It's Cool

No way, Right?

"Are you an idiot?!" Kai shouted as he looked at the fully dressed Moonhye crawled into a ball, beside his bed.

Moonhye tried as best as she could to hide her reddened face. The embarassment and the shock of seeing Kai was has completely brain washed her. She just played the unexpected event over and over again in her mind, her heart feeling as if it was going to push its way out off her chest and go in again the pushy it's way back out again. She was so sure that her face was so red that she looked like a tomato, a strawberry, maybe even an alien! 

"Yah!" Kai nudged Moonhye. "Are you not going to answer?"

He sighed at the silence, of course he was not going to receive an answer. He too was so embarrassed and shocked about the event in the bathroom that it took him quite a while reduce his redden cheeks. It was a shock. It was a huge, gigantic, enormous shock. Getting caught in the shower was one thing but getting caught in the shower by the girl you like is another plus getting caught dancing as well. Kai had hit the ultimate embarrassment. He could never show his face to Moonhye but it seems like Moonhye cannot show her face to him.

Kai sighed and sat beside Moonhye, "I'm just as embarrassed as you are you know... Maybe even more so I think I should be the one crawled into a ball." Kai chuckled, "Sorry... Not good at making people feel better..."

Moonhye looked up, grabbed Kai's hands and placed them on her cheeks, "It's burning hot right? Kai there is no way you can be more embarrassed than me. There is no way a man can be more embarrassed than a woman when she's !" Moonhye pouted and slightly punched Kai's arm, "You're right, you're really bad at cheering someone up." Moonhye chuckled.

"Explain why you're laughing then." Kai smirked.

"That wasn't laughing. That was chuckling." Moonhye defended.


"I said chuckling!"

"Fine then. I'll just have to make you laugh!" Kai quickly grabbed Moonhye's sides and started tickling it.

Moonhye gasped and rolled down on the floor trying to get Kai off of her as she laughed like a hyena, "K- Ka- Kai! S- Stop it!"

Kai, being stubborn as he is, didn't stopped and just continued to tickle Moonhye because he was enjoying it way too much. Seeing the smiling Moonhye was one, seeing Moonhye laugh was another, seeing Moonhye laugh and smile because of him was in a whole new level. He laughed with her hearing that she has the most cutes laugh he could ever hear.

"Kai!" Moonhye managed to push Kai off her with the amount of energy she had left.

They both laid down on the floor by each other panting like there was no tomorrow. Moonhye wiped the sweat off her forehead. She smiled at Kai who was panting with her. I guess he can make people feel better...


The week went by pretty quickly and soon it was the Lees' last day at the Kims' house. Kai who was pouting all day but didn't show it to anyone else, slumped down on their living sofa. What was he watching? His favourite variety show that didn't even put a smile on his face. He switched from channel to channel and all his favourite shows are on. His favourite song was playing at one of the shows but he skipped right through it. There was a CF advert where girl were in bikinis yet he skipped it right away.

He then landed on Han Ye Seul's drama. He stared at it for a while and he felt nothing at all. How did I manage to like her? She's not even that pretty anymore. He sighed and was about to turn off the TV but Moonhye stopped him.

"Han Ye Seul's on!" Moonhye jumped on the sofa then grabbed the remote off of Kai's hands. She turned towards Kai and remembered that he likes Han Ye Seul... She turned to the TV and found Han Ye Seul smiling. She can see why he likes her. She's a right beauty, she's an amazing actress, she's famous, she's loved by everyone, she's...perfect. Moonhye sighed slumped on the sofa, she knew that she shouldn't not like Han Ye Seul but her heart wanted to. She wished Kai would admire her the way he admires Han Ye Seul. She wished Kai would smile at her the way he smiles at Han Ye Seul. But sadly, it can never happen...

