New Girl, to her.

No way, Right?

"Does it hurt?" Kai asked looking at Moonhye's ankle.

"Kai. I have answered your question for the thirteenth time now. My ankle is fine!" Moonhye shook her ankle like her life was depending on it. "See!"

Kai had been bothering Moonhye for the past three days about her ankle. To be honest, Kai wanted it not to heal; he remembered last time Moonhye hurt her ankle and he became her ankle. He enjoyed it, him being close to Moonhye made him smile and happy like an idiot and he couldn't help but feel a little tingle inside of him every time they touch, talk or even smile at each other. He felt something weird in his stomach and heart, he felt as if it was to burst any moment every time he sees or even think about Moonhye.


Kai and Moonhye sat at the corner of the studio since Moonhye couldn't take part of the dance due to her ankle, it was perfectly fine but Yunho ordered her to rest and just watch the choreography just to be on the safe side. Kai joined her since he got most of the moves anyway, he planned to make use of that day since Kris wasn't in. He was always with her at every minute of every hour, not wanting to leave her side thinking that if he went away, Moonhye would just fall down.

Moonhye didn't mind at all that Kai was with her, in fact she liked it. She woke up depressed that morning because she watched The Titanic late at night and got herself depressed about it. Once she stepped out of the door though she smiled at the guy who was smiling at her. Kai had always found a way to make Moonhye smile and tingle inside that it made her want to jump around. Kai had been with her during break time, lunch time and even his precious dancing time. Her ankle didn't hurt anymore but she found it cute how Kai was all frustrated about it, if she was crazy she'll break her ankle every time just to see Kai worried about her.

"Does it hurt?" Kai poked Moonhye's ankle gently.

"Kai." Moonhye groaned.

"Hey, is it a crime to worry?" Kai raised his hands in defence.

Moonhye chuckled, "No, but it's a crime to always keep asking about it."

"How is it?" Kai whined.

"It is in my book. I have to report you to the police." Moonhye shook her head while she clicked her tounge.

"Let me guess who the police are. Pororo and Crong?" 

"Maybe..." Moonhye looked at the ceiling awkwardly then laughed.

"Did you know? I can make the best Crong voice ever." Kai smiled.

"Prove it." Moonhye eyed him suspiciously.

Kai breathed in, wrinkled his nose and curled his hands and fingers, "Crong~!"

Moonnye blinked a few times, "What did you think?" Kai asked, pointing his nose in the air, "Good right?"

"What the hell!" Moonhye rolled on the ground, holding her stomach, laughing so hard that no noise came out.

"It's good right?" Kai waited for Moonhye's answer but only laughed seeing the state Moonhye as in now. "Answer me~!" Kai whined.

Moonhye finally sat up again only to roll on the floor again, remembering Kai's Crong impersonation. She wiped a tear from her eye due to too much laughter and she finally calmed herself. 

Moonhe sighed to relax her stomach which hurt from her continuous laughter. "Kai. That was cute."

"Cute? Me?" Kai scoffed and made an are-you-kidding face.

"Well... Sometimes." Moonhye shrugged.

Kai and Moonhye got along really well for the past couple of days and they actually noticed it. They did notice how they're not fighting and bickering anymore. They wanted to be with each other more often since they find it fun with each other. They were no longer awkward, they always had something to talk about and they would enjoy every second of it so they think of each other as friends now. But, when they look at their friends and then look at each other, it was completely different. Yes, they enjoy talking to their friends and yes, they have fun with their friends but their friends doesn't make their heart feel like it was about to explode.


"Listen to this. It's my favourite song right now." Kai placed one of his ear phones to Moonhye ear.

The song was a ballad, Moonhye enjoyed it. Moonhye liked pop, R&B those kind if music but what she really liked was ballads. She gets lost in them, makes her feel better and makes her feel calm.

She swayed towards the music and Kai smiled at how she was enjoying his favourite song. 

Yunho's voice awakened them from the lovely ballad, "Yoona!"

Yep. Yoona is the girl rival. She will be y and a two faced faced but don't misunderstand. I do not hate Yoona, I am not a Yoona hater. I just happened to pick her because she is of course really pretty. So I just wanted to say don't be mad at me because I used Yoona as the girl rival. Thank you ^.^

Here's the video to Kai's Crong by the way xD

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!