Take me home...

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

In America--

"No! I don't need to go to the hospital! I'm perfectly fine! One more bruise isn't going to be anymore of a bother then the ones I already have. Trust me." I tried to tell the police officer that had came in and stopped my parents. I guess they are going to be in a load of trouble and court is going to be a bit different. But I'm planning on leaving early now.

"I have to take you to the hospital, your bleeding and you look like you're in pain." The officer said trying to lead me to the car, I had already denied the ambulance, I don't really know why that came but I was not going to ride in it no matter what.

"I'm fine. Just let me go back to my hotel and rest. I will not go to a hospital." I continued, if Key was here, I would be in a lot of trouble for not listening to him.

"Please. Just come with me and get your cuts cleaned up." He continued, now seeming almost desperate. Poor guy, maybe I should go with him just so he doesn't have to have a hard day.

"Can I just get some bad-aids and go home?" I asked now feeling really childish. I wonder what this mans thinks of me, I was just attacked by my parents and they got a lot of new injuries before they got me to make a noise. Well, I guess my father didn't really do much, he just started it. He slapped me right across the cheek with my nice bruise. Jessica then asked if I was still going to tell anyone anything, and I answered honestly. Which got me a full on attack by Jessica. Once my father hit me, I started to feel like the scared little 3 year old again. I was disappointing them again.

"Olivea? Are you sure your fine? Olivea?" The officer asked carefully grabbing my shoulders as I started to sway a bit. What did I do this time to disappoint them? I only told them the truth. Daddy always said to tell the truth when something happened. And I did, but then they hit me. And when they hit me I didn't say anything, because it would only hurt worse if I did. But I didn't say anything and she just hit me harder. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled as I felt a sharp sting in my ribs. What happened there? Why am I getting dizzy? After that I kind of forgot what happened. Just suddenly, everything started to hurt, it was like getting attacked behind the school again. I stayed awake, or conscious, the entire ride to the hospital and into my room. But once they tried to stick the IV's into my arm, I started to come back to my senses. 

"NO! I don't want that!" I protested, pulling my arm out of the nurses grasp. She seemed shocked for a second, but then tried to talk me into it. I don't know why, but I was really angry all of the sudden. I wasn't going to do it. Even though I hurt a lot, I wasn't going to let her do anything to me. I think I was starting to get scared again. American hospitals have never been a place of happiness for me. I was taken to a the hospital near my parents house a lot, and they would act all sweet and tell me to hurry and get better. But when I would go home, they would get angry with me all over again.

"Please stop moving! You're going to hurt yourself more. Miss! Please stop!" The nurse was saying as I squirmed around the bed trying to dodge her grabbing hands.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled back at her and continued to move away from her. She seemed to be getting extremely annoyed with me, but I didn't really care anymore. I didn't want to be here. I'm surprised she hasn't called for any help yet. If I was her, I definitely would have had a doctor sedate me by now. 

"You're going to fall off the bed if you don't stop." She said trying to grab some part of me again. This time when I moved to dodge her, just like she said I fell over the side of the bed. Luckily, I caught myself, and tried to get up and leave, but once I got to the door, four girls I recognized were blocking the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Minji asked in Korean, bringing me to my senses. Where do I think I'm going?

"I don't know." I replied also in Korean while hanging my head from their disapproving looks. I didn't know these girls all that well, but over New Years we met and then we started to get to know each other more since then. They had told me that they were going to be in New York to work with Will.I.Am and they wanted to visit me.

"You were going to get back into that bed and let the nurse take care of you." CL said pointing to the bed I had just escaped from. I looked up at her and then back towards the nurse who was standing next to the place I where I had landed looking at us with the most confused look I had seen. 

"Go." Minji echoed making me hang my head again and then turn around and start for the bed. I noticed Minji was holding my phone and it looked like it was in the middle of a call. I didn't bother asking as the nurse carefully took my arm and poked the needle in. She told me it was going to help calm me down and make my pain go away. I quietly let her do what she wanted and just looked over at the 4 girls who were watching me sternly. After a bit, Minji looked down at my phone and pushed the screen and handed it to me.

"Hello?" I asked wondering who was on the other line. No one answered for a second and I thought she had hung up on them.

"Olivea? Are you feeling better?" I heard Key's voice on the other line ask. Even through the phone I could hear the worry seeping through each word. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes and the only thing I wanted was to be back in SHINee's dorm.

"Yea. They have a needle stuck in my arm making me feel kind of funny. I don't like it. Can you come get me out of here and take me home? I don't want to stay here anymore." I told him with my tears freely falling from my eyes. The nurse had stopped even listening to anything 2NE1 or I had said because she couldn't understand it. Now the doctor carefully cleaned the cuts I had gotten on my stomach and arms. He seemed a little more irritated that I we weren't talking in English.

"I could hear that. Why were you yelling so loudly in front of the 2NE1 noona's? You're not like that." He asked making me feel bad about my little scene. Wait, how did he hear that?

"How did hear me? Are you here? Where are you?" I asked looking around, but the four girls were shaking there heads, telling me he wasn't here. 

"Minji had called me to tell me what happened, and I could hear you yelling, well more like screaming, through the phone. You know better then that." Key said soothingly. So where were they? Just in the hall, I didn't think I was that loud.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But I don't want to stay here anymore. I'm really lonely." I said a little quietly looking at the girls who looked heartbroken now. I felt a little sting as the doctor rubbed the cleaner on my hip.

"Does she speak English?" I heard the doctor whisper to the nurse. I chuckled and looked over at the nurse who was nodding.

"Miss, could I ask you to hang up your phone for a second? I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't mind." The doctor asked making me laugh along with 2NE1. I wish it was my boyfriend, wait, I don't have one.

"Key, I have to go. The doctor said you wouldn't mind. I'll see you later this week?" I said with a chuckle but marking in my head to call him later.

"Ok, be good and do what they tell you! I miss you!" Key said before we hung up and I gave my phone back to Minji incase someone texted me.

"He's not my boyfriend by the way, that was my brother." I said to the doctor making him turn red and the nurse laugh. After that he didn't say much except to ask if something hurt too much and what I had troubles moving. Then I demanded that I could go once he said I will heal fine. And after my episode earlier, no one really wanted to keep me around. So I had 2NE1 help me back to my hotel room freshly bandaged and now starting to feel sore. I wonder if I'll have to go to court at all tomorrow. Maybe I can just up and leave so I wont have to worry about it. Then I could get back to work with the girls and not have remember anything from my past again.

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!