First Snow of the Year ^.^

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Oliveeeeeaaaa! Wake up! It's finally snowing! Come on we need to go play!" I heard someone say as they shook me. And I already, even in my sleepy state, knew it was the one and only, Lee Taemin. 

"Taemin, we can play later. Let me sleep." I said pulling a pillow over my head. 

"Aw, please! It's 8 in the morning, you should be awake by now!" He whined more pulling the pillow away. 

"Exactly, it's 8! You should even be asleep!" I said pulling the pillow back over my head. Come on, he's a 19 year old boy, you told me to hurry up would think he would be asleep at this time. No he is in my room trying to wake me up. 

"Come on, lovely. Please. Come play with me today, and I'll let you sleep tomorrow." He said peeking his head under the pillow. I felt his breath on my face and slowly opened my eyes.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" I said as I flicked the pillow off of us. He smiled happily then tugged on my arm to get me out of bed. 

"Come on! Hurry up and get dressed! It's really cold outside so dress warm OK? I don't want you to get sick, because then I can't do this." He said as he quickly pecked my lips. Yep, we are still dating. Key and Becca are forever interrupting us, and Key is still ranting that we are still to cute to be human. 

"You still could, you would just get sick too. Then we would both be miserable." I said with a chuckle. He smiled then told me to hurry up as he closed my door. Well to be honest, nothing has changed. Key is still the nagging, bossy, and loving big brother. Jonghyun was still the creepy jerk, with those random sweet moments. Onew is still the awkward, chicken-loving, and sweetie, and always will be. Minho is the soft-spoken, ever listening, competitive, big teddy bear for a man. And Taemin is still the sweet-talking, adorable angle of a boy. And I'm still the same old Olivea, odd in the head, clumsy, and did I say I was clumsy? But I haven't hurt myself much since I got that cast off. And I haven't had any stitches on my head since a few weeks after prom. And then once the cut on my head was nothing more then a bit of a scar, ok, it's a pretty big scar, but Taemin and I went in a got our hair dyed. He told me to pick what color to get it next, so I made him choose between red and another shade of blond. So right now we have matching red hair. Why? Because, he choose red hair once I told him what color I wanted mine. So my once long golden blondish brown hair is now shoulder-ish length flame red hair. 

Pulling on a pair of knee high socks and a pair of cute skinny jeans on, I heard a knock at the door. 

"Wait a sec, I'm putting on my pants!" I yelled so they wouldn't come in. I have learned that I have to tell them exactly what I'm doing, or they might come in. In fact, I have learned a lot more things about them. Like, Taemin really like skinship, just about as much as Jonghyun. Key has a whole other room for his 'seasonal' clothes. Minho likes to walk around the dorm shirtless and in his PJ pants in the morning and when he get's home from whatever he did that day. (He didn't start doing that until he felt really comfortable around me.) What else, oh, Onew likes to act like he and Key are our parents, and he is the husband. That ones kinda weird sometimes. And Jonghyun will sometimes sleep talk and you learn new things every time. 

"Do you have pant's on yet?" I heard Key ask. 

"Um, yea, now I do!" I said as I laid down on my bed to button my pants around me. And this is why I don't wear skinny jeans that much, I have wide hips, so skinny doesn't fit well. But they look good once I get them on! 

"So you are going with Taemin to play in the snow?" He asked not even seeming fazed with my struggles with my button. 

"Yes I am. Why?" I asked as the button went through, finally. 

"Just making sure. Since we have nothing going on, just making sure I know where everyone is. Do you know when you'll be back?" He asked looking down at his phone, looking at it with a smile. 

"I have no idea. Ask Taemin. Why? Do we have to be back home at a certain time?" I asked as I searched around in my closet for my warm coat and scarf. 

"Nah, I just wanted to know when I should start cooking something to warm y'all up." He said looking over at the stuff I was throwing on my bed. It had started to get really cold here lately in Seoul, so I just pulled out all of my winter clothes, so it's all still unorganized. I really should do that sooner or later. 

