Fighting for Love

No way, Right?

Kai accepted the challenge. Of course, Kai accepted Kris' challenge; he wasn't the kind of guy who just denies a challenge, especially one like that. But Kai wasn't doing this to beat Kris—oh no. He had better things to do than beat the almighty Kris. He wanted Moonhye back. He needed Moonhye back.

He finally admitted it. He was a wreck when they broke up. He wasn't doing anything but think twenty four seven about Moonhye. What had she done to Kai to make him fall head over heels in love with her? And that was just an understatement. Kai was probably obsessed woth her. Call him a ert or a stalker but he loves Moonhye. Maybe to the point where every single nerve in his body craved for her. He laughs to himself sometimes why he didn't love her as soon as they met. What has she turn him into?


So far... Kris had taken his class' advantage to steal away Moonhye. He was in almost every class Moonhye was in therefore everytime they had last period together, Kris wouldn't miss the chance in taking Moonhye out to eat. 

Kai was still sitting at his desk even though the class had already ended—he didn't even know the class had ended and he was just lost in his thoughts. It was Taemin's shout which turned into a scream added by a thump in the head that woke him up.

"Are you dead?! Let's go!" Taemin thumped Kai's head once again.

"O-okay!" Kai winced and rubbed his head. "You look like a girl but you hit so damn hard."

"Wanna get hit again?" Taemin warned. Kai raised his hands in the air in surrender and when he's sure Taemin won't him again, he followed him to the dance studio. Taemin looked up at his friend spacing out again. He'd been doing that a lot recently and Taemin was getting curious. "Why are you always spacing out?"


"You're always... Not in this world... Omo!" Taemin stopped in his tracks and gave a mischievous smile to Kai. "Is it Moonhye?"

"That obvious?" Kai sighed.

"Wow. I can't believe you actually admitted it." Taemin placed his hands at the back of his neck, supporting his head and continued walking. "I still can't believe you broke you with her. All my effort was wasted." Taemin sighed and shook his head.

"Well sorry." Kai huffed.

"You should be! I did not lock you in the studio just for nothing. If it wasn't for me locking you in the studio, you would have never gotten together."

They reached the studio and immediately lunged their bags somewhere in a corner and started stretching. Taemin looked at Kai again and yet again, he was out of this world. He smirked when he came up with a little scheme to mess with his head. He started, "Oh how I wish Moonhye was here again." Taemin laughed in his head when he saw Kai look up at him. "She was an amazing dancer and she quit dance club... It's not as much fun anymore. I bet everyone misses her too."

Kai shook his head. "Don't think I don't know what you're doing Taemin-ah because I felt guilty a long time ago."

"Guilty?" Taemin challenged. "You basically ruined Moonhye's life. Have you ever thought what she wanted? Moonhye loves dancing. She loves dancing with you." Taemin corrected. "Remember when you two won the tango duet dance? You felt as if you two were the only people in the world right?" Taemin wrinkled his eyebrows. "Now that I think about it, how many people have helped you two to get together? Yunho hyung also helped you with the tango dance right? He also-"

Kai jolted up, his eyes as big as they had ever been. That was it! A smile approached on his lips and he pulled Taemin up by his hands. "Taemin you're a genius!"

"I know I am but how am I a genius at this moment?" Taemin raised an eyebrow at his friend at the sudden change of attitude. What was he planning?


The following day, Kai had never been more certain and confident. He figured it out—a way to get Moonhye back. He's sure. He's so sure that Moonhye will accept him again. He just cannot give up. It's too late now. It came to the point where he doesn't know a world without her. So his plan will have to work.

It was a Friday and lucky for Kai, Kris didn't have last period with Moonhye. So as soon as the bell rang, signalling the end of the day, Kai zoomed out the class and ran to Moonhye's classroom door, confident that he had beaten Kris. He scanned through the fleeing students and it only took a whiff of strawberry scent to know Moonhye was approaching. 

Moonhye walked out the class, talking to Taemin until she got pulled by her arm and somehow, she was facing someone's lips. It only took her a second to figure out who's lips it was. They were plump and kissable and it was no other than Kai's. Just to be certain, she looked up warily only to meet Kai's gaze. Her eyes widened when she noticed how close they were and she immediately pushed herself away.

"Kai!" She scolded, "What was that for?"

"What?" Kai bluntly said. "Wanna go to the park with me?"

"The park?" Moonhye raised her eyebrows in suspicion. "Why?" She said warily.

"No reason." Kai shrugged.

Taemin coughed loudly, wanting his presence to be seen. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Kay bye." Kai said then jerked his head, signalling Taemin to leave. Taemin scoffed and waved one last time to Moonhye before finally leaving. "Let's go then?" Kai swiftly grabbed Moonhye's bag from her hands and lunged it behind his back.

"Kai! I can carry it you know!" Moonhye jumped to get her bag back from Kai's shoulder but unfortunately, Kai quickly avoided it.

"I'm trying to be a gentleman here!" Kai whined.

Moonhye sighed, giving up and just followed Kai. She walked behind him and stared at him, confused. What has gotten to him recently, Moonhye didn't know. Both him and Kris. They've been rather... clingy.

After a few steps, Kai stopped in his tracks causing Moonhye to bump into his back. "Kai! At least tell me when you're stopping!"

