
No way, Right?

Valentine's Day... Kai dazed off into space as he walked down the street with Moonhye. Usually he would roll his eyes at every couple on the street that were holding hands. Usually he would not care about the chocolate that girls give him. Usually Valentine's Day is the most boring day of all to him. But this year, he envied all the couples he sees. This year, he wanted a chocolate from the girl walking beside him. This year, Valentine's Day has made him feel excited.

Moonhye felt especially nervous that day. One, it was Valentine's Day, two, she didn't make any chocolates at all whatsoever. She couldn't give one to Kai, she doesn't have the guts to. Of course she doesn't! The guy who you extremely hated at first suddenly giving you chocolates on Valentine's Day Kai would sure know that she likes him. That's what scares Moonhye.What if he doesn't like her back? What if their relationship ended? What if he doesn't talk to her anymore? Moonhye can't even think out the possible outcome. She cannot! Absolutely not confess to Kai. He has to realise that she likes her then when he asks, she'll say 'yes'. That was her plan.


"KAI!" A bunch of fan girl which waited by the front gate for Kai had swarmed around Kai completely pushing Moonhye out of the way.

Every single girls started shoving heart shaped boxes in Kai's arms before taking a picture of him and running away as if they had got the most precious thing in their hand. The girls and blocked Kai's vision to Moonhye, he stood on his tip toes to take a better look at the surrounding and he was relieved that he found Moonhye safe from the ridiculous crowd of girls. His mood soon changed when he found Moonhhe making her way to Kris who was carrying a bag full of chocolates.

"I see you have loads of admirers this year too." Moonhye pointed at the bags full of chocolates.

"Yup." Kris smiled proudly. "So... Where's my chocolate from you?"

Moonhye awkwardly giggled, she needed to think of a lie quick so that Kris won't find out it was because of Kai. "I... Forgot?" Moonhye mentally face palmed herself at the fake lie she had blurted.

"That's so like you..." Kris sighed and chuckled as he started walking forwards.

Moonhye stood there, dumbfound, insulted but also relieved. She would never have guessed that the smart Kris would believe her awful lie. The smart, brainy, witty Kris would surely know she's lying but why the heck who she let her go? And insulting her at that. What does he mean by 'That's so like you'? Moonhye is not the person to forget things easily... Ok, maybe she is a bit but still... She hates being called 'forgetful'. She shrugged the thought off her head and ran up to Kris and they made their way to class.

Once Moonhye sat at her seat, she sighed as she played with her hair. Valentine's Day has been bothering her for the past couples of days. It was either to make or not to make chocolates. If she made one for Kai, heck no, she doesn't have the willpower to go up to KAi and hand him the chocolates she made. That would just blurt all her feelings out and that is the last thing she wanted. But if she did made chocolates for the others, Kai will be the only one not having any chocolate and that would feel worse. She sighed even more completely oblivious that Sehun was watching her with his right eyebrow raised.

"Moonhye!" Sehun waved his hands frantically at Moonhye's face.

Moonhye flinched , "What?!" She turned to her right and found a puppy-eyed Sehun.

"Where's my chocolate~?" Sehun asked in his most cutest voice ever.

Although Sehun was basically seducing Moonhye with his aegyo, Moonhye didn't even batted out an eyelash at the cute boy in front of her. She used to always fall for Sehun's aegyo but now... She could only blink and stare at the still puppy-eyed Sehun

"Sorry Sehun-ah. I forgot." Moonhye went back to sighing.

Moonhye tapped her pen to her lips thinking what should she do to make it up. It was Valentine's Day after all and you have to do something special to that someone you like even if it isn't chocolate. She kept on thinking and thinking. It had to be something that can be done in school and it had to be quick. She had no time to go back home and cook something. It had to be cute and sweet but short as well so she won't have to put up with the embarrassment. It had to be something Kai would love. It had to be something that can tell Kai that she likes him. But what...?

Suddenly, the classroom door burst open revealing a panting Kai. He had bags stuffed in his hands, with a tremendous amount of chocolate in them. Moonhye suddenly remembered that she had left Kai surrounded by those crazy fan girls. Oops. She sank down in her seat trying not to be noticed by Kai. It failed though since Kai was not panting in front of her table. Sehun awkwardly looked at the two people beside him.

"What happened to you?" Sehun grabbed a chocolate off one of the bags and started munching on it.

