Autumn Leaves

No way, Right?

Autumn came in the midst of everything, the weather became cooler and the leaves turned to a sunset orange colour. During the few weeks Kai was keeping his distance from Kris and Moonhye as far as possible. He couldn't stand their flirting and giggling, but it was hard to keep away. Kris basically made friends will all of Kai's friends and he sits every time on Kai's table for lunch. He sat next to them in the mornings and could here all their past time together. Geez, I thought they broke up. They don't seem like it.

It was dance practice and Moonhye can finally go all out. Her ankle healed and she can dance as much as she wants without a limit. Kris started a while back as well adding another annoyance to Kai. Kris was a good dancer, but not as good as Kai was. Kai would casually look over to both of them and turn back right away mentally smacking himself and sometime actually hitting his head. The rest grew worried about him.

"Moonhye!" Taemin called.

"Mmm?" Moonhye mumbled as she was tying her shoe laces.

"Do you want to do something after school?" Taemin asked.

"Sorry, I'm already going with Kris somewhere." She loooked up finding Taemin doing puppy dog eyes.

Moonhye rolled her eyes, "Sorry Taemin but that never works in me"

Taemin pouted. "Geez, you never spend time with me now."

"I spend lunch and Science with you!"

"That's not enough, you're always with Kris."

"Taemin." She sighed, "We're just catching up."

"Catching up? Don't seem like it." Taemin rolled his eyes then smiled. "It's okay, I'll ask Kai to go." Taemin dashed off to Kai.

We are just catching up, right? Moonhye shrugged the thought off her head and headed out the door. She went to Kris' locker hoping to find Kris but sadly he wasn't. She then went to her locker still hoping Kris would be there but again, he wasn't. They were suppose to meet up and go to a cafe later but there was no sign of him.

Moonhye went back to the dance studio only finding it locked. Where is he? She heard her phone vibrate inside her bag. Kris.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Moonhye! Thank God you picked the phone up! I can't go with you today, I'm really sorry! My dad, he forced me to visit his company. I promise I'll make it up to you! I'm really sorry Moonhye." Kris apologized frantically.

Moonhye knew Kris' dad, and he's a strict man when it comes to work but has a soft side as well. Kris always apologized because of this and Moonhye didn't felt at all angry or dissapointed since she knows Kris is doing what he can to spend time with her.

"It's fine Kris. I understand."

"You sure?"

"Yup! So be sure to make it up soon! Ok?!"

Kris giggled at the other side of the phone, "Promise. Bye~"

"Bye~" Moonhye hung up and skipped at the school gates.

She carefully looked around to see if those annoying university girls were still around, thankfully not or she would have been done for. Moonhye went to the park nearby since she didn't want to go home yet, she had no homework anyway so she decided to breathe Mother Nature. 

During Autumn time, the park was really pretty. The trees stood in a line facing another tree making it look like a path way. The orange leaves brightened the area making it feel relaxing. Se walked down the path way reaching a circular shaped garden that was hiding in the trees. She hoped no one would be there since she can sleep and do whatever she wanted but sadly, there was another person... It looked like a man, a young one as well. He was staring at the ground kicking leaves while his head was nodding probably listening to a music through his earphones...... Wait a minute... There's only one person I know who nods their head like that. Kai.

Moonhye didn't think twice and she spoke without realising, "Kai?"

Kai turned around to see who had called his name, "Moonhye?"

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Can't I be here?" Kai smirked as he got closer.

Moonhye rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

"Nothing much, I just like staring at the trees." Kai sat at a nearby bench.

"Nice hobby." Moonhye raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Then what are you doing here?"

"Admiring the trees."

"Basically staring at it then."

"No, admiring." Moonhye defended.

"Staring." Kai retorted bluntly.

"I said admiring! Geez, it's different,"

Kai giggled, "You know, it's been a while since the last time we bickered." He leaned back and stared at the cloudy sky.

"Yeah...." Moonhye stared at her feet, smiling.

There was silence for a while then it broke by the rustling of the leaves.

"Do you wanna play?" Moonhye asked as she looked over the pile of leaves.

"What?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Play in the leaves." She pointed.

"Moonhye, we're not children anymore. At least I'm not." He whispered the last bit afraid to get hit.

"Kai..... There's a difference in staring and admiring. There's also a difference with being a child and having fun." She explained.

"No there isn't." Kai kept being selfish.

Moonhye sighed, "When did you start being a grumpy old man?"

"What did you say?!" Kai shouted.

Moonhye smirked a little. She caught him. "Nothing. It's just we're only 17 and you're starting to act like a 30 year old. Trust me Kai, I've met an uncle like you and his face was all wrinkly and he's alone." Moonhye fake sighed. "He's only 25 as well."

Kai's eyes widened. "I am not a grumpy old man."

Moonhye started skipping to the pile of leaves. "Come on then! A grumpy old man would just sit there and watch someone else play in the leaves!" Moonhye shouted from a far.

Kai sighed. He dragged him self over to Moonhye only to be thrown leaves at. There were leaves on his clothes and hair. Moonhye bursted out laughing. "Nice hair!"

Just when Moonhye was caught off guard, Kai showered her with leaves. "You too." He smirked which then turned into a laugh.

Soon, they were chasing each other, throwing leaves at each other and laughing, together. It turned out to be a great day for both of them. Kai regreted declining Taemin's invitation to go to a cafe at first but now he kind of didn't mind not going. Moonhye was a bit upset when she and Kris didn't go out like planned but now she didn't mind. Both of them, came to the point where they wouldn't mind spending time with each other. If only they would realise that sooner.


Thank you guys for your wonderful comments ^.^ It really motivates me.

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!