Learning From Mistakes

No way, Right?

"Goodbye dear!" Mrs. Lee hugged her daughter tightly before pulling away and kissing her left cheek.

"Have a safe trip!" Moonhye hugged her dad then seeing her parents get in the car.

"We'll be back in a week! Take care of yourself!" Mrs. Lee waved as the car drove into the distance.

Moonhye waved to her parents until she couldn't see them anymore. She went inside the house and started to wash up. It was a Friday, the last day of the school week, why did it seems like the week went really long for her? Maybe because Kai wasn't there to make her smile and laugh. He wasn't there to make her forget the time and just make her think of the moment there and then. Kai wasn't by Moonhye's side which made Moonhye long for his presence again.

After she wore her uniform, she went straight downstairs to cook herself a small breakfast. She wasn't in the mood to cook something great so she decided to just have toast and jam. Moonhye half-heartedly ate her toast and placed the dishes in the sink. She grabbed her bag off of the sofa and opened the door.

She froze instantly when she saw who was in front of her eyes. Kai. He smiled before walking slowly in front of Moonhye.

"Hey." Kai said.

"Hi." Moonhye managed to say, still frozen. "Kai. Listen I'm sorry fo-"

"I'm sorry too." Kai interrupted. "I didn't let you explain, I was too shocked and angry to think of your situation. I just felt betrayed and I... I didn't know what to do..." Kai hung his head low.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner Kai..." Moonhye hung her head low as well, "I was just scared..."

"I know." Kai looked up to see Moonhye's confused face. "I heard what you said to that dog yesterday. I didn't mean to hear it, I was just there..." Kai smiled weakly at Moonhye hoping she would understand.

"So you heard all that huh?" Moonhye kicked a pebble on the ground.

"Sorry..." Kai scratched the back of his head.

"Babo!" Moonhye pinched Kai's cheeks, "Stop saying sorry because you didn't do anything wrong!" (A/N Babo = stupid/idiot)

Kai looked up at Moonhye who had this playful smile on, "Then let's pretend that the whole asthma thing never happened. You never had asthma. I never knew and we never fought. Agreed?" Kai put his hand out for a handshake.

Moonhye giggled and happily shook Kai's hand. This was it. She will not let the amazing opportunity go. This is more than what she expected from Kai, way more. She's just happy to have a boyfriend like him, she's just happy because she knows Kai wouldn't leave her side.


The two walked hand in hand with each down the street and to the school gates. Everyone was shocked to see the couple back together again, they were happy. Moonhye and Kai had been what everyone had been gossiping about recently and they're the top couple of the school. Everyone liked them so there was no reason for everyone to hate their relationship. All except one... Yoona.

Flabbergasted, she stood there just watching the person she loves the most with his hands entangled with the person she hates the most. Yoona clenched her teeth and balled her hands into a fist. Since when did Moonhye seduce him again? Urgh that ! She watched the two as they walked right past her without Kai giving her a simple wave or smile. It was just yesterday that Kai smiled and talked to her every single morning, then it all collapsed after a day? Yoona will have to do something to make it right won't she? She smirked as she thought of a plan.


"Listen up!" Ms. BoA banged the table to get the attention of her noisy class. "You might have known already but next week will be our yearly trip to the temple. So make sure you have your parents sign the permission paper by next Tuesday."

A student started to give out the permission paper to everyone.

"Ugh! This is so boring!" Sehun slumped down on the desk and sighed.

Moonhye raised her eyebrow at the devastated boy beside her, "Why? What's wrong?"

"It's the yearly trip to that stupid temple. I've been last year and trust me. It is SO boring!" Sehun once again slumped down on the desk, burying his head into his arms.

"How is it?" Moonhye asked.

"We just do chores around the temple. That's it. We make sure it's clean and fix what's broken. Everyone's doing it. The juniors, us, and the seniors." Sehun explained while his head was still dug in his arms.

"Really that bad huh?" Moonhye laughed at the groaning Sehun.


During break Kris led Kai at the back of the gym to have a little talk to him. He's not going to fight Kai, he's just going to talk to him about a few things— things being Moonhye.

"Nice to see you and Moonhye talking again." Kris said with his back facing Kai.

"Yeah... We're good now." Kai explained slowly, thinking why Kris is asking him this all of a sudden.

"Good." Kris turned around, "You better keep it that way Kai because I'm not afraid to take her back into my arms." 

Kai's mouth went agape, "What? I thought you didn't like Moonhye anymore..."

Kris sighed and rubbed his temple, "That's what I thought but it didn't seem like it. I was forcing myself to not like her but..." Kris chuckled, "that girl has this kind of power to lure me back in."

Kai's anger suddenly rose up, "Look Kris. You dare destroy me and Moon-"

"I won't, calm down. Just remember Kai what I told you the other day. Don't make the same mistakes as I did Kai because once you do I will be there and fix my mistakes with Moonhye." Kris gave Kai a threatening look before walking off.

Kai scrunched his eyebrows and ran his fingers in his hair roughly. What mistake?! Kai punched the wall next to him. I'll make sure I won't make the mistake you made Kris because I love her.

I love her more than anything else.



Short update. This was just like a sequel to my next few chapters.

I already have this story all planned a long time ago and it will have 71 chapters including the thing at the end which I forgot the name to.

Anyways keep telling me if you like it because if I have more comments, I'll have more motivation on writing therefore more chapters for you guys! ^^

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!