Kai forcefully smiled and snapped his head to Moonhye who was looking at Kai with sorry eyes. "Yes, Moonhye. What happened to me?"

Moonhye gave out an awkward giggle before finally sitting up right. "Sorry."

"For?" Kai crossed his arms.

Moonhye sighed, she felt like her mother was giving her a lecture. "For leaving you with those crazy fan girls..." Moonhye looked up seeing the satisfied Kai. "Happy?"

"No." Kai left to his seat and slumped down on it only to be looked weirdly at by Kris. He didn't care though. He was just glad to be at the classroom, away from those girls. 


It was finally lunch and Kai and Moonhye were sitting together at by themselves since the rest of the group is still having trouble avoiding the fan girls.

"Kai!" Yoona shouted as she ran over to Kai, she was carrying a what seems to be chocolate.

"Noona." Kai watched as Yoona sat by Kai.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Yoona beamed and handed Kai the chocolate.

"Oh... Thanks Noona." Kai scratched his head, "Sorry... I didn't get you any."

"It's okay! Girls are supposed to give the chocolates." Yoona smiled. She heard someone call her name and she looked to who it was. It was her friends waving at her. She sighed, "Sorry Kai, have to go now. Have to help Yuri with her project." Yoona gave a small peck to Kai's cheek which made Moonhye flinch.

"What was that all about?" Moonhye asked.

"Noona always do this on Valentine's Day. Gives me chocolate and a kiss." Kai returned to his food before he tucked the chocolate in his pocket.

Moonhye suddenly feels so regretful. Am I the only girl who didn't give Kai and chocolate? She quietly returned to her food as she glanced over to Kai then sighing.


"Okay! That's it for the day guys!" Yunho called out as the club members slumped down on the floor, sighing of relief.

Moonhye wiped the sweat off her forehead then grabbed her bag and started heading her way to her locker. Kris caught up to her and started making their way to the locker.

"So how was your Vakentine's Day? Any boys confessed to you?" Kris jokingly asked.

"No... What about you?" She opened tpher locker and started putting stuff in and taking stuff out.

"Same as always." Kris shrugged then his phones suddenly started to vibrate. He checked the message and sighed. "Sorry Moonhye... I have to go now." Kris tucked his phone back to where it was, "See you tomorrow."

Moonhye hummed as answer before closing her locker. She turned to her left only to bump into Kai's chest. She rubbed her forehead and looked up at the poker-faced Kai.

"What?" Moonhye asked still, rubbing her forehead.

"You know if you're going to rub it like that, it will go red."

Moonhye immediately stopped. She coughed awkwardly and adjusted her bag handle on her shoulder. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Want me to walk you home?" Kai asked.

Moonhye gulped at the sudden question, "Sure..."

The two made their way towards their houses with a comfortable silence between them. 

"You want some chocolate?" Kai lifted one of the bags up.

Moonhye laughed, "No thanks. I'm scared that they might kill me if I ate them. Plus, they're yours Kai. So enjoy them."

"True but... I don't think I could eat all these by myself." Kai chuckled.

After a bit of small talking and laughing, the two reached their houses. Kai turned around and offered Moonhye chocolates again. Moonhye only laughed and pushed it towards Kai.

"I already told you Kai. You eat them." Moonhye smiled and took a step forward towards her door.

Kai turned around when he reached the door and jokingly asked, "Yah! Where's my Valentine's Day present?!"

Moonhye blushed, "You really want one?"

Kai joking said, "Yeah!"

"Moonhye tightened her eyes. Here goes nothing.

Moonhye ran up to Kai who immediately became red, his eyes immediately became bigger as he felt the soft, thin lips of Moonhye touch against his cheeks. He stood there, not moving, not blinking, not breathing only looking at Moonhye who rushed back to her house.

"Hope you enjoyed your present!" With that, Moonhye disappeared behind the closed door.

Kai gulped and finally exhaled as he found the door behind him suddenly open.

"Kai! I knew I heard something." Mrs. Kim said. She looked at her son who's face had become a bright red colour. "Yah. What's wrong with you? You're red as a cherry."

Mrs. Kim entered the house leaving Kai still in a daze, still thinking about that soft feeling on his cheeks. His heart beating faster than ever. Moonhye kissed me. Lee Moonhye, the girl I like...kissed me...


*Not edited


You likey likey? Sorry if you didn't likey likey but hey, tried my best. WARNING! Get ready for some more fluff coming up at the next few chapters!

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!