Time Apart

The Way We Used To Be

The news quickly spread to all of their friends about Guigui moving out of Taec’s house.  Her friends immediately rushed to be by her side and give her support.  As the days slowly passed by, Guigui drowned herself in her work and around her friends, keeping busy so she would not have to think about Taecyeon.   As for Taec, Yoona happily came and to try to replace Guigui.  Yoona would go over each morning and night to prepare Taec’s meals for him since she was no longer working.  She wanted to replace Taec’s memories of Guigui with new memories of her.  Taec wasn’t used to having Yoona there instead of Guigui.  Every morning he’d wake up expecting to see Guigui, but instead the person there were Yoona.  One day as he came downstairs and sat at the table, Yoona came out carrying his breakfast.  She placed it in front of him and sat beside him.  Taec stares at her for a moment before picking up his eating utensils and taking a bite out of it.

“So, how is it?” Yoona asked.

“Hm, it’s good.  It’s way better than Guigus’.  Even the presentation of the meal looks better.” Taec replied.  He sits there for a moment and lets out a laugh.  “You know, even when she makes omelets, it comes out looking like scrabble eggs.  You can never tell what the dish is supposed to be.”

“Oh really, well that’s good to hear.  I am glad that you prefer my cooking.” Yoona replied.

“Of course, your cooking is way better.” Taec complimented.  “I am always worried if the food is edible whenever Guigui cooks.”

Every question that Yoona asked Taec, he would keep bringing up Guigui.  Yoona turns to Taec, “It’s a good thing that she moved to.  I think it’s the best thing for the both of you; you two need your own space away from each other to prepare yourself.  Especially since you two will be getting a divorce.”

Surprised by her words Taec looks at Yoona, “Yoona, I know that it’s been hard on you, but you need to understand that the title of being Mrs. Ok Taecyeon is hers.  Until our contract is up, she will always hold that position in this house.   Nobody can and will take that away from her; you do understand that right.  That is rightfully hers and hers alone.”

“Oppa, that’s not what I meant.  Please don’t misunderstand, I just meant…” Yoona started but Taec stops her.

“I know Yoona, you don’t need to explain.” Taec responded with a smile.

They sat there quietly as they finish their meal.  Taec gets up and leaves to work while Yoona stayed behind to do his laundry and clean his roon.  She wanted to start preparing herself as his future wife.  Taec drives to work but unexpectedly, he ends up at Guigui’s workplace.  He pulls over and sits outside for a while.  As he was about to leave, he sees Guigui and Aaron arriving at work together.  He stares at them from his car, he noticed that Aaron had his arm around Guigui as they walked into the office smiling and talking together.

“They look perfect together” Taec thought to himself as he became irritated and angry.  “Ah, why am I thinking about that?  What am I doing thinking about her and feeling sorry for what I said to her when obliviously she isn’t even affected by what had happen.  Come on Taec, get yourself together.”

Taec drives off and goes to work.  The entire day he was unable to focus on his work, instead all he could think about was how happy Guigui looked with Aaron.  The more he thought about them two together, the more upset he became.  He got up from his desk and decided to take a break since he couldn’t focus.  He walks out of his office and goes outside.  As he began to walk along the sidewalk, he saw a little bakery shop.  He walks in and starts looking around, he pauses for a moment, thinking about the time when he was in Japan; he had stopped at a little bakery like the one that he is at now to get breakfast and took pictures of his food to send it to Guigui.  He quickly leaves the shop and starts walking again.  He couldn’t understand why he was constantly thinking about Guigui, why does it seems like everything kept reminding him of his times with her. He walks back to his office and sat at this desk feeling frustrated.

The day at work was finally over and so Taec leaves to go back home.  He opens the door to see Yoona standing by the couch smiling at him as she greeted him.  That automatically made him thinks about Guigui.  “Guigui used to stand there and welcome him back home just like that, that same exact spot was where she would stand; smiling and saying you’re back.  How was work?” he thought to himself. 

“Welcome back Taec, you must be tire.  I have dinner ready and waiting for you,” Yoona replied.

Without realizing it, Taec answered, “Thanks, how was your day Guigui?” 

Yoona stood there surprise that he had called her by another girl’s name.  She looks at him and to her surprise; it seems that Taec had not realized what he had just called her.  She tries to brush it off and walks to the dining room. 

“Come here oppa, the food is going to get cold.” Yoona shouted from the other room.

“Ok, let me go wash up first.”

After he was finish, he comes back downstairs where Yoona was sitting, waiting for him.  He takes a seat next to her and they began eating their dinner.

“So, how was work today?” Yoona asked.  “Anything special happen at work today?”