Kai glanced at the sighing Moonhye. He raised an eyebrows on what on earth could have troubled Moonhye now. She was all excited and giddy a second ago then all depressed and no energy the next. He could never understand her; maybe that's one of the reasons why he likes her so much. Not that he thinks of it, he doesn't know why he likes Moonhye so much. She's pretty, she's smart, she's talented, she's caring, she's a one of a kind. But there's still so much more that Kai likes her. He cannot pinpoint it. No matter how much he thinks about it, he doesn't think he will find the right reason why he likes her so much. 

Moonhye sighed another long one again still looking at Han Ye Seul and still thinking about how Kai likes her so much. She had never wanted to be another person in her entire life until that moment. Moonhye had lost all her energy at staring at Jan Ye Seul so she switched channel to channel wanting something that could cheer her up. She was completely oblivious to the stare Kai was giving her. She just focused on finding a variety or music programmes, any programme really, to slap her back to herself again. A dance competition was on and it caught Moonhye's attention hearing that the music was the music her and Kai danced to. Moonhye watched the dancers' every move and kept on thinking of her and Kai's dance was better than the dancers on TV. Moonhye and Kai were better, probably because of how much intense concentration they were giving to the dance while the dancers on TV looked like they were about to break down of nervousness.

Kai watched the programme before raising an eyebrow at Moonhye at her sudden change of mood. Is she on her monthly... Kai shook the thought off his head before it gets dangerous. He continued to watch dancers on TV and so something reminded him. Moonhye never said anything about him doing ballet. Kai remembered the time when their families both went out for a picnic and he remembered his mother saying he used to do ballet. He was so damn shy whenever his mother boast him doing ballet.


"Our Jongin goes to the dance club too!" It was Mrs Kim's turn to boast. Kai looked up nervously by the call of his name.

"What?" Kai removed his earphones and listened to their conversation.
"Jongin also won loads of trophies and medals due to dance competition as well. He also danced jazz like Moonhye. Oh! And also ballet!" Mrs Kim beamed.
Kai looked away embarrassed when his mother said he did ballet. He was waiting for Moonhye to laugh or snicker at him but she didn't. She just sat there, quiet, listening to the rest of what his mum was saying. Why isn't she laughing at me? It's funny isn't it? A guy doing ballet? Kai blinked, confused but listened to them anyway. The whole time he was still trying to figure out as to why Moonhye wasn't laughing at him like the rest. 


"Moonhye." Kai called.

Moonhye turned to her left finding Kai's face looking confused. She raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on Kai's shoulder, "You okay Kai?"

"Can I ask you something?" Kai turned to Moonhye. Moonhye slowly nodded, signaling Kai to carry on. "Why did you never joke about me doing ballet?"

Moonhye raised one of her eyebrow even more. She was completely confused. What on Earth is Kai saying? "Why? Should I say something bad about it?"

"Well yeah. A guy doing ballet... It's girly, it's not manly..." Kai made circles with his hand, "You getting me?"

"No... Kai why the hell would I make fun of you when you do ballet?" Moonhye shifted in her seat so she was now full facing Kai.

"I already told you! It's girly and not manly!" Kai shouted, trying to make his point.

"What if it is?" Moonhye tilted her head.

Kai was left speechless. Never in his life he would have expected answer like that. "What do you mean?"

"What if it is girly? What if it is not manly? You do like it right?" Moonhye calmly explained.

Kai slowly nodded in response.

"Then that's all that matters." Moonhye smiled. "If you like it then you like it! Kai, don't even think about what other people say. I didn't think you were that kind of person to be affected what other people say." Moonhye laughed and couldn't help but pinch Kai's cheeks lightly seeing him wide eyed and his mouth slightly opened making him look cute. 

Moonhye turned back to the TV. "Plus. It think it's cool you like ballet. Not many guys like it but I find it very cool." Moonhye said before laying back at the sofa.

Kai just stared at Moonhye the whole time. His heart beating rapidly at the words that came out of Moonhye's pink lips. She found it cool. She didn't make fun of me. She didn't make fun of something I love doing... Moonhye, you make me keep falling deeper and deeper for you.


*Not edited


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!