well, not the American version of it, but the Korean. He had that feel to him, you just knew he was in charge. 

"As you know, I'm Cho PD. It good to meet you. But I have talked about you with Lee Soo-Man a few times now. And he can only say good things about you. Anyway, that's not what I'm here to talk to you about.for starters, do you know what you will be doing exactly? If not, I'm hoping I could clear it up for you." He asked, I guess I knew the basics of what all is going on, but I don't know exactly what I will be doing for sure.

"Well, I know basically what's going on, but not the details." I told him and he nodded then started explaining everything in greater detail.

"So you know the whole idea of what we would like to happen? Well, Lee Soo-Man informed me that your talents would be the most helpful in the dance, singing, and areas like that. So I figured that you would help train them and get them ready for their debut. Jiho's talents are more towards the producing, recording, and areas like that, so he would be in charge of those. And since you live with a very successful group, you know how hard they would have to work, and what the fans like. So since you have that knowledge, I guessed you would make a great addition to the team. And since you know a lot about the business and promoting end of things to, we might enlist your help there too. Does everything sound about right so far?" He said, informing me more on the things I would be doing.

"I would say so." I replied with a bit of a nod.

"Then basically I would like you to train the girls, get them ready for the debut stage. But we want them to be able to go far. So we wont give you a deadline yet, so when you say they are ready, we will believe you and that's when we will get everything ready to go. So what do you think?" He said leaning back in his chair.

"I think it sounds like a great idea. But may I ask one thing?" I said, making him smile.

"What is it?" He asked leaning forward again.

"Who are the girls exactly? I have heard a bit about them, but I haven't really been told much about them." I said with a chuckle. I was pretty excited to see who in the world these girls were. 

"Ah, I was guessing you would like to know about them soon. Well, they are off visiting family before the holidays, but should be back at the end of the week, but in the mean time, here you can look at these. It's their profiles for the company. In it you should find just a little information about each of the girls and pictures of them, and what position they would be in the group. Oh, and I heard you are capable of getting news out to vast amounts of people, right? Well, since you have such a good hold on the fans, you could help with getting information out about the group." He said, handing me a folder with a bunch of papers placed inside. I peeked through it and glanced at a few pictures but then looked back at him. 

"I  think I can handle that." I said with a smile. Getting information out about something was easy now. Being the source of secrets and things about SHINee gains me a large group of followers. 


"Oh, and just to warn you now. Block B is going to be filming another season of Match Up with B1A4. Just thought I would tell you so you can be prepared for that. But do you have anymore questions?" He asked, so I thought for a bit, and decided I didn't. So he lead me back to the room where Block B was hanging around and told me to 'play safe'.

Then we all went able looking at the profiles for each of the girls. The guys told me what little they knew about each one, but mainly commented on how pretty each one was. 

"Who is the first girl?" Zico asked when I sat down. 

"It looks like Danella Simon from Romania. She is going to be the rapper, and the leader." I said reading over the paper. 

"Oh, I know her! She is a really good rapper! But she's kinda scary too." Kyung said looking over the paper. Each said their opinion and then we moved right along.

"Next is Noel Rye from Canada. She will be the main vocals." I said looking at the next sheet. Might I say, she looked extremely beautiful. 

"I don't think I have ever heard her speak. But I have seen her practicing with a bunch of other girls. She is really pretty, she looks like chocolate, and smells like roses." P.O said dreamily. We all laughed at him, then read over her paper.

"Who else? PD said their would be 4 girls!" Jaehyo said trying to pull other papers out, but earning a smack on the hand from Zico.

"Ok, ok, moving on. This one is Adriana Zu, originally from China, but came here from Hawaii. And she will be the Sub-Vocals." I told them and then seemed to know her a bit better then the other two.

"She's really really nice! And really fun to talk to! She'll help us run away from PD when he's mad at us, and she'll hide us when we are tired." U-Kwon said with a smile. 

"And she likes to help us stay focused during practice! I like her! She's really cool!" Taeil added and getting mumbles of agreement from the other members. Adriana, I'll remember her name.

"And last but not least, the makne, Penelope Choi. Looks like she's the dancer." I said looking at the last sheet of paper. 

"Aw, she is so cute! And she's the dancer? But she is just so little!" B-bomb said looking at her pictures. 

"Hey Min Hyuk-hyung, she said your one of her role models!" Kyung said pointing to the paper and laughing. 

"Really? Let me see!" He said snatching the paper away from me. After that we went back to learning more about each other. And we each followed each other on Twitter, and Jaehyo made me feel really bad about not following him back. Then by about lunch time, we were all complaining that we were hungry. 

"Zico should go get our food. He is the leader." Jaehyo said from the floor. By this time, Jaehyo, Yu Kwon, Min Hyuk, and Kyung had layed down on the floor, Zico and I were sitting on the couch and I had my hurt leg kicked up on his lap, and P.O and Taeil were sitting in chairs that they had slid up to join the rest of us. 

"But I'm the one that's in charge of keeping you guys off her. PD said so. And she can't walk." He said making me look at him in confusion. Keep them off me? 

"I can to walk. I'm not that big of a wimp. I just live with people who take too much care of me." I said crossing my arms and moving to stand up, but only having him grab my leg and not let me move. 

"Nope, I saw what happened to you. You're not going anywhere. Why don't Jaehyo and Yu Kwon go?" He said with a smirk and the looking down at the two he mentioned. 

"I guess. Since you can come up with a million reasons why we should. Lets go." Yu Kwon mumbled when pulling himself off the ground and grabbing Jaehyo who was whining. Then while we were waiting for them to get back, they were curious what living with SHINee was like. So I told them that it was nice some times, but most of the time, it . I mentioned a lot of the fights we get in, the one we are in now, and just about everything they do wrong. But then I ended up my little rant with most of the things they do right. And while I was mentioning the things that I enjoyed the most about living with them, it brought to light that I"m being hard-headed about this whole thing. And that they were too. So Taeil, being the peacemaker I always made him out to be, told me that I should try and work something out with them, because a family can't live together very well without working through their problems with an open-mind. So I took his words to heart and decided to text Key and tell him that we are going to figure something out so that I don't have to get hurt anymore, and that every ones happy. 


Aw, they are gonna make up! ^.^ But what do you think of Block B so far? Anything like you imagined them to be? If not, don't worry, this is just another kinda 'peek' into what their gonna be like. 

Oh, and what do you think of the girls?? I looked long and hard for those pictures and while I was still writing the first story, I was planing their characters! ^^ So I think y'all will like them a lot!(: 

But I just want to thank you all again. From the bottom of my really tired heart, you guys are awesome. 

But until I find some more time. 

Hugs and kisses,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!