Sick Day

No way, Right?

What?! Moonhye's head was pounding of what her mum just told her. She was finally going to relax, relax, IT WAS A DAMN FREAKING SATURDAY! She was pissed but she couldn't answer her mum.

"Moonhye!" Mrs. Lee shouted trying to catch her daughter's attention back.

"What?!" She snapped back to reality.

"So be there in an hour okay?" Mrs. Lee raised her eyebrows waiting yet again for an answer.

"Mum! I can't do it! I'm not going to do it! I will never do it!" Moonhye raised her voice in disapproval. No way in the universe! She won't be spending time there! Wasting her precious lay back Saturday!


Yet she was there in front of the door. Kai has caught an unexpected cold and he has no one to take care of him. His parents are going to be gone for the rest of the day because of work and he's there... Stranded on his bed shivering like a dog's tail. Man, Moonhye was pissed. She was clenching her teeth and her fist was shaking because of her mad anger. It soon all changed when the door opened. She put on an innocent smile when she was greeted by the lively Mrs. Kim.

"Moonhye! You're here! Oh thank the heavens! Take care of Jongin okay? My husband and I has too much work in the office and won't be back until dark so please take care of him~!" She kissed Moonhye's cheek and dashed off towards their car dragging Mr. Kim with her  while Mr. Kim was still fixing his tie. 

Moonhye just stood there slowly trying to fix the situation on her head about that fast happening. Anyway, she took a deep breath and stepped inside the house. It was clean like last time and she still admired their decorations around the living room and dining area. She looked at the pictures placed on the tables. They looked happy together Moonhye thought. Kai was smiling like an idiot in one photo which made her giggle.

She then realised why she was there in the first place. She headed upstairs uneasily. There was about five doors that greeted her. Which one is Kai's room? Moonhye started checking at the far corner and carefully opening the door only to find that it was the bathroom.  She blushed not knowing why and just closed the door immediately not wanting to explore it. The next door she also opened carefully, she peeked through the opening and found a bed. Was this Kai's room? She opened the door more and realises the bed was far too old fashioned to be Kai's bed so you closed it thinking it might have been Mr and Mrs Kim's room. She checked the next one becoming more nervous since there was only two choices left and surely one of them has to be Kai's room.

Moonhye opened the door slightly and peeked through the opening once more. She found another bed. Was this Kai's? She started sweating but but shook it off since it could be the guest room. Still though the room seemed big for a guest room, well.... They are rich after all. She opened the door wider and found a mirror wall. Yup, definitely Kai's room. She thought Kai dances a lot so he most probably have a mirror in his room. Moonhye breathed in and walked gingerly towards the bed. There she found a sleeping Kai. He looked peaceful and content. That pissed her off. She should be the one at peace right now. She should be the one on her bed sleeping like a baby but no. Instead it was this guy.

She threw firing arrows at him through her eyes although it wasn't string enough for him it feel any pain. He started coughing and that's when Moonhye's nursing instinct came out. She quickly dashed over to Kai and placed the back of her hand to his forehead. It was burning hot. He really is sick. She went downstairs and started rummaging for a big bowl to out cold water in. She looked at all cupboards but only found either small bowls or food. She checked the storage cabinet and at last she found a basin which was perfect. She filled it with cold but refreshing water and grabbed a towel in the bathroom on the way back to Kai's bedroom.

She wet the towel and placed it on his forehead. Kai woke up by the cold yet refreshing thing on his head. Moonhye still hasn't realised since she was placing the basin carefully onto the ground without spilling water. Kai touched his forehead feeling the damp towel placed perfectly on him. He looked around the room confused and found Moonhye slouching onto the ground. The heck?! Kai suddenly sat up realising he has an awful headache. He laid back down still staring at Moonhye. What is she doing here? 

Moonhye placed the basin carefully on the ground without spilling anything, luckily. She turned around inspecting how Kai is doing and found him with tired eyes looking at her. Staring. Into her eyes. She blinked a few times not knowing what to say or do at the moment. Kai did the same, he too didn't know what to do or say so they just kept staring like that at each other for a couple of seconds when Moonhye broke free from the stare.

