
No way, Right?

Days, weeks past since the sweet couple had broken up but it all seemed like years to both Moonhye and Kai. Rumours spread that the y dance couple had broken up; word got around fast and soon everyone was bursting with questions.

Each and everyday, as soon as Moonhye enters the school gate, a flock of people would gather round and start bombarding question at her face. Moonhye remained silent and so did Kai. In their hearts, they just couldn't admit that they had broken up. It all seemed like a dream, it was too unbelievable. Just days before the competition, Moonhye and Kai were both smiling, loving one another. They drew hearts on the beach, wrote messages on them, said their promises... That love was still there though, but it's just hard to show.


Moonhye slumped down on her chair and covered her ears. It felt like it was bleeding from hearing too much shouting. She wondered if Kai felt like that as well. Moonhye turned her head towards the door, her head still on the table. She's trying to seek a specific person and there he was. Kai. As soon as she saw him, she immediately turned her her head down the table, making it look like she was sleeping. Kai was stupid enough to not notice that Moonhye was looking at him and just saw the (fake) sleeping Moonhye.

He sighed and walked towards his seat then slumped on it. He leaned forward and supported his chin with his hand as he watched the teacher call out names from the register. He didn't even pay attention to Kris—he didn't pay attention to anyone. His friends were worried about him and asked him questions but seeing how Kai didn't respond, they stopped and just gave him space to think.

Exo, Kai's group of friends, knows that Kai had broken up with Moonhye. How could they not know? The usual couple who's relationship they envied so much was gone. At first, they thought it was only a small fight but then weeks went by and they were still not talking. Rumours started spreading and they were trying their very hardest to not let the rumour go wild since they weren't for sure yet but it got them more curious so they did a little bit of spy work.

The two maknaes, Sehun and Tao, who were the specialist in investigating in secret, kept their eyes on the two people. Sehun was always keeping an eye on Moonhye since he has most lessons with her and Tao keeps an eye on Kai. After a week and a half, it was confirmed that they broke up. Usually, Kai and Moonhye would go home together, now, they didn't. They would usually stare at each other for a long time, now, they didn't. It was a fact: Moonhye and Kai had broken up.


Kai made his way down to the cafeteria and found his group of friends at their usual table. He sat down next to the deer-like guy, Luhan, and brought out his lunch box from his bag. Kai stared at his bento; it was his favourite food as well yet he didn't feel like eating. At the end Kai sighed and closed his lunch box then passing it to Tao who attacked it immediately.

"Jongin... Are you really okay?" Suho asked, his inner mother showing.

"Hyung... I'm so messed up..." Kai scratched his head before burying his face in his hands. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

Suho's face grew even more worried along with the rest of Exo. They had known Kai for a really long time and once they had never seen him in this state. They had seen the best out of him and the worst. From an angelic child to a deathly demon then to a helpless puppy. They had seen Kai cry like a baby but never had they seen their Kim Jongin to be very confused.

Kai had always been a straightforward person. He sticks to one opinion and doesn't let go of it. He speaks out of his mind that's why Exo were surprised to see Kai not confess to Moonhye almost immediately. And that's why it hurt them to see Kai in a state where he's so confused that it looks like he was about to break down.

Everyone had stopped eating and just looked at their little Jongin. Even Tao who always want to eat had stopped and look at his dear friend with worried eyes. Luhan gently rubbed Kai's back, "I have no idea what's going on but you can always tell us whenever you feel like it..." He gave Kai a reassuring smile, "I'm sure in the end that everything will be alright."

"I hope so Luhan hyung." Kai muttered.


Kai, along with Lay and Sehun, entered the dance studio. They went over to their usual stretching space and started stretching as soon as they got there.

Taemin was eager to tell a specific person a really great news but he couldn't find that person. He looked around the room once more and another time then another time. Where is she? Taemin asked to himself. He shrugged thinking she was just running a little late. Taemin waited and before he knew it, dance practice ended. He pouted, disappointed that he won't be able to tell Moonhye the great news. Taemin's expression soon turned from disappointment to confused. He clearly saw Moonhye this morning though and he saw her walking along the corridor... Something was strange.

"Yunho hyung." He called out. Taemin walked over to Yunho, finding his face tired and exhausted. "...Hyung... Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Yunho gave out a weak smile, "What's wrong?"

"Oh...Umm... I'm just wondering if you know where Moonhye is. Do you?" Taemin asked.

"You don't know?" Yunho scrunched his eyebrows, "She quit. Moonhye quit dance club"

Taemin was paralyzed for a moment then reality slapped him right across the place, "WHAT?!" The whole club's attention were on Taemin. "What do you mean Moonhye quit dance club?!"

"SHE QUIT?!" The whole dance club shouted, surprised by the words Taemin had just said, all were surprised but the two: Kris and Kai.

