
No way, Right?

"Yoona!" Moonhye screamed as she kept on banging unto the door, "Someone!" Tears suddenly started forming in he eyes, she's panicking, she's scared. "Please get me out of here!" Moonhye desperately pleaded, she pleaded and pleaded even more, holding her flashlight tightly in her hands but no one could hear her.

She was at the farthest part of the temple, away from everyone else. No one could hear her cry, her scream. No one. It was happening again. It felt real again. She was there, alone, pleading for help but no one came. Hours have passed and Moonhye had lost all hope and energy to cry out for help. She had no choice but to wait until morning. 

Moonhye wouldn't stop shaking. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to force herself to sleep but she just couldn't. Who would fall asleep in a closet filled with mops and buckets and alone in the dark? She was just glad that her flashlight was working, that was her only source of light. She just can't stand the dark. She hates it. She absolutely hates it. The dark... Her largest fear.

Minutes have passed but it seemed like days to Moonhye. She was sweating and crying. She couldn't tell if the water dripping down her face was her sweat or tears. No, it wasn't sweat because she was hot. It was cold sweat. No words can describe how scared she was. Bit by bit, the horrific memories were trying to invade Moonhye's mind and she tried her hardest not to let those horrifying memories in.


Moonhye widened her eyes and panicked even more. The flashlight had turned off all of a sudden. She tried switching it back on again. On and off. On and off. She tried banging the flash light but there was no use. The flashlight wouldn't turn on and when Moonhye finally, completely realised and accepted it, she whimpered. She wanted to scream but instead no sound came out of her voice. Just a whimper.


"Moonhye!" Kris yelled and waved at his flawless girlfriend.

"Kris!" Moonhye waved back and ran towards Kris with a bright smile on her face.

Kris caught her waist and spun Moonhye around and giving her a peck when he finally settled her unto the ground. The two couldn't have been anymore happier, everything seemed to be perfect for the two of them.



"Hello?" Kris whispered unto the phone.

"Kris! Hello?! It's Moonhye! I thought we were going to shop today. Where are you?" Moonhye hugged her body with her spare arm, trying to keep warm while she stared at the heavy rain pouring down unto the pavement.

"I'm really sorry Moonhye. My dad took me to his meeting today. Moonhye I'm really sorry! I'll make it up to you okay?" Kris pleaded for his girlfriend's forgiveness.

Moonhye sighed, "Meeting?" She paused and muttered, "Again?" She fisted her hands and tried to sound less dissapointed, "Ah okay then... See you tomorrow at school then..." Moonhye hung up and let her arms freely drop by her side.



"Is anyone here?" Moonhye peeked inside the dance studio to see if anyone was there. Thankfully, it was empty.

She smiled and walked herself in then inserted a CD into the music player. She breathed in and out, relaxing her whole body. She needed to get out of the world for a while. She had been alone in the house for 3 weeks now and Kris had not been attending school lately. Overall, she had no one. All she had was herself and dance.

Dancing was like her stress killer. When she dances it was if the whole world doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Just do whatever you want. That's what Moonhye felt like when she's dancing.

Soft music started playing in the background. Moonhye closed her eyes, and let her body move towards the music. It was ballet music so she straightened her back and pointed her toes in the air. She twirled around the room, jumping, flying... How amazing she felt. She didn't, couldn't, think. She didn't think that her parents was away. She didn't think her boyfriend was never with her. She just let herself move towards the calming peaceful music.

The song soon switched to a more upbeat music. Moonhye started popping and locking. She brought out her sass while staring at the mirror; watching the girl in front of her ruffling her hair and swaying her hips. That girl looked happy, she looked like she was enjoying herself. Moonhye wished she was that girl.

The music stopped and she was breathless. Sweat was coming out of her fair skin and when seconds went by, she started thinking about everything again. Tears were threatening to fall out, she stopped it and danced again. This time, she wasn't letting herself flow with the music. She was forcing herself. She used a lot more energy, her body was screaming for her to stop.

Then stop. Her breathing stopped.

She clutched unto her chest. It was tight, she couldn't get in oxygen. The tightness grew more as she tried to gasp for air. It was painful, she felt like she was going to die.  Someone save her!

The tears fell. She wasn't sure if it was because she was hurting in her chest or if it was because she was thinking of her troubles again. She needed help, physically and emotionally.

Moonhye tried to crawl for her bag which had her inhaler in.


How ironic was it to have a blackout right at that moment?

