
No way, Right?

"What?" Kai raised an eyebrow, wondering what Moonhye was doing in front of his doorstep.

Moonhye showed a glittery, silver purse, "Your mum forgot her purse."

"Oh. Give it." Kai grabbed the purse, "Thanks." Kai was about to close the door but stopped when a question popped in his head. "Why did you just give it now? It's like 8pm."

"I found it just now. That's why." Moonhye smiled. She took a peek inside, "Are your parents working?"

Kai hummed in response.

"Do you want to eat together then? My parents are at work as well and it's kind of sad eating alone on New Year's Eve... What do you say?" Moonhye nudged Kai.

"Fine." Kai sighed while Moonhye clapped and entered the house which looked as nice as before. "But." Moonhye turned around finding Kai's eyes squinted at her. "If you dare burn my house you'll pay." Kai walked passed Moonhye and laid back on the leather sofa, turning the TV on.

"What the heck~?" Moonhye smiled and continued exploring the house once again.

Kai seemed like he didn't care whether Moonhye was in his house or not but he's actually quite glad. His parents work a lot and most of the time it's only him in the house, even on his birthday his parents go to work. He was just glad that he got to spend Christmas Eve with them but for New Year's...once again, they had work so he's really happy that Moonhye was spending it with him. He had a few moments in going to her house and asking her if she wanted to spend New Year's with him but he would always turn back and leave it because of his ego and pride.

"Kai!" Moonhye called from the kitchen.


"What are we going to eat?!" Moonhye rummaged though the fridge only to find vegetables and drinks. She couldn't make anything off of that.

"Ramyun!" Kai answered, his eyes still in the TV.

"What?!" Moonhye sped walked from the kitchen in front of Kai blocking the TV.

"Yah." Kai moved his head so that he can see the drama he's watching but failed since Moonhye's body keeps getting in the way. "Move! I'm watching Han Ye Seul!" Kai pushed Moonhye out the way.

"Han Ye Seul?! Wah!" She jumped on the sofa and made herself comfy.

Kai turned to Moonhye, "You like her?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" 

"Well... She's pretty" Kai pointed at the TV which showed Han Ye Seul smiling.

"So? She didn't do anything bad therefore there is no reason to hate her." She scooted over to Kai to make herself more comfortable. "Why would I hate someone just because of their looks? You're crazy Kai."

Kai stared at the smiling Moonhye who's eyes were fixed on the TV, intensely watching the drama. It's weird to him. At least most of the girls he met were somehow jealous of other girls since they're prettier than them or hate girls because they're ugly. Why doesn't Moonhye? 

"Oh right! Kai." She turned to Kai hugging her knees. "We are not eating ramyun."

"Why?" Kai pouted trying to act cute.

"Why are you being like that all of a sudden?" Moonhye widened her eyes, backed away from Kai who was freaking her out all of a sudden with his aegyo.

"Being like what?" Kai still being persistent, he made his eyes wider to look innocent.

"Like that. Stop it! It's......creepy." Moonhye half lied. Half of her found it creepy but the other half found it cute...really cute. She was so used to the charismatic Kai that she didn't know that this side of Kai exist. It's...cute.

"Why aren't we eating ramyun though?" Kai stopped his act and sat back to his normal position acting as if like nothing ever happened.

"Well.... Because it's New Year's Eve and eating's....not very...classy." Moonhye ruffled her hair trying to find the right words.

"So you're Miss Classy now are you?" Kai chuckled.

Moonhye sighed. There really is no use fighting over with Kai so she just went back to the kitchen and searched all the cupboards, looking for something decent to eat on New Year's Eve. She found some noodles and vegetables and some meatballs in the freezer, that was it. They don't shop for food much. She finally thought of what to cook when she found some cheese hiding in one of the drawers. Spaghetti. It's not the most suitable food for New Year's but it was better than ramyun. 

She started boiling the noodles before frying the meatballs. As she waited for the meatballs to cook, she started searching for tomato sauce in the cupboards. Thankfully, there were a few cans of tomato sauce so she opened it with the can opener she found earlier. She waited for the noodles to soften and when it did she placed it on the plate and poured the tomato sauce unto it before spreading it around until the noodles turned slightly red. She took the meatballs out of the pan when it was fully cooked at started slicing them then placing them with the spaghetti. She grated the cheese and sprinkled it on the noodles and meatballs to finish it off. She smiled at her work before dusting the imaginary dust off her hands. Voila.

