
No way, Right?

"We're really sorry for the trouble." Mrs. Lee apologised to the Kims as she entered their house.

"Please. It was us that offered you to stay anyway." Mrs. Kim showed the Lees inside their house and showed them to where they would be sleeping.

The Lees have had their house being renovated so they have no place to stay. They decided that they would sleep at a hotel for a week but the Kims argued... Well, mostly Mrs. Kim. She insisted on having the Lees stay over their house until the Lees' house has been fully fixed and improved. Kai however was freaking out. Having Moonhye stay over his house was bad enough but she might sleep in his room as well. He knew how his mother thinks and she will put him and Moonhye together for some stupid reason and he was right.

Kai showed Moonhye in his room. Moonhye was freaking out too. She was fine with having to sleep in a hotel for a week but when she heard the news that they will be staying at Kai's house then that's when she started freaking out. Her heart already beats too fast just thinking about him, now that they have to share the same roof together she's afraid that her heart will push its way out her chest. Worst, she's afraid that Kai would actually hear it. 

Kai was nervously clearing stuff around the room to have more space for him to sleep on the floor. He could feel Moonhye's eyes staring at his back and it was pretty uncomfortable. He turned around to Moonhye and managed to remain his usual posture. He coughed and fixed his bed so that there was no creases on the blanket.

"Umm... Hope you like you're stay here then." Kai scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah. Thanks." Moonhye made a circle on the ground with her feet.

Moonhye was about to leave when Kai held her hand. Moonhye turned around and saw Kai's cheeks that has a tint of red. 

"Just so you know! I didn't suggest you should sleep with me!" Kai defended.

Moonhye only giggled. She made her way towards the door then stopped, she turned around to look at Kai then smiled. "I know," she gave out a small laugh then went downstairs to get the rest of her things.

When the door closed, Kai slumped down on his bed with his hand above his rapidly beating heart. "How am I suppose to live like this for a whole week... Just seeing her smile makes me go wild..."


"So how was dinner?" Mrs. Kim asked as she wiped food off with a napkin.

"Great as always." Mrs. Lee complimented.

"I guess we better get ready for bed. We have work tomorrow don't we?" Mrs. Kim reminded.

Everyone soon dispersed to start washing up and get ready for bed. Moonhye just showered and entered Kai's room finding him tucking in the blanket at the mattress which was on the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?" Moonhye asked.

"Sleeping?" Kai shuffled more into the blanket only to get it yanked off by Moonhye. "Yah!"

"I'm sleeping on the floor!" Moonhye pouted and pointed at Kai's bed, "You're sleeping on your bed." She emphasise the word 'your' very clearly.

She pulled Kai up and pushed him to his bed with Kai left speechless. He just laid there looking at how Moonhye tucked herself in not forgetting to put her alarm on her phone before pulling the blanket above her head.

Kai sighed and got up. He yanked the blanket off of Moonhye just like how she did to him. "You're sleeping on the bed because you are a guest." Kai lifted Moonhye up and dropped her on the bed, "And I'm sleeping on the floor." Kai tucked himself in again but Moonhye yanked it off...again.

"Kai! This is your house and that is your bed. You sleep on your bed and I'll sleep on the floor!" She pushed Kai off the mattress and pulled the blanket over her head, gripping unto it so that Kai wouldn't yank it off again.

Kai sighed to let out his irritation. How could the girl he likes be so irritating sometimes! Kai yanked the covers off, failed at first but succeeded on the second attempt. He glided to Moonhye and pulled the covers up to his chin.

"I'm sleeping in here whether you like it or not!" Kai exclaimed.

Moonhye blushed at the sudden skin ship they are making. Their bodies were touching and their hearts were shouting that it liked it very much due to its fast thumping. Moonhye's back was only just touching Kai's chest and she can feel it's toned shape. She shivered when Kai's legs brushed with hers a few times and his heavy breath landing on her neck made her have goose bumps all over. She wanted to protest, she wanted to protest dead bad but her heart was winning over her feelings and she couldn't control it anymore. Her heart liked Moonhye's place, it liked how Moonhye was with Kai, it liked how she was really close with him. Oh how her heart liked it so much.


