That's what it was

No way, Right?

Amazing. Truly amazing. Taemin watched the two as they kept glancing at each other and turning away, carrying on with their business as if nothing ever happened. It amazes him at how stupid his two best friends can be when they act more mature than him. Taemin noticed how the two have been acting all strange for a while now. He did notice that they disliked each other from the start but their relationship towards each other became very interesting to him.

Moonhye was practicing her spins with Yuri and every time she stopped, she made sure to stop facing Kai. Every time she did though, she found Kai talking and smiling at Yoona. She gritted her teeth feeling annoyed at how much Kai was spending time with Yoona and completely ignoring her. She didn't want to hate Yoona, she seemed like a nice girl and she is sure for the fact that Yoona hasn't done anything wrong to her but every time Moonhye looks at Yoona, she couldn't help but feel annoyed. Every time she looks at Yoona, she thinks of Kai's smile which annoyed her like hell. She thought the way Kai smiled was not for hey but for Yoona and that made her annoyed.

Kai was leaning against the sky painted wall, talking to Yoona. His hyungs interrupted and started a conversation with Yoona, he only listened and tried not to interrupt their conversation. He glanced over to Moonhye in which he found her spinning with great speed and balance. He always seemed intimidated by the way she dances and he can tell that there is great confidence behind her hazel brown eyes. He found her taking a rest and smiling at someone. He followed her gaze and his eyes landed on Kris. He clenched his teeth, feeling annoyed by how she always act so friendly around Kris when they broke up ages ago. He found it annoying at how they would flirt with each without even noticing it. Kai hated Kris. He didn't know exactly why but he guessed that it was Kris' snobby attitude toward him that made him hate Kris. It didn't seem like it though...


Then next following day Moonhye smiled finding Kai back at his usual spot.

"Glad to see you here again." Moonhye smiled.

Kai scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, Yoona told me to get her and since I haven't seen her in a while... You know, I thought I might have some catching up to do."

Moonhye raised an eyebrow then giggled, "Kai. You make no sense at all."

"I'm just not good with words!" Kai retorted.

"I know~" Moonhye laughed, "Let's go?"

Kai smiled and gladly walked by the side of her. This is what he missed. He could finally talk to Moonhye and enjoy the moment with her while he can. He couldn't say that he hated her anymore, in fact he liked her. He like to be with her that is. Never in his mind would he think that he actually likes Moonhye. She was completely different from his ideal type. She's not cool when she's acting. She doesn't act at all but he still thinks she's far off from the goddess Han Ye Seul.

When they arrived at the gates Kai smiled not seeing Kris to where his usual spot is. He carried on talking and laughing with Moonhye until Moonhye stopped.

"Yah." Moonhye whispered. "I think Yoona is waiting for you." She signaled with her eyes where Yoona was standing.

Kai looked over to the direction and found Yoona standing with her arms crossed. He remembered how Yoona never really liked Kai hanging out with girls so during Kai's childhood the girl he ever got close to was his mother and Yoona.

Kai sighed and looked down at his watch. "Well... It's kind of close to home room already so let's just go ahead." Kai walked a meter from Moonhye before turning back, "You coming? Or are you going to stand there and admire my beauty?" Kai smirked.

"I'm not admiring!" Moonhye rushed towards and walked off together smiling leaving Yoona by herself shocked.

When Moonhye asked Kai to go to Yoona she hoped somewhere deep inside her that he wouldn't go and leave her alone again. Kai too was bothered when Moonhye suddenly talked about Yoona. True, he didn't mind Yoona but something in him didn't want to pull away from Moonhye since he was just enjoying her company. He didn't even want to think about leaving Moonhye's side.


For the rest of the day Kai and Moonhye got along which surprised everyone. They were used to the two bickering that seeing them laugh and smile to each other made their eyes big as D.O's. Yoona didn't miss out on this. She pays very close attention to Kai and his fan girls too and she handles them very well but it looked like the girl she never met before wasn't one of Kai's fan girls. Yoona noticed on how Kai pays so much attention to Moonhye instead of her. It was just yesterday that they were feeding each other food and then it all fell apart thanks to Moonhye.

At dance practice, Taemin burst in holding out his phone like its the most precious thing in the world.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked.

"Celebrating. What does it look like?" Taemin sat in between Moonhye and Kai, holding his phone. "I have this questionnaire and it's really interesting."

Everyone heard Taemin's announcement and soon most of the club decided to gather round, wanting to hear that interesting questionnaire.

"Okay. First, think someone who makes your tummy feel weird." Taemin giggled feeling very excited all of a sudden.

Everyone pondered for a while and Kai thought of Moonhye and Moonhye thought of Kai since they remembered at some point the other made their insides all funny.

"Now think of someone that made your face feel hot before."

Again, Kai thought of Moonhye and Moonhye thought of Kai since they have thought of so many times where they felt hot like crazy around each other. Dancing together, body contact and when they kissed during the dance, they remembered at how much their faces was burning then.

"Think of someone that you glanced over at q a few times."

Moonhye and Kai just happened to look at each other and turned away immediately hiding their hot faces again.

"Think of someone who you smiled when you're together."

Kai smiled at the thought of this morning when Moonhye thanked him for waiting for her. He suddenly thought at how he liked it when Moonhye and him both talked. During New Year's Eve, he wanted to invite her and spend time with him and when she did, it made him feel happy.

Moonhye thought about the time when Kai helped her with her bleeding ankle. The time when he was worried about her. She smiled at the thought of how much Kai cared about her even though they didn't have a very good start. She liked how they were comfortable with each other now and she just smiled thinking the times when both her and Kai were both smiling and laughing together.

"Now think of the person in which you were worried about when they were injured or sick"

Kai thought of the time when he was panicking about the cut from Moonhye's ankle and the time where she twisted it. He remembered at how worried and frustrated he was about her ankle, maybe even if it wasn't her ankle, he would still be worried that she got injured or was sick.

Moonhye remembered when she had to take care of Kai when he had a cold. She remembered at how much she hated it back then that it made her smile at the memory. If Kai had a cold again, she wouldn't mind to take care of him now. Now that she thought about it, the reason he might have gotten a cold that day was because of her. He took her out for some slushies to cheer her up. Moonhye glanced over to Kai and smiled at him.

"Okay... If you thought of the same person all the way through..." Taemin trailed off looking at Kai's and Moonhye's expressions. "Then it means. You like them. You like them, not in a friendly way but in a romantic way."

Taemin smiled and mentally patted himself on the back. He saw Kai's and Moonhye's eyes widen and they were both dazing off into space. Well done Taemin. You finally made the two idiot realise their feelings.




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!