Kai sniffed the air sensing something delicious. He checked the kitchen and found Moonhye washing the pans and tidying away the ingredients. His eyes landed on the well made spaghetti sitting on the marble counter. She made this? Kai looked over at Moonhye once again then smiled. She can be so...nice sometimes. 

Moonhye finished tidying up and was about to go serve the spaghetti but Kai beat her to it. She found the spaghetti gone from the counter and it was no where other than the glass dining table, where Kai was sitting ready to eat. Kai had set the plates and forks ready for them to eat. He sat there smiling at Moonhye before he signaled her over.

"Are you gonna stand there and admire my beauty or are you going to eat?" Kai smiled.

Moonhye returned Kai's lovely smile and sat down. "Thanks for the meal~" Without further ado, she started gobbling up the spaghetti.

"I should be the one saying that dummy." Kai chuckled.

"Why? The ingredients is from your house." Moonhye blinked, not getting what Kai had said.

"Idiot." Kai shook his head and just smiled at how dense Moonhye can be, "Anyways, thanks for the food~". With that, Kai also went ahead and started eating. "Wah... It's delicious."

"Duh, it's made by me." Moonhye joked as she pointed her nose up high in the air.

Kai flicked her forehead and smiled before he continued eating. Moonhye smiled as well and joined Kai.


"Wah~ I'm full." Moonhye slumped down on the sofa hugging her stomach. Kai joined her then burped. Moonhye smirked and made a louder burp. 

"Show off." Kai smiled.

"Oh right, Kai!" Moonhye jumped.


"What time is it?!" Moonhye jumped on the spot frantically.

Kai dug his phone out from his pocket and looked at the time. "11:47. Why?"

"Already?!" Moonhye gasped.

"Why? What's going on?" Kai stood up.

"Kai! You have sparkles don't you?!" Moonhye grabbed Kai's hands and stared right into his eyes hoping for a 'yes'.

"Yes, but wh-" Moonhye cut him off.

"Where are they?!" 

"In the bac-" Kai jerked his thumb to the right where the door to the garden was and Moonhye ran towards it.

Moonhye quickly found the packet of sparkles and ripped it open. She ran around in circles in search for fire then she found a lighter sitting on a top shelf, she quickly grabbed it and opened the door leading towards the garden.

"Kai! Come outside!" She rubbed her arms from the cold and placed the sparkles on the ground along with the lighter before rushing inside and dragged Kai.

"What are you doing?!" Kai tried to break free but Moonhye just elbowed him.

Once they were outside Kai frantically rubbed his arms and hid and exposed skin with his jacket.

"Yah! Give me your phone!" Without Kai's permission, Moonhye dug Kai's phone out of his pockets and checked the time. "Phew, four more minutes left." Moonhye sighed in relief.

"Now can you tell me what you're doing?" Kai raised an eyebrow hugging himself.

"We're going to light sparkles. Duh." Moonhye gave an isn't-it-obvious face.

"I know that, but why?"

"Because... It's my tradition." Moonhye picked one of the sparkle sticks.


"I used to always do this with my parents." She smiled at the night sky. "But ever since their business went well, it's always work and we never get to do it so I end up doing it by myself every New Year's."

"Why don't you stop?"

"Because it's pretty." She turned to Kai and smiled.

Kai gave no response and just stared at her. Moonhye took a quick glance at the phone. 11:59.

"Yah! Get ready!" She gave a sparkle stick to Kai and got ready to light her sparkle stick. "5 seconds!" She clapped.

"4!" Kai joined.

"3!" Moonhye shouted.

"2!" Moonhye lit her sparkle stick.

"1!" She touched hers with Kai's.

"Happy New Years!" They shouted in unison, waving their sparkle sticks in the air.

Moonhye got more sparkle sticks and lit them. She gave some to Kai and they both waved them in the air enjoying the pretty sparkles the shot out from the sticks.

Moonhye was clearly enjoying herself that she was jumping around laughing. Kai couldn't help but laugh at her childish attitude. He too was enjoying himself for the first time in years during New Year's. 

He stared at Moonhye, smiling. It really is pretty.


Thank you guys for the lovely comments. Just want you to know that even though I don't reply to the comments, I enjoy reading the soooooo much. Once again, Thank You! ^.^

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!