"What happened to the both of you?" Mr. Lee asked, looking at Moonhye and Kai as he was sipping his morning coffee.

The two both looked at each other and they admitted that they both looked horrible. Their eyes had dark circles over it and they had absolutely no energy at all. How could they, when they hardly had any sleep. All their minds were focusing on was how close they were and their heart was no help. It kept trying to push its way out off their rib cage and there was no way to stop it. 

"Well we better go now. We're going to be late." Mrs. Kim started putting her heels on and signalled the rest of the parents that they should get going.

"Breakfast is a the table guys! Help yourselves!" With that, the parents were gone leaving the two dazed teenagers by themselves. In a house. Alone.

Moonhye and Kai gulped in unison and looked at each other only to quickly look away and hide their flustered faces. Breakfast was quiet. Both were taking small glances to the other then quickly look away as if nothing happened.

Kai was uncomfortable with the silence. Sure he didn't want to speak because he swore his voice is going to crack from shyness but he at least need to break this atmosphere around them. He knows he's alone in his house with Moonhye but it makes him excited but flustered at the same time. He's been alone with Moonhye in his house before so what's the difference? Oh right... Now, he likes her completely. To the point where he can't even focus on his music anymore and all his mind thinks about is Moonhye. Moonhye, Moonhye, Moonhye. What her favourite colour is, what her favourite food is, what her favourite music is. Everything about her. He swore he's gone insane and Moonhye is all he thinks about. He smiles like an idiot whenever he thinks of her smile and flaws. It's all perfect to him. He then thinks of the time where he saw Moonhye's full beauty. He knows she's really pretty but he didn't know that she was a goddess until that party. Oh how he loved that night.

Moonhye finished first and lazily put her dish and glass in the sink ready for washing up. She looked over her shoulder and found Kai still eating. She smiled at how cute he is. Moonhye knows the feeling to like someone and she likes it a lot. But this feeling she's feeling right now is completely beyond what Kris gave her. She didn't like it, she is confused about it. It's true that her heart has beaten fast for Kris and she knew that she liked him but for Kai... There was something that made Moonhye feel weird inside. Kai basically invaded all of her. She couldn't even think what she wanted to think because of Kai. She couldn't even control her body because it naturally wanted to be with Kai. She can't even control her heart anymore, it beats faster than anyone else when she's with Kai. That's the thing that confused Moonhye; how is it that she didn't feel like this with Kris but only with Kai?


Kai had left upstairs leaving Moonhye to wash the dishes. Well... They bickered a good thirty minutes before Kai had given up and went upstairs. It's funny how they used to bicker about the other one giving them a hard time now they bicker how they should do the hard work. 

Moonhye dusted the imaginary dust off her thighs and headed upstairs. She didn't find Kai in his bedroom so she thought that he might have gone out. She went to pick up her towel and wrapped herself with it before taking her clothes off. She was kind of scared showering at someone else's house but she did feel really stinky and she needed to relax in hot water and not think one second about the whole sleeping-with-Kai.

Moonhye plugged her ear phones in her ear, like she always does, and a relaxing music to calm her mind. This is the best way she could think of to not think about Kai. She needs to relax and think of the moments when she didn't like Kai. Just relax in the hot water that will sooth her aching body and mind. Just relax in the hot water that will ease her rapidly beating heart.

She opened the bathroom door and unwrapped the towel off her and hung it on the radiator. She let her hair naturally fall down at her waist making her tickle a bit. She slid the shower curtain revealing a Kai. Dancing.

Her mind needed to adjust what was happening. Okay... She's looking at Kai. . Dancing.

Kai flinched and widened his eyes when he felt the shower curtain being pushed to the side. It revealed Moonhye. Standing there. .

Both wide-eyed. Both frozen. Both in front of each other... Oh my God.

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!