I Promise.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...


"What's going on in here?" I heard someone call from the front of the dorm.

"You guys! Come here quick! I have something to show you!" I said quickly jumping up from my bed, and holding my finger to my lips telling Key quiet. Since it's a Wednesday that Key didn't have anything going on today, we met up again for a date. And he had a great idea to help me remember to take care of myself because SM was getting ready to start another SM Town World Tour.

"Key! Hey, it's been awhile since we've seen you around! How have you been?" Dani asked happily once they saw Key sitting next to my bed. He just nodded and returned their smile.

"I've been good. Getting ready for SM Town, what about you guys? Your looking more and more like idols each time I've seen you. I can tell your working hard." He said making them all blush. He isn't lieing, these girls are getting such nice bodies. I'm so envious of them already.

"Same, same. Just getting ready to hear something more about our debut." Penelope said with an little chuckle looking over at me. I just smiled back holding the suprise carefully out of sight. 


Today is boring already. Jiho is working with Block B and B1A4 on getting season 2 of Match Up going. So I'm all alone today. See, if I still lived with SHINee, I would be doing something with Kibum today. Sigh. I miss those guys a ton, but Jiho has been doing a really good job of keeping my mind of the lastest SHINee news. Mainly the lastest Taeulli news. How can he just jump over to her so quickly? It's not fair, but Jiho happily diverts my attention when something comes up about them, and I have to say, I don't know what I would do with out him. 

I was just lounging around flipping through pages of entertainment news as I snacked on a bowl of ice cream in my dorm, well until 'My Kibum' texted me.

'HEY! Guess what today is! -Your Kibum' I remember that before I left he stole my phone and changed his name to 'Your Kibum' after I told him we weren't actually related like we thought we were. He said that no matter what anyone says, he's my big brother and forever will be, and I can't get rid of him. No matter what. And that he is here for me when ever I would need him, so he is mine. 

'It's Wednesday. So what. -Oli' I repiled, trying to think of anything that should be going on today. But I couldn't think of any.

'Are you dressed? -Your Kibum' He replied, confusing me further. What in the world...

'I'm in my lazy clothes, but yea. Why? -Oli' I replied looking down at my get-up. A white tank top and my sweats that I made with Becca that got me my broken arm when I first arrived here in Korea (Remember that guys?? That was forever ago!).

"OLIVEA! I'm here, now we need to get you dress and we are going on a date. So get off your lazy bum and help me find your clothes." I heard Key yell from the front of the dorm, scaring the crap out of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I just about peed my pants!" I yelled back at him as he made his way back towards the bedroom. With that we teased each other as he dug around the room to find me a presentable outfit for me to wear.

"What are we doing that I have to look good enough to be your sister for?" I mumbled as he handed me a short black and white striped skirt and a polka dot blouse to go with it.

"Put that on, I wont look. But how could you forget. I mean, I've had to give you a couple rain checks because being the most attractive member of SHINee keeps me busy. But really? You forgot already?" He rambled as he started to find shoes to go with this outfit. I quickly changed out of my lounging clothes into something more Key-like. Hm, it's Wednesday, and he's had to take a couple rain checks. Why is he being so difficult right now?

"You are so confused. I can't believe you forgot about our date! Just because we aren't actually blood related anymore doesn't mean that we are done acting like it. Korea hasn't found out about it yet, and if we are seen out again, it will hold if off a bit longer. How could forget about our date? I feel that, right here." He said as I finished buttoning up my shirt. How in the world did I forget about our dates? I feel horrible now.

"I'm sorry Key. I don't know how I could forget about that. So what are we doing?" I asked as he tossed me a pair of tights and a bright yellow waist long jacket. I swear, he has the weirdest taste in fashion, but it normally turns out looking really good. As I pulled on the tights he went over the plan for the day.

"Well, since my color is starting to fade and you can sort of see my roots, I have an appointment to get our hair done first. Your hair is so boring now, you need to do something with it again. And then, I was thinking of figuring out the rest when we got outside. But I have a suprise for later too, from the one and only Becca and Jonghyun. Do you think that they would even think of dating? Because they are always together secretly and they are always texting each other. It's so weird. I don't like it. But, they wouls be kind of cute together. They both are kind of mean looking and they like to make fun of you. So maybe they would be perfect together." He said happily, still searching through everything I own. I swear, if any of the girls were here, they would be freaking out, saying things about not wanting such a perfect human being seeing their horrible clothes. Or so they said when they asked me what it was like living with Key. 