Moonhye couldn't see. She couldn't see what was ahead of her therefore she thought back to her memories again. Help! Someone help me! 

Moonhye peeled her eyes open and stood before her was Kai.


"Good morning." Kai greeted Amber with a smile.

"Kai!" Amber rushed to Kai and gripped his t-shirt, "Do you know where Moonhye is?" 

Kai stared at the pleading girl in front of her confused. What was she on about? He caught something in Amber's eyes that made him feel uneasy, "No. Is she still asleep?"

Amber let go out Kai's shirt and ran her fingers through her hair. Amber and Kai heard shouting from the distance. Sulli was running to them, breathless.

"Did you find her yet?" Sulli asked, her hands on her knees.

"Why are you looking for Moonhye?" Kai asked, feeling more uneasy as the seconds go by.

"She didn't come back last night." Amber said, "She went out to do her Nightshift and we were already asleep before she came back. This morning, she wasn't at the futon. I don't know where she is."

Kai didn't need a second longer for Amber to explain so that he can dash out and look for Moonhye. He ran all around the temple, she was no where. He then barged in into every single room of the temple, not caring if he disturbed some people's sleep. Moonhye is missing, and he needed to find her.

He was worried but he was scared too. He ran and ran, not caring about how sweaty he was, not caring how he's out of breath. He needed to find Moonhye. He was panicking, he didn't know where else to go, he checked everywhere, at least that's what he thought anyway. The temple was a very large place and Kai ran almost everywhere.

"Kai!" Yoona called out. She ran to Kai and wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a handkerchief, "What happened to you?!"

Kai finally caught his breath, his hands on his knees, panting heavily. "Moonhye." He said in the midst of his breathing, "She's missing. Noona, please help find her."

Yoona gulped, feeling extremely nervous. If Kai found out it was her fault she would never be able to show her face to him again. She needed to find Moonhye herself and make sure she tells no one about the incident. Especially Kai.

Yoona gasped and put on her innocent act to work, "Oh my gosh! Of course I'll help!"

Kai gave her noona a warm and thankful smile then he ran off, continuing to look for Moonhye. Yoona pretended to look for Moonhye by opening every door she found and shouting "Moonhye." When she turned around to look for Kai, he wasn't there. Yoona grew flustered and went searching for Kai. She found him at a corner leading towards a long hallway.

She panicked. That was the same hallway with the same door she shoved Moonhye in. Yoona ran as fast as she could. Kai was already by the door, ready to twist the door knob when Yoona blocked her.

"Kai!" She shouted, "I think Moonhye's over there!"

"Really?!" A smile grew on Kai's face. Yoona led him away from the closet. "Wait! Just in case, I'll check this room." Kai made a 'U' turn and he ended back at the janitor closet's door.

Once again, Yoona blocked him from going any further. "But Kai I really think Moonhye's there!"

"Noona." Kai grew impatient, "Let me just check this one and we can go."

"But why would she be here?!" Yoona nervously laughed, "I mean, this is a janitor's closet. Why would she go here?"

Kai tilted his head, "How do you know this is a janitor's closet?" Kai's eyes widened. Please someone tell him Yoona didn't do anything bad. But just by the look of his noona's face, he knew that she knows where Moonhye was and the room right in front of him had a pretty good chance Moonhye could be in it. "Noona, step aside."

Yoona remained still and a whimper came from , "Kai..."

Kai pulled Yoona out the way and twisted the door knob but it wouldn't budge. He kicked it with all his force and the knob broke off. He eagerly pushed the door open only to have his eyes, horrified at what was in front of him.

There was a girl, who's eyes were bawling out tears, her whole body was shaking and sweat was pouring out of her body. Her hands and messy hair was covering her face and he cannot help but hear the small whimpers she was making. Kai stood there, paralyzed, horrified. Was the girl in front of him now Moonhye? This couldn't have been Moonhye. He can't accept it. Moonhye was a strong, confident girl who always had a smile on her face. The whimpering, shaking girl in from of her... Who was she?

Kai reached out for the girl with shaking hands and slowly swept her hair off her face and tucked it behind her ears. It was indeed Moonhye.


EXO's COMEBACK HAS FINALLY COME! Hahaha, I woke up and went on Youtube straight away finding Exo's Wolf's MV out. I was so happy that I wrote a whole chapter in one go!

Now imma wait for their drama version. *sigh* The girl was. So lucky to have her face kissed by Kai's precious lips...

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!