Just Out

No way, Right?

"Let's go" Kai forced Moonhye on his back and they started making their way through the streets of Seoul. Thank the heavens there wasn't many people around since they would be the main center of attention. A guy carrying a girl on his back, yup, weird. Kai was searching for the place, the place where he often goes to, to just relax and get everything out of his mind.

"Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

"Just stay put, and shut your gob." He fired.

"Jerk." She pouted and just leaned against his shoulders which she noticed are quite broad. Guess that's a dancer for you...

Kai stopped suddenly making Moonhye bump her head lightly in his. She winced in pain since the girls had pulled her hair and smacked her head as they wished. She could've sworn her lower part of her head was bald. After that bloody hair pulling she would look like she's a sick person. Crap! She must look awful right now.

Kai entered a shop. Moonhye didn't know what it was yet since she was still wincing from the pain but she had a feeling it was some sort if cafe. She smelt food since she has a food detector built on her nose. Just by the smell of the food, she would automatically know what that food is if it was something she liked or something she hated.

"You can get off now." Kai ordered, dropping her unto a chair.

"Ya! That hurt." Moonhye massaged her leg.

She looked around the place. It was some sort of cafe almost, but they didn't sell coffees or cakes. Instead the sold cold drinks, crisps, pizzas.... Basically junk food. She didn't mind it. She'd have junk food any day instead of those nasty, horrible, healthy..... Vegetables. Especially those... Brussels Sprouts. It's fine if it's with food that takes the taste away like meat with gravy... Sizziling, just thinking about it makes water.

Kai just sat there and went on his phone. What the heck was wrong with him? He comes bringing Moonhye here and immediately went on his phone. Okay, so maybe he just said he'll take her out. Maybe because this guy is a loner, didn't seem like it, but it could be. She just sat there awkwardly looking at something else to distract her attention. She looked around the place and noticed it's filled with people either listening to music, on their phone or layer back while eating pizza or slushies. This could be heaven if it there wasn't a jerk in front of you. But it was good enough, life isn't perfect after all.

A few minutes passed and Moonhye still looked around the restaurant but not awkwardly anymore. It's a pretty cool place, yeah, it's Seoul of course, it sure to have a cool place somewhere; Moonhye just didn't expect it to be near where she lives. Her stomach grumbled. Not just a normal grumble: her stomach was basically ripping her insides out and the bruises and scratches weren't helping one bit. It was like an earthquake to put it short, so it was loud enough for Kai to be able to hear and yet he chooses to ignore it.

Another one came and it was louder then the first one. Now Moonhye felt embarrassed not because Kai heard but because she's afraid that people around her could've heard. Gosh she's in need of something to munch on. She could just go over to the counter and buy something.... But with her wounds still aching, no way. One because, it hurts every time she moves. Two, she can't be bothered. And three, there's someone to do it for her. She smirked.

"Kai can you please get me something to eat?" Moonhye put on her cutest face yet, big eyes as round as an owl- no, bigger, it was basically as big as Kyungsoo's eyes now that she thought about it. Kyungsoo's eyes were pretty big, actually really big, but it's a good thing really.

Kai snickered, "If that was you being cute, then I'd hate to see you being what you think...." He air quoted, "Cute is."

It didn't make sense. It always worked on her ex boyfriend. He falls for it so easily, maybe because it was her boyfriend and she was his girlfriend? Yeah, when you're in a relationship he/she will always look cute in your eyes, pretty much. Moonhye just gave up seeing how Kai is just a lazy guy. Sheesh, him and his music. Moonhye sighed.

Her stomach grumbled again and again, she was suffering now. Her bruises hurts her, she was too exhausted after the dance practice plus seeing people munching on food she absolutely loved, killed her. By each earthquake her stomach gave, Kai grew pissed. He will not lose in this. No matter how much he is greeting distracted by that annoying noise that echoes in his ear he will not lose. He has pride but he also has temper. Therefore if her stomach grumb- That's it. Moonhye made another earthquake causing Kai to burst out of his seat.

She felt relieved though. Finally, the lazy Kai has finally stood up. Took him long enough, her stomach has suffered a lot now and it's time for it to be filled with food. Kai looked down and with fire in his eyes, he glared then glared then glared before handing his hand out.

"What?" Moonhye bluntly asked. She already knew what he needed, her money to buy food but she just pretended she didn't know, and being her ignorant and childish self.

"Money." Kai grew irritated by the second. Why did he brought her here in the first place? Oh right, he was being nice. He took a self note not to ever do that again to her if this is just how it will turn out.

Moonhye decided to play a bit. "I don't have any." She blinked trying to look sympathetic.

"Aish." Kai scratched his head in frustration. He has to buy now?! Fine. Just because she got beaten up a while ago, but now he's starting to regret saving her.

Moonhye smirked after knowing Kai has gone and can no longer see her. "What a gullible guy" She smirked. He really was. First the lie about Taemin he believed and now this? She just kept on spitting at the table trying to hold back her laughter but in the end laughed but controlled it so that no one can hear but it killed her stomach even more from that laughter.

Kai came back and bought with him a small size pizza. It was enough for Moonhye, she just wanted something down her stomach, she doesn't care how little or how big it could be, she's just way too hungry.

"Thank you" and with that Moonhye gobbled up her pizza almost in one go shocking Kai.


"I heard that!" Moonhye shouted with food still stuffed in . Even though she was a rich family's daughter and was suppose to be elegant and full of manners. No way. She thinks that crap was way too boring for her life. Her parents thought the same thing since they are childish parents but they still want a decent amount of elegance in her soul. But sadly, no. Moonhye refused to live like that, way too boring. 

Moonhye finished the pizza in less than a minute and it clearly satisfied her since she burped at the end. 



I love you guys so much! Thanks for all the wonderful comments I'm getting! ^.^ you might think I don't appreciate it but I DO A LOT. It motivates me on writing more chapters and feel proud of myself so thanks again guys xD

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!