"I forgot something!"

"Forgot what?" Moonhye asked as she rubbed her head.

"... My phone! It's in the studio! Come with me!" Not a second longer, Kai grabbed Moonhye's hand and dragged her all the way to the dance studio, ignoring her shouts and protests.

"Aish! Seriously Kai! You can't just drag a girl like that!" Moonhye whined when they had entered the dance studio. Her eyes started to soften and her body trembling to dance again. "H-hurry up and find your phone." She stuttered. Her eyes widened when she heard the door lock. She turned around and found Kai leaning against the door, his hands holding the key. "Kai! What are you doing!" 

"Moonhye..." Kai's eyes dropped down on the floor. "Be honest with me. You miss dancing right?"

"Kai... What are you saying now? Let us out!" Moonhye walked towards Kai and tried to grab the key off his hands but failed to do so.

"Moonhye!" Kai grabbed unto Moonhye's shoulder and spun her around then pinned her against the door. "Answer my question..." He panted. "You miss it don't you?" Kai caught Moonhye's eyes and stared ever so deeply into them. "You miss dancing right?"

Moonhye quickly avoided Kai's gaze and struggled in his hands. "Kai... Let me go..."

Kai's grip tightened. "Answer my question first!"

"Yes!" Moonhye shouted. "I miss dancing! My body's longing for it! Every nerve in my body wishes to dance again!" Kai saw tears starting to from from her eyes.

"And I made you stop right?" Kai looked away, afraid that his tears will come out if he sees Moonhye cry.

"Don't worry about it... It was my decision."

"But it was a decision I made you force to do..." As Kai rested his head on Moonhye's shoulder, she could feel the tears flowing from Kai's eyes.

"Kai..." She brought Kai's head so that it was facing her. "I'm fine okay? Even if you did tell me to stop... I know it was only because you were worried about me..." She smiled as she carefully wiped Kai's tears. "So don't ever cry because of me."

Kai leaned in closer and Moonhye grew alarmed and pushed Kai off her. "Kai... Let us out..."

"Please Moonhye..." Kai begged. "Let me make us right? I realised that this was the only way... No matter how ridiculous it is..." Kai started walking towards Moonhye while Moonhye slowly backed away. "This is where we overcame our skin ship right? Remember? And this is also the place where we finally admitted our feeling for each other..." Moonhye's back collided with the wall. "Don't you see Moonhye?" Kai caressed Moonhye's cheeks. "I'm fighting for our love. Because I realised I love you so damn much."

It was then when a tear freely fell from Moonhye's hazel eyes. Did he really mean it? He's fighting... For their love... Moonhye stared deeply into Kai's eyes and they were telling the truth. He was pouring his heart out to her. He was showing his effort that he really did love her. It wasn't a dream was it? She felt so light. So relieved.

Moonhye gulped as she held Kai's face with both of her hands. "Did you really mean that?"

"Now why would I do the trouble in locking both of us in here just so I could lie to you all over again?" Kai smirked then chuckled before kissing Moonhye on her forehead. "I love you. I finally realised that." Kai peeled his lips off her forehead and stared at her once again. "So please Moonhye. Accept my love. Because I cannot live in a world where you aren't mine and I'm not yours." He smiled ever so sweetly down at her. "Lee Moonhye. Will you be my girlfriend. Again?"

Moonhye let out a giggle as tears of happiness overflowed her eyes. She slowly shut them close and pulled Kai by his neck causing their lips to crash together. They stayed like that for a moment and they have to say, they felt at peace again. 

When they smiled into the kiss, they broke apart and just stared into each other's eyes for a moment. Moonhye pecked Kai once again on the lips. "Does that answer your question?"

"I don't know." Kai pouted. "Didn't you say you hated me for the rest of your life?"

"When did I ever say that?!" Moonhye panicked. She pouted and slapped Kai playfully. "I never said I hated you." Kai laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around Moonhye. "Trust me Kai. There had never been a day where I didn't think about you..." Moonhye pulled away. "So can we get out now?"

"Nope." Kai pulled Moonhye once again in his arms and made them sit down so that Moonhye was on his lap. "I told our parents that I'm fixing our relationship so if we're gone the entire week, they wouldn't mind."

Moonhye sighed then chuckled. "Kai." Kai hummed in response. "Don't think I have forgiven you one hundred percent yet."

"I know you haven't." He smiled. "What I did was stupid and heartless. I didn't even try to put my self in your position. But let me just tell you Moonhye..." Kai tilted Moonhye's head so that her eyes came to face his. "I will win your everything. And there is no way you can stop me." And with that, Kai leaned to give Moonhye the kiss they had been both yearning for in a long time. A kiss full of warmth, passion and love.

Now, there is probably nothing in the world that can stop their love for each other. And if there is, there is absolutely no way that they will let it happen.






Tah-dah! I'm still alive guys! I AM TRULY EVERY SO SORRY! Parents said I couldn't go on the laptop because of something.... (Sorry I can't tell you) But here is the long awaited chapter! I love you guys for reading this story and for the commenters and up voters who really motivated me! *bows on the floor* thank you! Bye guys! 

P.S. Thank you for Subscribing, Commenting and Up voting~ ^^ Sequel (Ithink thats what its called) on the way~



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!