“No, just the same ole same ole,” Taec responded.  He didn’t know why but talking to Yoona had become uncomfortable to him.  Was it because he was so used to talking with Guigui about everything that now it seems different.  He felt the awkward silence between them and so he decided to joke around with Yoona.  Taec leans in close to Yoona’s face and held onto her face as he suddenly lets out a burp.

“Guess what I ate earlier?” Taec asked with a smile.

Immediately Yoona became upset.  “Ew…What are you doing oppa.  That is so gross, why did you do that?  Where are your manners?” Yoona asked.

Taec immediately stop smiling and became quiet again as he began to eat his food.  “Wahhh, I guess Guigui is the only one I can to that to.  Afterall, she was the person who I had learned it up from.” he thought to himself.  He started to remise about the first time Guigui did that to him.  He was upset about something and as they sat there during dinnertime, Guigui leaned and placed her face right up against his.  She let out a big burp and then moved back.  She excitedly started laughing out loud and asked him, “Oppa, guess!  Guess what I had earlier!”   As he was thinking about that he began to smile and laugh out loud like an idiot.

 Yoona watches him for a while, “Oppa, what is so funny huh?”

“Huh?  Oh it’s nothing, I was just thinking about something that had happened to me a while ago.”

“Well tell me oppa, I want to laugh to!” Yoona insisted.

“It’s nothing, really.  Now come on, let’s eat before the food gets cold.” Taec answered back while changing the topic.

They began to eat their meal again and once they were finished, Taec took the plates and put it in the kitchen sink.  He turns to Yoona, “You should get going; it’s getting late.  Do you want me to drop you off home?”

“No it’s ok oppa.  I drove here.” Yoona replied.  “Do you want to watch a movie together first before I go home?”

Automatically he starts thinking about Guigui again; about the times that they watch movies together during their honeymoon, “Oh Yoona, I am tired.  I think I am just going to go to sleep.  Sorry but can we watch movies next time?”

Yoona, surprised that Taec had turned her down.  She wasn’t used to him acting like this, she suddenly felt some distance between them and she knew exactly who to blame for that.  With no other choice, Yoona said her goodbye and drove home.  Taec walks up to his room and sits at his desk.  He noticed right away that the picture he had of Guigui and him together was gone.  Instead, there was a new picture of him and Yoona together sitting on his desk now.  He immediately searches for the photo in a panic, opening up all of his desk drawers.  He finally found the picture in the bottom drawer faced down.  He takes it out and looks at it for a moment before placing the photo back on his desk; next to the picture of him and Yoona.  He goes and lays in bed for a while thinking about Guigui.

“I wonder what is she doing right now?  Did she eat yet?  I wonder if she is thinking about me.” Taec thought to himself.  “What am I thinking, of course she isn’t thinking about me.  She has Aaron with her now.  Seriously, what is going on between them?  Are they dating, they must be from the way how they went  to work this morning together.”

Feeling fluster and annoyed, Taec decided to stop thinking about her and so he went to sleep.

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leeluv #1
Chapter 67: Authornimmm,i've been reading all over again,please update soon =)
leeluv #2
Chapter 67: Author-nim , update soon please . in love wth this story! Fightting! =)
Priincessg1 #3
Chapter 66: I really like Nichkhun for Guigui he really looks after her :) Keep it up! I really like this story!
suri65 #4
Chapter 67: Tq dear author for update the story. Welcome back. After so long of waiting finally you update the story . Tq again. Wow what an amazing story. I also like nickhun and l don't mind if guigui choose khun at the end of your story. He will treat guigui well. Your story never fail in touching my heart. I like it so much. Please don't stop writting and please continue your story until the end. Your story is so good and play with our emotion and l cry so much when l read it.Tq again forwritting such an amazing story.
HappyThings #5
Chapter 67: Authorniiim~~~~~ your story really really really touch my heart... You will continue this story didnt you?
suri65 #6
Chapter 63: dear author. please update the story. you cant stop now. you are a very good writer . i love reading your story. l want to know what happen next. who will guigui choose taec or nickhun. please update soon. your story really touch my heart
aimeharumaa17 #7
Chapter 63: love this story... I want more taecgui skinship, hug n kiss... I'm so so curious what will happen next, update please...
v3n4m5 #8
Chapter 63: Really love the story! Still waiting.. Pls Update soon Authornim. Fighting!!!
Chapter 63: I love to see what's going to happen between Taec and Nickhun next. May the best man win. And I hope it will be Taec..hihi.

Chapter 63: thanks so much for updating! :D
that's an exciting twist in the story, Nichkhun being Taec's competition... I think that'll help Taec in finally doing something and decide what he really wants... and the two of them watching movies, just like old times... so sweet!
waiting for the next updates XD