"Ooo, you should wear this coat, and these ear puffs, and this scarf! Oh, and these mittens! With those orange fuzzy boots you have by the door." He said easily picking out a perfectly matching outfit from my piles. 

"Thank you! Would you mind telling Taemin to come here?" I asked as I took the scarf and started wrapping it around my neck. 

"You never ask for me, you always want Taemin. Taemin this, Taemin that." He whined, walking out of my room and calling for Taemin. 

"Red head! Are you ready?" Taemin called as he dashed into my room. He seems to enjoy calling me that ever since I changed my hair. 

"Why do you always call me that!? You have to same hair color!" I said pushing him away. 

"Because it bothers you. But don't change your hair, I like matching you! And you look adorable with it." He said grabbing my arm and hugging me. Every time, him teasing me ends like this.

"Well, I'm ready to go if you promise not to call me red head." I said wiggling out of his grasp so I could finish fixing my scarf. 

"Aw your no fun! But I guess I wont call you red head anymore. What do I get if I go all day with out calling you that? A hug? Ooo, what about a kiss? Or a hug and a kiss!" He asked smiling like an angel. 

"I don't know. Depends on if your a good boy or not." I said poking his nose and going to get my boots. As I made my way out of my room I was almost knocked over by Key running to his room being chased by Jonghyun.

"KEY! COME ON! YOU ARE NOT ALLERGIC TO THE STINKING SNOW! JUST GET YOUR COAT ON AND LET'S GO!" Jonghyun yelled as he reached to grab Key. But being as small as he is, he dodged him and dove into his room and locked the door. Key has never liked the snow. He only goes outside when he has somewhere to be, but if at all possible he is locked inside the dorm with a cup of something hot and a blanket wrapped around him. But I guess we get it from our father, because I don't like the snow that much either. But from time to time, I do like to go outside and play in it. 

So I just laughed and continued on my way to get my boots on. Onew was laying across the couch and looked like he was sleeping, so I wasn't going to bother him. And Minho was watching a game on the TV and didn't seem to notice anything going on. And this is exactly how life has been here since I got here. But I wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Babyyyy, are you ready yet!?" Taemin whined as he sat down beside me on the floor. I was pulling my boot on, and having troubles with it. 

"Almost. I, just. Won't go on my foot!" I said as I pulled as hard as I could with my foot sticking in the air. 

"Do you want some-"

"Owwwww!" I said once my fingers slipped and I fell backwards and fell backwards.

"Olivea! Are you hurt?!" I heard Minho ask from the couch. I felt someone pull me up from the floor and it turned out to be Taemin, who looked really worried. 

"Ow, uh, yea. I'm fine, just scared me a bit." I said with a chuckle, stupid clumsy me. Oh, and anytime I even slightly injure myself, everyone is extremely worried and are very careful with me.

"Are you sure? That looked like it hurt, sweetie." Taemin said still with a worried expression. I rubbed the back of my head and nodded.

"I'm fine. I promise." I said with a smile. 

"Ok, but here let me help you with that this time." He said carefully pushing my boot on my foot.


Hehe, I'M BAAAAACK! Did you miss me while I was gone? The whole, what, two day's? ^.^ I missed ya'll! But I'm amazed, before I ever posted the first chapter some of you already subscribed! I was so super shocked y'all have no idea! >.< 

But, the first few chapters will be just letting y'all know what's been going on in the year that has pasted! Can you believe it? Olivea is like 20 now! SHe is getting so old! >.<

But I will be posting pictures of everyone once I find some good ones. I have Olivea's and I'll post it right after I post this chapter, but fair warning, her face looks a bit different because I had to get another picture for her red hair. So just play along, oh and the same goes for Becca when I post hers! ^.^ 

So I hope y'all enjoy this story and much as you did the last one, and FYI Block B should be coming in a while But not right away. >.<

Hug's and kiss's welcoming y'all back,
Becca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!