Old Wounds Reopened

The Way We Used To Be

As they all were walking to the restaurant, they were laughing and joking among themselves.  Guigui turned around and began walking backwards as she was talking to her friends.  Not paying attention to what was ahead of them, they bumped into a couple.

 “I’m sorry,” Guigui replied to the couple as her back is turned against them.  As Guigui was about to turned around to face the couple, she is shocked that her friends are not apologizing but instead, they are just standing there with an angry and irritated look on their faces.

 “It’s no big deal.  Don’t worry about it.” the couple replied.

Stunned by hearing two familiar voices, Guigui slowly turns around. 

“How have you guys been?” the man asked. 

“Guigui, it’s so good to see you again,” the woman said as she wraps her arm around the man’s arm, trying to flash her engagement ring in Guigui’s face.

Unable to do or say anything, Guigui just stood there lifeless with a force smile on her face.  Her chest began to hurt as she tries to fight back the tears. 

Victoria, understanding how Guigui must be feeling, steps beside her and linked her arms with Guigui and smiled at her; as if Victoria was telling her, “Its ok, you are not alone.  We are all here with you.  You don’t need to be afraid or feel sad.” 

“Why the hell are you guys here!?” Jiro asked with an extremely angry voice.  “Aren’t you guys supposed to be back at the states?”

“We live here now,” the girl answered.  “He is running his dad’s business.”  The girl looks down and sees Guigui’s ring.  “Wow! I see that you found yourself a new man.  So where is he, is he here with you or did he to dump you?” the girl asked half-jokingly and half sarcastically.

As Guigui stood motionless, Taecyeon gently nudge her by her side, snapping her back and making her realize how stupid she must’ve look.

“Oh no, he’s right here,” Guigui finally manage to say as she links her arms around Taecyeon.

Taec unsure of what is happening just looked at them and smile.

“So?  Aren’t you going to introduce us to your new fiancée?  Oh yeah and also, Guigui, I think we should just forget about everything that happened in the past and start fresh ok.  It’s all water under the bridge now.  We have this great business proposal that we want to show you and maybe you can invest in it.  Also, your boyfriend looks rich, maybe he would like to look at it and invest in it as well,” the girl said while looking at Taec.

“Huh?? Hmm…” Taec responded and turns to Guigui.  “Guigui, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”

“Yeah Guigui, aren’t you going to introduce your friends to your boyfriend,” the girl mimicked after Taec.

“FRIENDS!!! HA!” Xaio Gui yelled.  “Who’s friends are you referring to?”

Aaron turns to Guigui, “Do you want me to do the introductions Guigui?”

Guigui began to shake her head.  “No.”  She turns and looks at the couple, “You say you’re my friends, but are you really?” She then turns to Taec.  “You want me to introduce you to my friends,” she said as she lets out a laugh.  “Ok, this guy front of you , his name is Wang Zi, he was my EX-Fiancé who I dated for 4 years, and this,” she said as she looks over to the girl, “this is Xiao Xun, who was one of my best and closest friend since high school.  And apparently, they fell in love during me and him’s first year together, and yet he still dated me for another two years while they sneaked behind my back, and here is the kicker, this part is really funny,” Guigui said as she laughs and claps her hand.  “Even though Xiao Xun ended up being pregnant from their relationship, he still proposed to me because his father’s company was having some financial crisis at the time, they were hoping that I would become their own little investment company.” Guigui laughs some more and then turn to Taec, “How funny is that right!?  I mean really, all of this was going on and like an idiot, I had no clue.  I thought he loved me and so I agreed to marry him, only to find out that he had his own hidden agenda.  So there, how’s that an introduction for you.”

Taec speechless for a moment, turns to the couple, “Well, I guess I should be thanking you both for being such horrible friends to her huh.  If it wasn’t for that, I never would’ve met this smart, beautiful, funny, and incredibly rich girl that I am so madly in love with.  So, thank you.”

Taecyeon slightly bowed and walked away, pulling on Guigui’s hand to follow.  They all left and Wang Zi and Xiao Xun was left standing there alone, feeling embarrassed. 

“Why did you have to do that, Xiao Xun?” Wang Zi asked angrily.  “Why did you have to say those things to her?  What?  Water under the bridge, invest in our business, are you crazy?  Haven’t you ever thought that maybe she will still be mad at us, since it wasn’t too long ago that this all happened.”

“Why are you getting angry with me?  I just thought that maybe I would be able to convince her to help.” Xiao Xun responded.  “I swear, sometimes I think that you are still in love with her!”

“Maybe I am,” Wang Zi snapped back.

“If you still are, then why did you leave with me?”

“Did you forget?  You told me you were pregnant at the time.  What else could I have done?  Who would’ve known you were only lying?”

“I wasn’t lying ok, I really was pregnant.  It’s just that due to the stress of our relationship, I had a miscarriage.”

Wang Zi and Xiao Xun continued to argued as they left.

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leeluv #1
Chapter 67: Authornimmm,i've been reading all over again,please update soon =)
leeluv #2
Chapter 67: Author-nim , update soon please . in love wth this story! Fightting! =)
Priincessg1 #3
Chapter 66: I really like Nichkhun for Guigui he really looks after her :) Keep it up! I really like this story!
suri65 #4
Chapter 67: Tq dear author for update the story. Welcome back. After so long of waiting finally you update the story . Tq again. Wow what an amazing story. I also like nickhun and l don't mind if guigui choose khun at the end of your story. He will treat guigui well. Your story never fail in touching my heart. I like it so much. Please don't stop writting and please continue your story until the end. Your story is so good and play with our emotion and l cry so much when l read it.Tq again forwritting such an amazing story.
HappyThings #5
Chapter 67: Authorniiim~~~~~ your story really really really touch my heart... You will continue this story didnt you?
suri65 #6
Chapter 63: dear author. please update the story. you cant stop now. you are a very good writer . i love reading your story. l want to know what happen next. who will guigui choose taec or nickhun. please update soon. your story really touch my heart
aimeharumaa17 #7
Chapter 63: love this story... I want more taecgui skinship, hug n kiss... I'm so so curious what will happen next, update please...
v3n4m5 #8
Chapter 63: Really love the story! Still waiting.. Pls Update soon Authornim. Fighting!!!
Chapter 63: I love to see what's going to happen between Taec and Nickhun next. May the best man win. And I hope it will be Taec..hihi.

Chapter 63: thanks so much for updating! :D
that's an exciting twist in the story, Nichkhun being Taec's competition... I think that'll help Taec in finally doing something and decide what he really wants... and the two of them watching movies, just like old times... so sweet!
waiting for the next updates XD