"Don't mistaken me from a ert or a pedo or any of that sort. I'm here because I have been forced to look after you the whole day." Moonhye sighed, "I hate this as much as you do." She picked up the fallen towel and damped it again in the cool water.

Kai, still in shock, just stared at everything she was doing. He didn't completely trust her at how she is going to take care of him but since he was still alive that means she won't kill him. Yet.

A few hours has passed and Kai just fell asleep and ate Moonhye's cooking; it wasn't a complete chef perfection but it will have to do since he didn't want to starve to death. Moonhye, now didn't mind taking care of him. If only he would just sit there and stay quiet then they probably, only a small bit of chance, a tinny, tiny, little tiny bit, she would have liked Kai. But alas.... Once he gets better, he will be his rude and obnoxious self. She'll just treat this as a thank you since he helped her out yesterday. Not that she needed help.

Kai woke up from another slumber and was greeted by Moonhye's smile. Although she was smiling stupidly on her phone because one of her friend texted her something hilarious. Kai thought the same as Moonhye. If she was like that more often then there 0.1% that he would like her. I don't know why she won't smile often. She prett- NO EEWW! The hell Kai! What did you just think. Gosh, I'm so sick!

Moonhye looked up from her phone and discovered Kai hitting himself with his hand on his head. The heck is wrong with him? Is he really that sick? 

"Ummm... Kai..." Kai looked up, "The hell you doing?" Moonhye raised an eyebrow.

Kai had to think something quick, "I wanted to see who was stronger.... My palm or my head" he awkwardly yet bluntly answered.

Moonhye approached Kai slowly and placed her hand in his head. "Your head seem cool now.... Gosh the slushies hit you pretty bad huh?" 

Kai shoved her hand away embarrassed, "It's not like that!" Moonhye giggled.

"It's okay, I thumb wrestle with myself." She smiled.

"Me too!" Kai agreed like a child bouncing up and down.

"It's fun isn't it!? First I thought it was stupid 'challenge yourself' but it's pretty fun." Moonhye beamed.

Kai laughed, "What the hell! I just do that out of my own boredom but you!" Kai held his stomach form the laughter.

"Why?! It's good to do it for a reason!" Moonhye pouted but giggled as well.

"If it's for that reason, 'challenge yourself' that's like saying playing dodgeball by yourself!" Kai was basically rolling while holding his stomach from the laughter and soon Moonhye laughed along.

It wasn't silence anymore in the house. They were laughing but insulting each other as a joke as well. They played video games in which Moonhye was winning and Kai was losing.

"Aish! I hate video games!" He threw the controller and scratched his head out of frustration.

"You're just a sore loser" Moonhye stuck her tongue out and laughed.

"Says you when you lost yesterday." Kai smirked remembering the event with the slushies.

"Hey! I wasn't a sore loser! I agreed to the deal didn't I?"

"Yes, but you were sulking like a baby ever since."

"Was I a cute baby?" Moonhye put her two hands in her chins and made her eyes big as a koala and started tilting her head from side to side.

"No. A grumpy one in fact." Kai smirked at her reaction. "Speaking of babies.... How's you and Taemin hyung?"

Moonhye was taken back by the question. Right... He still thinks me and Taemin are dating. Oh well, I had my fun but it's over now.

"Kai... Me and Taemin were never going out." Kai widened his eyes but sighed in relief, "I was just helping him get away from his fan girls by pretending to be his girlfriend, nothing big." She shrugged.

"Nothing big?! Those es almost killed you!" Kai shouted.

"Well... It was basically my fault since it was my idea so I was fine with it."

"Really?!" Kai said in disbelief.

"Yeah... I take responsible when it was my fault but when it isn't I will use all means to prove I'm right." 

"Woah bro.... Emotional."

Moonhye laughed and Kai joined. 

Hey this is Regine's bestest friend and I went into her laptop and found that she was logged on AFF!! LOL! She's my bestest friend and I love her stories so much!! ^.^ please up vote it!!! Only takes one click ;) hehehe she doesn't know I did this....

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!