Chapter 59

Falling in Love on a Show

Your POV:

The next day I woke up to my phone buzzing and dinging because of notifications.  I sat up and quitely walked out of the room just in case I accidentally woke either of my roommates. 

As I sat in the upstairs living room and looked through the notifications, I was in shock.  I was getting all these comments on a post that I didn't even know that I posted, plus all the articles that were being put up about my post. 

Right after I read the post that was supposively typed by me, I deleted it.  I wished that I could delete everything with it, too.  Instead of typing something else up and trying to explain everything, I called my manager first. 

"Hey, I was just about to call you," she said. 

"Oh, well..." I said. 

"Okay, so do you know who did it?  Of course I know you wouldn't have posted something like that." 

"No, I don't.  But what should I do?" 

"Well, we're going to have to clear all this up.  I'm going to have to talk to SM and see what they want to do.  I've got an okay from the company already to go and explain everything." 

"Okay, should I just wait on it then?" 

"Yeah, for not just wait.  I don't think anyone knows that you're back in the county, so just lay low.  Everything will be fine." 

"Kay, thanks unnie." 

"No problem, I'll see you later." 

"Okay, bye." 

I hung up and sighed.  I didn't want to blame anyone for it because it was kind of my fault, too.  I should've put a password on my phone and should've kept my phone on me instead of leaving it out somewhere. 

Later when we were all downstairs sitting at the table eating breakfast, it seemed quite awkward like the first time we all sat down together.  I don't know why, but I also got the feeling that some of the members were purposely ignoring me or had an additude towards me. 

The first time I noticed was when I was getting rice for everyone and Soohyun pushed me out of the way and began doing it herself.  I didn't think too much of it and just helped with cleaning up and setting the rest of the plates onto the table. 

Then when I sat down in one spot, everyone seemed to avoid me except for Gayeon and Sungwoo.  Even when we were slightly making small talk- or trying to at least- none of the other members seemed to want to talk to me. 

I was starting to wonder if I did anything wrong.  Yesterday they seemed completely fine and smiled at me when I came back and surprised them all.  So I'm not sure what's up today. 

The next few days were the same.  I didn't question anyone though hoping that everything was really fine and I was just thinking too much. 

I decided to visit Chanyeol at his company for a while before having to go to a schedule later.  Right when I was about to knock on the door, it opened and Chanyeol and I were face to face with each other. 

"Oh, hey," he said. 

"Hi," I replied. 

"I was just about to call you," he said while reaching for my hand, then leading us to some place. 

"Well, I'm here now." 

He smiled.  "How are the roommates treating you?" 

"Uh... good, I guess." 

"What do you mean you guess." 

"I don't know.  They're just being distant." 

"Oh.  Just ignore them." 

"But-"  He shut the door behind us while turning on the lights of practice room that he took me to. 

"I think I might know who wrote that post." 

"Oh, so you've seen it already?" 

"Of course I have.  But anyways, for sure it's one of the roommates.  I think it might've been Soohyun since she's taken my phone before, too." 


"What'd you're manager tell you to do about it?" 

"She said to lay low while she goes to try and clear things up." 

"Okay.  I hope that she does clean things up soon.  And maybe even release our relationship to the public because it'd be easier for us." 

I nodded my head hesitantly. 

"Don't worry, love, I promise you that everything will be fine.  Don't listen to the haters, just listen to me.  And do you hear this?"  He pulled me close and held my head to his chest so that I could hear his heartbeat.  I nodded my head.  "This here only beats for you and you only, and it means that I love you." 

I pulled my head away from his chest and tip-toed to kiss him.  "I love you, too." 

We sat down the hardwood floor and just continued to talk about random stuff.  Then my phone started ringing.  It was my manager.  She was here to pick me up. 

The both of us got up and said our goodbyes.  Chanyeol walked me down to the lobby area before saying one last goodbye before watching me leave the building. 

Gayeon's POV:

~you~ would be out for the whole day today because she had a schedule to go to, so I decided that it'd be a great time to discuss with some of the roommates about the post from ~you~'s SNS. 

While we were all sitting at the dining table eating dinner, I purposely made it seem like I wasn't paying attention to anything and stared off into space and ate my food silently.  I overheard them talking about the post and tried not to yell at them. 

When they were done laughing, I decided to finally step in.  "Since we're talking about the post that ~you~ posted," I began, "who did it?" 

I'm pretty sure they didn't mean to point out who did it, but they all looked around at each other before staring at Soohyun.  I let out an light sigh and finished eating quickly.  Then I went up to my room. 

I sat on my bed and decided to text ~you~ about the roommates and how Soohyun did it.  Then I laid back because I knew she wasn't going to reply anytime soon. 

Then Bom and Kangjoon entered the room.  Bom had her bag and sunglasses on, telling me that she had just gotten home.  Kangjoon was sitting with everyone else downstairs but seemed quiet- well actually since Chanyeol left he's been off to the side a lot and doing his own thing. 

"Did you need something, Kangjoon?" I asked. 

He stepped closer.  "Well... no... but about the roommates... shouldn't you tell them to stop?" 

"They wouldn't have listened to me.  Why are you asking?" 

"Because if they didn't listen to Nana, then maybe one of you guys would knock some sense into them instead." 

"Have you ever told them to?" 

"N-no... but I'm sure they wouldn't listen to me." 

"Okay... what do you mean they wouldn't listen to Nana, though?" 

"Nana yelled at Soohyun the day Chanyeol left, but still they're causing trouble." 

"Oh... I don't know what to tell them anymore, honestly." 

He sighed and nodded his head.  Then he left. 



Hi guys!  Sorry about not updating as much as I used to.  School is a lot of work... hahah c:  But especially since this week is homecoming for us it's very busy and yeah.  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed.  I'll try and update again soon, but no promises, I'm sorry :(  I hope you have/had a good day! ^-^



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missadel #1
Chapter 68: Hurmm..
Well what could i say ; it's far from good but it's not that bad ..
This story is just really cute. I. Hate. Soohyun. Though. It is just cruel of her to do that
Chapter 68: I loved this story. The last chapter was cute. Keep writing. Bye~~
Chapter 68: crying,,,,hehehe,,,, that was a wonderful ending.... hehehe,.... : D ............. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3...
Yumi1995 #5
Chapter 68: Awww,thank you too author-nim.
Chapter 68: Huhuhu I can't believe this is the end. I still want more author nim. Oh my gaish they have so much children 4 kids plus a baby inside sunshine bump. Hehe
pinkypn #7
Chapter 68: I can't believe none of the roommates got punishments especially soohyun who tried to poison chanyeol
Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 67: I. Hate. Soohyun.
Chapter 67: What one last chapters left. Huhu author nim be sure to make chanyeol and sunshine get married and have babies. Hehehe