He finished putting my outfit  together and then told me that we needed to hurry and get to our appointment. Once we had gotten there Key sat down and instantly people started working on his beautiful hair. I was then sat down next to him and he started spouting off ideas of what color I should do next. I ended up telling him to pick any color he thought would be good, only because I couldn't chose anything at all. And so now my hair is lilac, why did he pick lilac? Because he wanted to know what it would look like, since he was thinking about trying it. And with that, we messed around for most of the day, just like before. Then by the end of the day we ended up at an animal shelter.

"Becca and Jonghyun told me their brillant idea to keep you healthy. Since you love animals, they thought that if you had to take care of one, it would remind you to take care of yourself. So we are here to get you a new pet. Do you know if your dorm allows pets?" He said making my face light up and dart into the shelter and instantly start looking at all the cute and adorable animals. I found myself looking at the puppies and the kittens, even the bunnies. Sadly they didn't have any turtels, but I don't think I could have been happy with another one because of my last turtle, Key. My you rest in peace. (Wow, remember that one too??)

"So what do you think? Cat or dog?" Key asked as he scratched one of the bigger looking dogs.

"All of them. I want them all. Can I?" I pouted and looked up at him, hoping he would actually get all these cute animals for me. Have you ever been in an animal shelter before? It's almost impossible to get out of there without feeling horrible about only taking one. But I did. I picked a really small looking kitten that had really sharp looking eyes, even for a cat, and light blond, nearly white, hair and some black stripes. Why that one? Because it reminded me of Key. So now I can take him with me everywhere and talk to him about everything!

"What are you going to name em?" Key asked as we paid for the kitten and a couple extra things.

"I don't know. I should have the girls help me. And I stink with names." I said happily as the kitten walked around the carrier and purred when I scratched behind his ear. I was grinning ear to ear and Key had to take a picture and sent it to Becca and Jonghyun to show them their sucess. Once everything was in order and I got dates set up to get all of it's shots and checkups in order we started towards a pet store to get him a coller and some toys.

*End of el flashback*

"So what did you want to show us? Key?" Noel asked looking a little confused. I held the small bundle of fur that was squerming behind my back. Luckily it's hasn't made any noise yet. I just smiled at them happily and held out both of my hands showing them the black and white kitten. Instantly all you could hear is the sound of four girls 'aww'ing over a kitten. Then after a few seconds they started asking questions.

"Is it ours?"

"Is it a boy or girl?"

"What's it's name?"

"Can we keep it?" They each asked as Noel held him with the most excited expressions. 

"Yep, he's our new pet. Jonghyun and Becca came up with the idea to help me take care of myself. But I haven't thought of a name yet. I figured we should decide together!" I told them making another round of excited squeals to start. We started discussing ideas and figured that it needed to be a unique name, and something international. So each of us thought of a couple, mainly from our respective conutry. At first we just shot out random names as we watched him search around the bedroom. 

"Key, do you have any ideas?" I asked Key who was lounging on my bed next to me while looking at his phone. He didn't reply for a bit, so being curious like I am, I looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. And to my suprise, it was a picture of me from when I was in America. I peeked at the title of what he was reading and instantly started fearing for my life.

"Excuse us ladies. We have something we need to talk about quickly." Key said noticing my gasp and that I was looking at his phone. They all nodded and went back to watching the kitten. Key quickly lead me out into the hallway where he pocketed his phone and put on one of his sweetest smiles.

"Ok, this may look bad. But I promise that I will support you and stand up for you no matter what anyone says. I know what the story is and what's actually going on, and I will make sure that everyone who has seen that post knows it too. I know that our relation has been doubted ever since we announced that you were my sister. But we've been through too much together that we could be better siblings then most brothers and sisters. So I don't want you to worry one of your purple little hairs about this. We'll work this out, I promise." He said pulling me into a comforting hug. Have I ever mentioned how much I love this guy? But just remembering that posts title sent sivers down my spine. 

'SHINee's Little Sister's Lie is Released!' 


Omg, poor Olivea. I hope nothign bad happens to her now. But on the bright side, she got a kitten! What are your ideas for a name? I was thinking something crazy, but I don't think they would name it somethings super crazy. And hey, Key's for sure on her side too! So life isn't looking thhhat bad for her. >.<

But thank you guys so much for sticking around, I have such bad writers block right now. I'm forcing myself through it though, since I have most things planned out. But thank you all so much for everything, I love you all sooooo much!(:



P.S- I think it would be cool for y'all to check out my other story...(: Just because it's quite a bit different from this one. But Taemin is still the main guy, why can't I write a story without him in it? >.< Any way, here it is: His English Tutor.

P.P.S- Once again, thank you to  _keri at Annyeong Avenue for making this AMAZING poster. I still love it so much.(:

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!