Everyone rushed toward Yunho and demanded for some answers whilst Kris looked at Kai, who's head hung from his neck. This is what you wanted right Kai? I'm not going to be surprised if Moonhye did actually stop loving you... You had already turned into me... Kris sighed and shook his head lightly before leaving the noisy practice room.


"Moonhye dear, pass me the salt." Mrs. Lee asked as she stirred her chicken soup.

Moonhye did what she was asked then continued with the chopping of the vegetables. Her mind slowly drifted into space as she thought of the reaction Yunho gave her when she told him she wanted to quit. 

Yunho was furious which surprised Moonhye. He was the one that had insisted Moonhye to quit dance club in the first place; ever since Yunho knew her asthma, all he wanted to do was to give Moonhye the smallest part of the choreography and make sure she doesn't give as much effort as the others. But when Moonhye told him, Yunho shouted at her.


Moonhye had just finished her last class and she slowly packed her books in her bag. With a sigh, she slung it over her right shoulder, knowing that she had made her decision. She walked out the classroom lifelessly and rode through the wave of students. She saw a familiar head withing the crowd, Taemin. She warily looked at him, thinking if she should say 'hi' but thinking again since he was in the dance club as well... It might make her change her mind once more.

It had been troubling Moonhye for weeks and after much debating with herself, she finally decided to quit dance club. But quitting means she will lose her enjoyment in life but it also meant that it can put her heart at ease and it can make Kai happy, right? She didn't know why but it felt like if she quit, she will say goodbye to all her wnderfuk friends that she made there. She might just be overly dramatic but it will feel as if their special connection will break.

Moonhye saw Yunho walking to the practice room and she immediately shouted his name which made Yunho turn around. "What is it Moonhye?"

She inhaled and clenched her fist, determined, "I want to quit dance club."

"You..." Yunho looked stunned, as if he hadn't heard what Moonhye had just said, "What?"

"I'm going to quit the club oppa." Moonhye said it one more time with a bit more determination.

"Why?" Yunho bluntly asked.

"Just because... I... I lost passion in it." Moonhye muttered as she stared at her shoes, fiddling with her fingers.

"Lee Moonhye! Do you think I'm a fool?!" Yunho shouted, scaring Moonhye. "You know well damn right that that is not the actual reason! Now tell me!"

Moonhye whimpered; she never actually thought  that Yunho would react like this. Yunho saw her cower and he inwardly punched himself. "I'm sorry Moonhye. I just wanted to know..."

The hopeless girl gave a deep sigh, "I'm too tired oppa..." Yunho raised and eyebrows up at her, "Everything is too tiring. Both mentally and physically... I'm tired." Moonhye continued, "My asthma keeps getting in the way of everything... I... I give up."

Yunho was speechless. What else could he say? It wasn't in his place to tell Moonhye what to do; he didn't know what pain she was going through. Her and Kai had broken up, probably due to her asthma... In the end, with a sigh, Yunho agreed to let Moonhye go.



"Ah!" Moonhye winced as she looked at her bleeding finger.

"Aigoo Moonhye-ah..." Mrs. Lee cooed as she took out a first aid kit, hidden under the kitchen sink's cupboard. "Be more careful." She took out a small plaster and wrapped it round carefully on Moonhye's cut. She looked at her daughter who's eyes still on her finger, she looked deeper in them and found loneliness. "Dear. Are you okay?"

Moonhye snapped back from reality, "Oh! Yeah I'm fine!" She forced out a smile and wriggled her finger, "See? Good as new."

"I don't mean the cut darling... You've been acting strange... I've seen you act like this before when..." Mrs. Lee's eyes widened, "Omo! Did you and Kai break up?!" She gasped which made Mr. Lee snap his head towards them. "Tell me Moonhye... Did you and Kai break up?"

Both parents' worried eyes were on Moonhye. Moonhye slowly nodded and sighed, "Yes."


"Three weeks ago..." Moonhye held back her tears, realising that her parents were looking at her. There will be no way on Earth that she will let her parents see her cry.  "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'll get over it sooner or later. That's what happened last time remember? Come on! Let's finish cooking so we could eat!"

Mr and Mrs. Lee looked at their daughter carrying chopping the vegetables and pouring them unto the pan. They both looked at each other and sighed before continuing what they were doing.

When the soup was finished, Moonhye and her parents sat down and began to eat; it was silent and all they could hear was the sound of spoons hitting against the bowls.

"There's also something else that I wanted to tell you..." Moonhye suddenly spoke.

"And what is that?" Mr. Lee asked warily.

"I have asthma. For the past three years now." 


I haven't updated in a loooooooong time, yes I know... -.-. Exams started last week and is still continuing. BUT DON'T WORRY! I'll be updating more often after next week since its the Summer Holidays!! Woo! And my next story is under way....

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!