Chapter 47

Falling in Love on a Show

Chanyeol's POV:

Sweat rolled down the sides of my face, collected under my bangs, and formed around my whole body.  But I was happy.  I felt energetic and excited as I looked at the fans- the sea of silver- one last time before saying goodbye to them and walking off the stage down to the backstage room. 

As soon as I was done changing and wiping most of the make-up off my face, I went to one of the secluded rooms to call ~you~ because it was like a party in the main room. 

"Hello?" ~you~ answred. 

"We just finished the concert and I wanted to give you a call," I said. 

"How'd you guys do?" 

"I think we did good.  All the fans seemed to love it." 

"The fans are always going to love you." 

I chuckled.  "Does that mean you're my fan, too?" 

"Of course.  I'm you're biggest fan, Chanyeol-sshi." 

"And I'm yours." 

"Heheh, well, I have to go get lunch ready.  Text me before you go to bed, alright?" 

"Okay, I will.  Bye, my love." 

"Bye, oppa." 

I hung up and went back out into the main area where everyone else was.  All the make-up bags, costumes, and whatnot were already packed and being brought into the vans.  The rest of our members were just lounging around waiting for our manager's cue to go. 

"Where'd you go, hyung?" asked Tao. 

"He wanted to go call his girlfriend," Baekhyun replied for me. 

"I bet if ~you~ was here, Chanyeol hyung would bring her back there anyways," Jongin said with a smirk. 

"Yah!" I yelled. 

"Kim Jongin, stop with the dirty thoughts," Kyungsoo scolded. 

"Yeah, don't you know how to be mature?" Tao added, teasing. 

"Says the one that always needs someone to shower with him!" Jongin retorted. 

"Kai makes a point there, Tao-ah," Kris said while chuckling to himself. 

Tao crossed his arms and pouted. 

"Okay, guys, enough with the teasing.  Let's all go back to the hotel and get some rest.  We still have a big day tomorrow," Joonmyeon hyung said ending it all just before our manager came back into the room. 

I got to Baekhyun and my room first and quickly went in to shower first.  When I got out, I saw Baekhyun holding up my phone to his ear and talking to someone.  'Who is it?' I mouthed. 

"Actually he's right here.  Hold on one second," Baekhyun said into the phone.  He handed my phone over to me and leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "After you're done talking, I want to tell you something."  I nodded my head. 

"Hello?" I said into the phone. 

"Chanyeol-ie?" Nana's voice filled my right ear. 


"How was your concert?"  Her asking about the concert reminded me of ~you~ and our conversation earlier. 

"It was good." 

"That's good.  You guys have another day of performing, right?" 


"Oh...  I have to go.  I'll see you later." 

"Okay.  Bye." 


Then she hung up.  I put my phone down and looked up to the Baekhyun who was waiting for the call to finally end. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Well, when I picked up Nana's call, her voice seemed so sad.  She said that she missed you so much, but when I spoke she realized that I wasn't you," Baekhyun said.  "I also heard soft squealing and talking in the background, but I couldn't make out what they were saying." 

"Wait, if the people behind her seem so excited, then why did she sound so sad?" 

"I don't know.  But it seems kind of weird, don't you think?" 


"Why is she calling you again?  She just called yesterday." 

"I'm not sure,"  I said.  Then the thought of them hiding something behind my back suddenly arose to mind again.  "I wonder...." 

"Wonder what?" 

"Well, I feel- actually I know that they're hiding something from me." 

"How do you know?" 

"A long while ago I overheard Sungwoo hyung tell someone not to tell ~you~ and I about something." 

"You didn't question anyone about it?" 

"N-no... but who would tell me anyways?  He specifically said me and ~you~." 

"True..."  The was a pause before Baekhyun continued.  "Well, at least we know for sure that they're hiding something behind your guys' back." 

"Yeah, but I don't know what, and I would really like to know." 

"Just be patient for now." 

I let out a sigh and let myself fall onto my bed.  Thoughts went through my head constantly throughout the night and couldn't sleep properly.  I don't know why it bothered me so much because whatever they were hiding from me couldn't be that harmful.... right?  I mean, they're my roommate family.  They wouldn't hurt me, right?? 



Hello everyone!  How was this chapter?  What do you guys think?  Chanyeol is starting to get suspicious now!  We shall see how this ends up!  Oh, and by the way, would you guys like an alternative ending where Chanyeol ends up with Nana instead?  If you guys want it, I will make one up! :) 



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missadel #1
Chapter 68: Hurmm..
Well what could i say ; it's far from good but it's not that bad ..
This story is just really cute. I. Hate. Soohyun. Though. It is just cruel of her to do that
Chapter 68: I loved this story. The last chapter was cute. Keep writing. Bye~~
Chapter 68: crying,,,,hehehe,,,, that was a wonderful ending.... hehehe,.... : D ............. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3...
Yumi1995 #5
Chapter 68: Awww,thank you too author-nim.
Chapter 68: Huhuhu I can't believe this is the end. I still want more author nim. Oh my gaish they have so much children 4 kids plus a baby inside sunshine bump. Hehe
pinkypn #7
Chapter 68: I can't believe none of the roommates got punishments especially soohyun who tried to poison chanyeol
Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 67: I. Hate. Soohyun.
Chapter 67: What one last chapters left. Huhu author nim be sure to make chanyeol and sunshine get married and have babies. Hehehe